Rockport Town Office
July 8, 2014
Members Present: Dave Jackson, Linda Posson, Noni Ames, Sani Fogel
Members Absent: Jim Sady
Others Present: Charlton Ames, Select Board liaison; Mike Young, Public Works Director;
Dave Jackson called the meeting to order at 3:38pm.
1. Review & Approve minutes of June 12, 2014
Motion: To approve the minutes.
Moved: Linda Posson Second: Noni Ames Vote: in favor 4-0
2. Watering the New Bayberry Plants—Charlton Ames suggested that the bushes be staked with peony cages, if needed. The town will take care of the watering. In the event the town can’t do the watering, committee members will be asked to do it. Dave Jackson also advised the committee that two benches have been moved from Mary Lea to Veterans Park.
3. Relocating the Sign in Mary Lea Park—Charlton reported that the Select Board will consider doing this as it is the wish of the committee and will put it on the agenda for the next SB meeting (Monday, July 14). Mike Young will meet with the Committee to select an appropriate relocation spot for the sign. Sani Fogel suggested that it be placed down by steps into the parking area.
4. Other Work in Mary Lea Park—Dave Jackson suggested that we put off making a decision about a path leading through the park until fall.
5. Removing the Mugo Pines in Marine Park—Linda Posson suggested that we don’t recommend removing the pines until fall, as the Garden Club has already planted some lovely flowers in the small beds around them and the site looks very nice as is for now. Committee members agreed.
6. Update on Van der Kieft Family Memorial Bench in Marine Park—Charlton Ames reported that the SB has approved it. It is now up to Harbormaster Abby Leonard in consultation with the Van der Kieft family to choose the bench design. Dave Jackson pointed out that unfinished mahogany is more durable and longer lasting than teak and therefore would be a good choice. He also advised that Camden library is ordering eight new mahogany benches for their harbor park and that an extra one could easily be added to the order if Abby and the Van der Kiefts are interested in that particular design. Dave will meet with Abby to discuss this possibility.
7. Choice and Location of Canopy Project Trees for Veterans Memorial Park—Dave Jackson reported that he met with Ted Seronsky and Bill Najpauer to scout out possible locations for the three Canopy Project trees. Sugar Maple is one of the choices, as well as Princeton and Valley Forge Elms.
8. Re-finishing the Anchor in Veterans Memorial Park—Charlton showed the Committee a paint chip he obtained from the anchor and Mike Young verified that the color is Chatfield Grey. Charlton reported that the anchor needs to be popped out of mud and repositioned after scraping and repainting and that the flukes and bar need to be placed on a flat natural rock surface about the size of cinder block. Mike Young volunteered to obtain a nice looking local rock for the anchor’s resting place. Charlton suggested swiveling the anchor so it is more parallel to the back of the memorial. Charlton and Rich Roberts will refinish and repaint it at the Public Works shop once Mike Young removes it from the park.
9. Other Business— Mike Young asked the Committee’s advice on the design of the new sign at harbor. Sani Fogel suggested that it shouldn’t be too big and that it should be consistent with other town signs.
Members of the Committee agreed that we invite Garden Club Co-Presidents Penny Baum and Ann Robison and Vice-President Dave Barry to be present for our next meeting, as we will be discussing the paths in Mary Lea as well as removal of the Mugo Pines from Harbor Park.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10. The next meeting will be Tuesday September 9 at 3:30pm at Mary Lea Park. There will not be a meeting in August.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Posson
Recording Secretary