July 2011

Address: Department of Anthropology

CB # 3115

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, North Carolina27599-3115

(962-1243 (secretary)/962-3040 (office)

962-1613 (fax); e-mail:


Ph.D. 1974 University of California at Irvine (Anthropology); Dissertation: Samoan Concepts of Mental Illness and Treatment.

M.A. 1969 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Anthropology); Thesis: Shango: A Modernizing Cult in Trinidadian Society.

B.A. 1966 EastCarolinaUniversity (Mathematics); magna cum laude

Employment and Professional/Administrative Experience:

2009Visiting Instructor, PhD course: Learning in Organisations: A Meeting Between Emotions, Motivations and Production of Identities. Doctoral School of Organisational Learning, The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus, Copenhagen, DenmarkMay 25-28,. 2009.

2009-Director, Center for Integrating Research and Action, UNC-CH

2008-Member, International Editorial Board, Actio

2007-2010Selection Committee, Distinguished Professorships, UNC-CH

2007-2009Faculty Engaged Scholars Program. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (hereafter UNC-CH).

2007-Co-Director, Center for Integrating Research and Action, UNC-CH

2006-2007Selection Committee, Distinguished Term Professorships, UNC-CH

2006-2009Editorial Advisory Board for Sage Handbook of Identities.

2005-2007American Anthropological Association Commission on Governance.

2004-2005Task Force on Diversity, UNC-CH.

2004-2005Program Chair, Biennial Conference, Society for Psychological Anthropology.

2003Acting Chair (Fall), Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

2002-Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

2002Member, Advisory Board to First Year Seminars, UNC-CH.

2001-2009Editorial Board, Ethos.

2001-2005President-Elect (2001-2003), President (2003-2005), Society for Psychological Anthropology.

2001-2004Member, Advisory Board, Institute for African American Research, UNC-CH.

1999-2009 Corresponding Editor, Ethnography.

1999-2002Member, Community and Diversity Committee, UNC-CH.

1999-2001Chair (2000-2001), Vice Chair (1999-2000), Conference of Chairs, UNC-CH.

1999-2000 Member, Chairs Advisory Council, College of Arts and Sciences, UNC-CH.

1998Invited Participant, NSF/Sloan Foundation Sponsored Working Group on Anthropological Approaches to Middle Class Working Families. Alexandria, VA., May 31-June 2, 1998.

1996-2001 Chair, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1996-2001Member, Advisory Board, Research Laboratories of Archaeology, UNC-CH.

1996-1999Member, Advisory Board, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC-CH.

1996-pres Fellow, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, UNC-CH.

1995-2010Member, Cultural Studies Advisory Board, UNC-CH.

1995Invited Participant, NSF sponsored Workshop on Human Capital Initiative, Arlington, VA., June, 1995.

1995Visiting Professor, Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. May, 1995.

1995-1996Associate Chair, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1994-1997J. Ross Macdonald Professor of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1994Member, Dean's Committee on Cultural Studies, UNC-CH.

1993-1994 Fulbright Evaluation Committee, UNC-CH.

1992-1994Member, National Science Foundation Advisory Panel for Cultural Anthropology.

1992-1994Editor, AnArchaey Notes, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1992-pres Affiliated Faculty, Interdisciplinary Major in Cultural Studies, UNC-CH.

1992Invited Participant, NSF sponsored Workshop on Cognitive Activity in Social and Physical Contexts, Washington, D.C., September.

1991-1997Member, Mentor Faculty of The Carolina Consortium on Human Development, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

1990-1993Faculty Associate, Building and Using a Collaboratory: A Foundation for Supporting and Studying Group Collaborations. National Science Foundation Grant to Department of Computer Science, UNC-CH.

1990-1993 Member, Advisory Committee to the Women's Studies Program, UNC-CH.

1990-1999 Member, Advisory Committee to UNITAS, UNC-CH.

1989-1991Member, Cognitive Science Advisory Board, UNC-CH.

1989-1990Program Chair (Associate Chair '89), General Anthropology Division, American Anthropology Association.

1989-1990Member, Ford Advisory Committee on Integrating Women of Color into the Liberal Arts Curriculum, Duke-UNC Center for Research on Women.

1989-1992 Editorial Board, Ethos.

1987-presProfessor, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1986-1988 Associate Editor, Human Organization.

1984-presReviewer. Cambridge University Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Human Development, Human Organization, American Ethnologist, Ethos, Sociology of Education, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, American Anthropologist.

