MSA Minutes 11/26/12, 6:30 pm,

Middletown Youth Services, 372 Hunting Hill Ave., Middletown, CT 06457

In attendance: Melinda Brainerd (kei), Kristin Cahill (Snow), Luette Hanson (Bie), Rebecca Deotte (Macd), Holly King (spenc), Johanna Tessman (Law), Monica Montavalo (law), Camille Smith (macd), Carla Hass (wwms/mhs), Justin Carbonella (mysb), Kristy Bryd (FH/wwms), maraiah popeleski (Mid Hsp), Kim O’rourke & co (city of Midd), Sylvia Lecky Bielf/kei/mhs), Kristine Hightower (MHS), Lynette Coleman (MHS0, Joseph Dinatale (MHS VP), Ryan Mertal (MHS DS), Midge Malicki (well. coal.)

6:35 Call to order: Melinda Brainerd

·  Introductions

6:40 Update from Board of Ed Budget committee member: Melinda Brainerd

·  Budget deficits projected $900K to $1.2 million for 2012-13 school year

·  Magnet school tuitions, Cafeteria food programs & Substitute teaching cited as contributing heavily to the deficits

·  Board and Central office asking parents to write, call, email city council to implore them to increase funding for the board of Ed & approve Pat Charles’ budget, particularly because they have been underfunded for several years now.

·  Budget is a major focus of the January MSA meeting- 1/28/13, 6:30, MYSB

6:50 Presentation on the New School Lunches in CT: Maraiah Popeleski, Middlesex Hosp Nutritionist & SDE Food Nutrition Cadre member

·  School lunches regulated by USDA guidelines- new guidelines every 10 years

·  New changes mirror USDA’s recommended guidelines found at:

·  Notable changes: more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, restricted use of white sugar, less fat and smaller portion sizes, Flavored milk must be fat free

·  Also included are new vegetarian options, incl. tofu and less processed foods

·  Concerns from parents:

o  Sugar is not addressed fully, while it cannot be added to the lunches, there is a lot of sugar in the flavored milks & prepared foods being served

o  Milk should not be the solitary beverage option, water should be a choice

o  Flavored milk should not be in elementary schools, undermines healthy lunches

o  Cafeterias concerned about moving the lines when food stations are closed/ staff is reduced due to budget concerns. Also by limiting the cafeteria choices in what it is able to serve, it creates further line congestion when e.g. 300 High school students are waiting in line for the salad bar or deli station because those are the only options they can serve

·  Suggestions by parents for creating awareness and promoting healthy lifestyles:

o  Healthy cooking culinary programs in schools/workshops

o  Teen Iron Chef at MHS

o  Event sponsored by MSA (and/or SPARK grant) focused on healthy eating: from shopping, to preparing/cooking, to eating…

7:05 Project Green Lawn Presentation: Kim O’Rourke, City of Middletown


·  K-8 schools in CT are protected by legislation against pesticides, all schools need protection!

·  Lobbying groups looking to roll back ban in CT, Project Green Lawn wants to promote awareness about the health effects of these chemicals and block the rollback of the ban and increase protections from pesticides to all schools

7:30 Presentation from MPS Health and Wellness Committee: Kristy Byrd

·  In 2005, a Coordinated School Health Survey showed there was a need for more Fitness and Nutrition in our schools

·  Initiatives

o  Incorporating Movement in non-PE classes

o  Healthy Connections- Healthy Mind, Healthy Body wellness at Farm Hill & WWMS

o  New school lunches

o  Expanded breakfast programs at all elementary schools in 2013-2014

§  Program currently being piloted at Macdonough with great success

8:05 Presentation from Coalition for Community Wellness: Midge Maliki

·  Dept of Health has a grant to access wellness and community needs in Middletown, Midge Maliki is coordinating those efforts

·  In-depth survey being distributed to community members and stakeholders to determine the needs of the city, and the next step is to select programs to meet the health and wellness needs and goals of the city of Middletown.

·  Collection phase, Midge will come back to report on new programs and initiatives once the data collection is complete

8:10 Adjournment: Melinda Brainerd, First: Luette Hanson; Seconded: Rebecca Deotte

Next Meeting: 1/28/13, 6:30, MYSB, 372 Hunting Hill Ave., Middletown, CT 06457

MSA January Topics: Budget and Implementation of the Common Core State Standards