KAT Chemistry Unit Plan 1
Chemistry basics and mathematical calculations September 2013
UNIT OBJECTIVES: At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
1. Explain the characteristics of three common states of matter.
2. Describe physical and chemical changes, and give examples of each.
3. Identify the reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
4. Calculate percent composition of a mixture
5. Identify and use SI units in measurements and calculations
6. Set up conversion factors, and use them in calculations.
7. Identify and describe physical properties including density.
8. Distinguish between accuracy and precision
9. Determine the number of significant figures in measurement, and apply rules for significant figures in calculations and reporting numbers.
10. Use concepts of mathematical conversions and critical thinking to solve problems involving caloric intake and obesity.
REQUIRED ACTIVITIES: You can achieve these objectives through the following required activities:
1. Read Holt text Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and complete assigned problems and questions.
2. Complete all labs and reflective journal entries.
3. Complete the math calculation worksheets.
4. Participate in and complete the math station competition for bonus points.
5. Analyze and comment on scientific experiment scenarios and suggest alternative methods.
6. Complete case study reflection questions and readings
7. Complete all quizzes and exams with minimum 80% mastery.
8. Do Now and reflection activities
ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES: Enrichment activities may be completed in addition to required activities in order to replace a low test/ quiz score or to make up for missed daily participation points for unexcused absences. Enrichment activities may be turned in anytime up to the day of the unit test.
1. Find a newspaper or magazine article, summarize the article, and be prepared to share with the class (10 pts.)
2. Conduct research on a famous chemist and discuss relevant work and contribution to the advancement of scientific understanding (50 pts.) see me for rubric.
3. Create a rap song of poem that describes how matter transitions from one state to another. (20 pts).
Sept. 3/4: Activity: Take a brief pre-assessment on measurement and physical science concepts. Activity: You will work with your tablemates to begin work in the introduction case study. Activity: Take notes on Introduction to chemistry and presentation on significant figures and math conversions. Activity: 6th period only: You will identify your science fair project. Record your hypothesis and materials in your composition book. Homework: Practice problems page 59, questions 6,8,9,10,11 on page 63, 15 through 20 and 30 and 31 on pages 66-67.. (Due 9/9).
Sept. 5/6: Activity: Watch “Hunting the Elements” video and complete critical thinking reflection guide.
Homework: Continue reading chapter 1. Work on background information for science fair projects. Homework: Practice problems page 14, questions 3,5,6,7,8,12 page 45 (Due 9/11-12).
Sept.9/10: Activity: Take notes on Conversion presentation (teacher ) Activity 2: Students will break into groups of three and work through practice problems on conversions (group work). Activity 3: Student groups will work together to complete a guided inquiry activity to apply understanding of mathematic conversions to solve problems involving ordering materials for a military regiment. Activity 4: Students will share solution strategies with competing groups to verify accuracy of calculations and solution.
Sept. 11/12: Activity : Students will continue to take notes on scientific notation and work in study groups to complete practice problems. Activity: Students will get into study groups to work on case study.
Homework:, practice problems 1-3 page 59. (Due 9/16-17).
Sept.13Activ ity: 1: More math practice with teams Activity: You will work in study groups on Math practice problems.
Sept. 16/17 Do Now: What are you struggling with in the homework, what concepts are most difficult for you? Which concepts are easy? Activity: Homework review. Activity: Students will take notes from a brief demonstrations on separating mixtures versus compounds and a demonstration on temperature and energy. Activity(Time permitting): Students will take notes on how matter is classified and some differences between terms in chemistry. (i.e. temperature/heat, weight/mass, quantity/unit, chemical properties/physical properties.) Activity: Students will get into study groups to work on case study.
Sept. 18/19: Do Now: safety review quiz Activity1: Density demonstration. Lab Activity: Density and measurement lab with dihydrogen monoxide, alcohol, and vegetable oil. Activity: Students study groups will analyze data and prepare a quick presentation on findings.
Sept. 20/23: Do Now: check in quiz Activity1: Finish presentation on percent composition and dimensional analysis. Activity 2: Percent composition quick lab. Homework: Review worksheets on math concepts***Extra credit***create and demonstrate your own percent composition activity using household items such as cereal or hair barretts!!!!
23: Do Now: check in quiz Activity1: Finish presentation on percent composition and dimensional analysis. Activity 2: Percent composition quick lab. Homework: Review worksheets on math concepts***Extra credit***create and demonstrate your own percent composition activity using household items such as cereal or hair barretts!!!!
Sept 24/25: What difficulties have you experienced while working on the case study? What strategies did you and your group use to overcome these obstacles? How might these strategies help you in the future with college and career? Activity1: Groups of 3 work through math stations for bonus points. Activity 2: Case study group work to finish case study and share findings. Homework: review for exam.
Sept. 26/Oct. 1:Do Now: Study for exam with the 3,2,1 method. Activity1: You will complete exam 1 with at least 80% mastery (I know you can do this!). Activity 2: Begin reading case study 2 “Avogadro goes to court” or “What is a Googol of atoms?”.
Next test date (tentative)September 26-Oct. 1!
Chemical, chemical reaction, states of matter, reactant, product, matter, volume, mass, weight, quantity, unit, conversion factor, physical property, density, chemical property, atom, pure substance, element, molecule, compound, mixture, homogeneous, heterogeneous, temperature, heat, significant figures, endothermic, expothermic, kinetic energy, specific heat, hypothesis, theory, accuracy, precision, pure substance, element, molecule, compound, mixture, homogeneous, heterogeneous.