1981-1983Board of Directors, Society for Psychological Anthropology.

1979-1987 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1979-1987 Member, Kenan Advisory Committee, Institute for Higher Education Opportunity, Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, Georgia.

1978-1980 Associate Chair, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1978-1980 Field Reviewer, National Institute of Education.

1977-presReviewer, National Science Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation.

1975-presMember, Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, UNC-CH.

1974-1979 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, UNC-CH.

1972-1974 Research Associate, Policy Research and Planning Group, Inc.,Berkeley, California.

1970-1973 Consultant, Program Associate, Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development; San Francisco, California.

Research Interests:

Identityand Agency, Social Movements and Activism, Democracy, Schooling, Environmentalism, Gender; US, Nepal

Projects/Publications in Progress or in Press

Journal Articles and Chapters ( in preparation):

Holland, D., W. Lachicotte, Jr., and W. Kempton. n.d. Environmental identity as a mediator of environmental action: The importance of investing one’s self. (In preparation.)


Books and Edited Journal Issues:

Holland, D., D. Nonini, C. Lutz, L. Bartlett, M. Frederick, T. Guldbrandsen, and E. Murillo. 2007 Local democracy under siege: Activism, public interests and private politics. New York: New YorkUniversity Press. (2007-2008 recipient of the Delmos Jones and JagnaSharff Memorial Prize for the Critical Study of North America)

Holland, D., and K. Leander, eds. 2004. Positioning and subjectivity: Narcotaffikers, Taiwanese brides, angry loggers, school troublemakers. Special issue. Ethos 32(2).

Holland, D., and J. Lave, eds. 2001. History in person: Enduring struggles, contentious practice, intimate identities. Albuquerque, N.M.: School of American Research Press.

Holland, D., W. Lachicotte, D. Skinner and C. Cain. 1998. Identity and agency in cultural worlds. Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press.

Skinner, D., A. Pach III, and D. Holland, eds. 1998. Selves in time and place: Identities, experience, and history in Nepal. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Levinson, B., D. Foley, and D. Holland, eds. 1996. The cultural production of the educated person: Critical ethnographies of schooling and local practice. Buffalo, N.Y.: StateUniversity of New York Press.

Holland, D. and M. Eisenhart. 1990. Educated in romance: Women, achievement, and college culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Holland, D., and N. Quinn, eds. 1987. Cultural models in language and thought. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Holland, D., ed. 1978. Ethnographic perspectives on desegregated schools. Special issue. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 9(4).


Holland, Dorothy, Dana Powell, Geni Eng, and Georgina Drew.2010. Models of engaged scholarship: An interdisciplinary group's examination of choices, actions, methods, and strategies for engaged scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Collaborative Anthropologies 3(2010), 1-36.

Holland, Dorothy and Jean Lave. 2009. Social practice theory and the historical production of persons. Actio: An International Journal of Human Activity Theory No. 2:1-15.

Holland, D., and D. Skinner. 2008. Literacies of distinction: (Dis)empowerment in social movements. Journal of Development Studies, Volume 44, No. 6 (July): 849-862. Reprinted in 2009 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literacy and Development K. Basu, B. Maddox and A. Robinson-Pant, eds. New York: Routledge.

Holland, D., G. Fox, and V. Daro. 2008. Social movements and collective identity: A decentered, dialogic view. Anthropological Quarterly, 81 (1): 83-113.

Holland, D., and K. Leander. 2004. Introduction. In Ethnographic studies of positioning and subjectivity: Narcotaffikers, Taiwanese brides, angry loggers, school troublemakers, ed. D. Holland and K. Leander. Special issue.Ethos 32(2):127-139.

Holland, D. 2003. Multiple identities in practice: On the dilemmas of being a hunter and an environmentalist in the USA. In Multiple identifications and the self, ed. T. van Meijl and H. Driesson. Special issue. Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology 42:23-41.

Bartlett, L., and D. Holland. 2002. Theorizing the space of literacy practice. Ways of Knowing2(1):10-22. (To be reprinted in On Ethnography: Approaches to Language and Literacy, TC Press, 2008.)

Kempton, W., D. Holland, K. Bunting-Howarth, E. Hannan, and C. Payne. 2001. Local environmental groups: A systematic enumeration in two geographical areas. Rural Sociology 66(4):557-578.

Skinner, D., J. Valsiner, and D. Holland. 2001. Discerning the dialogical self: A theoretical and methodological examination of a Nepali adolescent’s narrative. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 2(3). Available at

Guldbrandsen, T., and D. Holland. 2001. Encounters with the supercitizen: Neoliberalism, environmental activism, and the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. Special issue, ed. K. Harper. The Anthropological Quarterly 74(3):124-134.

Kitchell, A, W. Kempton, D. Holland, and D. Tesch. 2000. Identities and actions within environmental groups. Human Ecology Review 7(2):1-20.

Holland, D., and D. Skinner. 1995. Contested ritual, contested femininities: (Re)Forming self and society in a Nepali women's festival. American Ethnologist 22(2):279-305.

Holland, D., and Debra Skinner. 1995. Not written by the Fate Writer: A case study of cultural production in Nepal. Folk 37:103-133.

Holland, D., and M. Cole. 1995. Between discourse and schema: Reformulating a cultural-historical approach to culture and mind. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 26(4):475-489.

Skinner, D., D. Holland, and G.B. Adhikari. 1994. The songs of Tij: A genre of critical commentary for women in Nepal. Asian Folklore Studies 53:259-305.

Holland, D., and A. Kipnis. 1994. Metaphors for embarrassment and stories of exposure: The not-so-egocentric self in American culture. Ethos 22(3):316-342.

Holland, D., and J.R. Reeves. 1994. Activity theory and the view from somewhere: Team perspectives on the intellectual work of programming Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal, 1(1&2):8-24. [Slightly modified version appears in Contexts and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human Computer Interaction, ed. B. Nardi. Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press.]

Peacock, J. and D. Holland. 1993. The narrated self. Ethos 21(4):367-383.

Holland, D. 1988. In the voice of, in the image of: Cognitive presentations of attractiveness. IPrA Papers in Pragmatics 2(1/2):106-135.

------. 1988. Culture sharing across gender lines: An interactionist corrective to the status-centered model of culture sharing. American Behavioral Scientist31(2):219-234.

Holland, D., and M. Eisenhart. 1988. Moments of discontent: University women and the gender status quo. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 19(2):115-138.

Holland, D., and J. Valsiner. 1988. Cognition, symbols and Vygotsky's developmental psychology. Ethos 16(3):247-272.

Holland, D., and J. Crane. 1987. Adapting to an industrializing nation: The Shango Cult in Trinidad. Social and Economic Studies36(4):41-66.

Eisenhart, M., and D. Holland. 1983. Learning gender from peers: The role of peer groups in the cultural transmission of gender. Human Organization42(4):321-332.

Holland, D. 1978. Ethnographic perspectives on desegregated schools. Special issue, ed. D. Holland. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 9(4):245-248.

Holland, D., and J. Harding. 1978. Social distinctions and emergent student groups in a desegregated school. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 9(4):272-283.

Book chapters

Holland, D. 2010.Symbolic worlds in time/spaces of practice: Identities and transformations. In Symbolic Transformations: The Mind in Movement through Culture and Society, Brady Wagoner(ed.), 269-283. London: Routledge

Holland, D., and W. Lachicotte. 2007. Vygotsky, Mead and the new sociocultural studies of identity. In The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky, ed. H. Daniels, M. Cole and J. Wertsch, 101-135. Cambridge, U.K.: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Allen, K., V. Daro, and D. Holland. 2007. Becoming an environmental justice activist. In Environmental justice and environmentalism: The social justice challenge to the environmental movement, ed. R. Sandler and P. Pezzullo, 105-134. Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press.

Holland, D. 2004. Self and power in the world of romance: Extending sociogenic theories. In Changing conceptions of psychological life, ed. C. Lightfoot, C. Lalonde, and M. Chandler, 149-182. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kempton, W., and D. Holland. 2003. Identity and sustained environmental practice. In Identity and the natural environment: The psychological significance of nature, ed. S. Clayton and S. Opotow, 317-341. Cambridge, Ma.: The MIT Press.

Holland, D. and D. Skinner. 2001. From women's suffering to women's politics: Re-imagining women's problems after Nepal's 1990 pro-democracy movement. In History in person: Enduring struggles,contntious practice, intimate identities, ed. D. Holland and J. Lave, 93-133. Albuquerque, N.M.: School of American Research Press.

Holland, D., and J. Lave. 2001. Introduction. In History in person: Enduring struggles and the practice of identity, ed. D. Holland and J. Lave, 3-33. Albuquerque, N.M.: School of American Research Press.

Holland, D. and M. Eisenhart. 2000. Moments of discontent: University women and the gender status quo (abridged version). In Schooling the symbolic animal: Social and cultural dimensions of education, ed. B. Levinson (with K. Borman, M. Eisenhart, M. Foster, A. Fox, and M. Sutton), 280-295. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.

Skinner, D., A. Pach III, and D. Holland. 1998. Selves in time and place: An introduction. In Selves in time and place: Identities, experience, and history in Nepal, ed. D. Skinner, A. Pach III, and D. Holland, 3-16. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Skinner, D., and D. Holland. 1998. Contested selves, contested femininities: Selves and society in process. In Selves in time and place: Identities, experience, and history in Nepal, ed. D. Skinner, A. Pach III, and D. Holland, 87-110. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Holland, D. 1997. Selves as cultured: As told by an anthropologist who lacks a soul. In Self and identity: Fundamental issues, ed. R. Ashmore and L. Jussim, 193-221. London: OxfordUniversity Press.

Levinson, B., and D. Holland. 1996. The cultural production of the educated person: An introduction. In The cultural production of the educated person: Critical ethnographies of schooling and local practice, ed. B. Levinson, D. Foley, and D. Holland, 1-54. Buffalo, N.Y.: StateUniversity of New York Press.

Skinner, D., and D. Holland. 1996. Schools as a heteroglossic site for the cultural production of persons in and beyond a hill community in Nepal. In The cultural production of the educated person: Critical ethnographies of schooling and local practice, ed. B. Levinson, D. Foley and D. Holland, 273-299. Buffalo, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.[Reprinted in 2009 Education in Nepa: Problems, Reforms and Social ChangePramodBhatta, ed. Kathmandu, Nepal: Martin Chautari.

Holland, D., and D. Skinner. 1996. The co-development of identity, agency and lived worlds. In Comparisons in human development: Understanding time and Context, ed. J. Tudge, M. Shanahan, and J. Valsiner, 193-221. Cambridge, U.K.: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Holland, D., and A. Kipnis. 1995. American cultural models of embarrassment: The not-so-egocentric self laid bare. In Everyday conceptions of emotion: An introduction to the psychology, anthropology and linguistics of emotion, ed. J. Russell, J. Fernández-Dols, A. S. R. Manstead, and J.C. Wellenkamp, 181-202. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [Somewhat modified version of 1994 article in Ethos.]

Holland, D., and J.R. Reeves. 1994. Activity theory and the view from somewhere: Team perspectives on the intellectual work of programming. In Contexts and consciousness: Activity theory and human computer interaction, ed. B. Nardi, Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press. [Slightly modified version of article appearing in 1994 in Mind, Culture and Activity.]

Holland, D. 1992. The woman who climbed up the house: Some limitations of schema theory. In New directions in psychological anthropology, ed. T. Schwartz, G. White, and C. Lutz, 68-79. Cambridge, U.K.: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Holland, D. 1992. How cultural systems become desire: The case of American romance. In Human Motives and Cultural Models, ed. R. D'Andrade and C. Strauss, 60-89. Cambridge, U.K.: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Eisenhart, M., and D. Holland. 1992. Gender constructs and career choice: The influence of peer culture on women's commitments in college. In The cultural construction of gender, ed. B. Reid and T. Whitehead, 142-180. Champaign, Il.: University of Illinois Press.

Holland, D., and M. Eisenhart. 1989. On the absence of women's gangs in two southern universities. In Women in the South, ed. H. Mathews, 22-46. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press.

Holland, D., and M. Eisenhart. 1988. Women's ways of going to school: Cultural reproduction of women's identities as workers. In Class, race, and gender in U.S. education,ed. Lois Weis, 266-301. Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press.

Holland, D., and D. Skinner. 1987. Prestige and intimacy: The cultural models behind Americans' talk about gender types. InCultural models in language and thought, ed. D. Holland and N. Quinn, 78-111. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Quinn, N., and D. Holland. 1987. Culture and cognition. In Cultural models in language and thought,ed. D. Holland and N. Quinn, 3-40. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Holland, D. 1985. From situation to impression: How Americans use cultural knowledge to get to know themselves and one another. In Directions in cognitive anthropology,ed. J. Dougherty, 389-411. Urbana, Il.: University of Illinois Press.

Clement, D. 1982. Samoan folk knowledge of mental disorders. In Cultural conceptions of mental health and therapy, ed. A. J. Marsella and G. M. White, 193-215. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing.

Harding, J. and D. Clement. 1980. Regularities in the continuity and change of role structures: The Ixil Maya. In Predicting sociocultural change,ed. S. Abbott and J. van Willigen, 5-26. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press.

Holland, D., M. Eisenhart, and J. Harding. 1979. The veneer of harmony: Social race relations in a desegregated school. In Desegregated schools: Appraisals of an American experiment, ed.R. C. Rist, 15-64. New York: Academic Press.

Holland, D., and M. Livesay. 1979. The organization and representation of social race relations in six desegregated schools. In When schools are desegregated, ed. M. Wax, 39-58. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Education.

Holland, D., M. Eisenhart, and J. Wood. 1976. School desegregation and educational inequality: Trends in the literature, 1960-1975. InThe desegregation literature: A critical appraisal, 1-78. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Education; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Holland, D. 1976. Cognitive anthropology and applied problems in education. InDo applied anthropologists apply anthropology?,Ed. M. Angrosino, 53-71. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press.

Holland, D., and B. Colby. 1974. Folk Narrative. In Current trends in linguistics, Vol. 12, ed. T. A. Sebeok. The Hague: Mouton and Company.

Holland, D., and P. Johnson. 1972. The cultural deprivation perspective. In Beyond compensatory education: A new approach to designing educational programs for low-income and ethnic minority children, ed. G.Nimnicht and J. A. Johnson, Jr. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Essay Reviews, Book Reviews, Newsletter Articles:

Holland, D. 2007. Local matters: The time/space of social identification and learning. Essay review of Learning identity: The joint emergence of social identification and academic learning, by Stanton Wortham. Invited Essay Review.Human Development 50(2-3):165-170.

Holland, D., C. Lutz and D. Nonini. 1999. Public life, public good. Anthropology Newsletter 40 (3):1 and 4. [Reprinted in Anthropology and middle class working families: A research agenda, ed. M. Overbey and K. M. Dudley, 72-75. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association, 2000.]

Holland, D. 1992. Review of Feminism and youth culture: From Jackie to Just Seventeen, by Angela McRobbie. American Journal of Sociology .

Holland, D. 1992. Review of Thinking through cultures, by Richard Shweder. American Anthropologist 94(3):747-748.

Holland, D. 1992. History in person, social formation in practice. Anthropology Newsletter 33(4):15.

Holland, D. 1991. Review of Uncertain terms: Negotiating gender in American culture, edited by Faye Ginsburg and Anna LowenhauptTsing. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 3(2):253-255.

Holland, D. 1991. The social origins of cognition: A new integration of psychology and anthropology? Reviews in Anthropology16(2):139-149

Holland, D. 1988. Socially "hot" cultural knowledge. American Anthropologist Newsletter, March 1988, 12-13.

Scheper-Hughes, N., J. Crane, and D. Holland. 1984. Derek Freeman vs. Margaret Mead: The unmaking of anthropology?. Social Science Newsletter69(1):56-64.

Holland, D., and D. Davidson. 1983. Themes in American folk models of gender. Social Science Newsletter68(3):49-60.

Holland, D. 1982. All is metaphor: Conventional metaphors in human thought and language. Reviews in Anthropology9(3):287-297.

Clement, D. 1979. Review of Quantification in cultural anthropology, byAllen W. Johnson. Social Science Quarterly 60.

Reports, Theses and Other Publications:

Holland, D., and D. Skinner. 1985. The meaning of metaphors in gender stereotyping. North Carolina working papers in culture and cognition,no. 3. Department of Anthropology,DukeUniversity, Durham, N.C.

Holland, D., and M. Eisenhart. 1981. Women's peer groups and choice of career. Research report to the National Institute of Education. Available from ERIC: # ED 236 389.

Holland, D., and M. Livesay. 1980. The development of Black community influence in a southern school district. Research report to the National Institute of Education. Available from ERIC: # ED 199 328.

Clement, D., M. Eisenhart, and J. Harding. 1978. Moving closer: An ethnography of a southern desegregated school. Research report to the National Institute of Education. Available from ERIC: # ED 161 969.

Clement, D. 1974. Samoan concepts of mental illness and treatment. Ph.D. diss., University of California at Irvine. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms.