Detailed notification inviting offers for premises for opening our new branch at Bareja district Ahmedabad is available on our web site Prescribed format for submission of offer may be obtained from our Office at Bank of India Building, 5th Floor, Engineering Department, Bhadra, Ahmedabad : 380 001.
Last date for submission of offer is up to 5.00 P.M. on 17.01.2013 at Zonal Office.
Offers in two separate sealed covers containing technical details and financial details respectively are invited from interested parties, who are ready to lease out their readily available premises meeting the following conditions:
1The premises should be located at ground floor only
2It should be on the main road in prominent location with minimum frontage of 20 feet
3It should have sufficient earmarked parking space for staff and customers.
4There shall be a clear hall with minimum number of pillars in between.
5Construction should be new and quality of construction should be good.
6Electricity and water facility should be available.
7Landlord shall submit NOC for enhancement of power load as per requirement of the Bank
8Vitrified Tiles Flooring shall be done by the landlord as per requirement of the Bank (Euro Make Athena shade)
9Two separate toilets, for ladies and gents, should be constructed by the landlord as per the requirement of the Bank
10Internal painting shall be done by the landlord.
11If the premises is selected, landlord shall construct Safe Deposit Vault at his own cost, as per requirement & specifications of the Bank
12The title to the property should be clear having all statutory permissions available like BU etc.
on long term lease basis, preferably for 25 years or more. The approximate carpet area of premises for these should be about 1500sq.ft. approximately. The cover containing technical details should be marked Envelope No.1 and superscribed with “TECHNICAL BID”. The Technical Bid shall contain the name & address of the property, copies of title deeds, plan showing the property, name, address & mobile number of owner.
The cover containing financial details should be marked Envelope No.2 and superscribed with “FINANCIAL BID’. Both these covers duly sealed should be put in a 3rd cover superscribed with “Offer of Premises for “BAREJA BRANCH” and it should also bear the name and address/ phone number of the offerer. The 3rd cover duly sealed should be addressed to the Zonal Manager and submitted as detailed hereunder.
The offer as above should be submitted in Bank’s prescribed format only, which may be obtained from Bank of India, Engineering Department, 5th Floor, Bhadra, Ahmedabad : 380 001 between 11.00 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. (on other working days) and between 11.00 A.M. and 2.00 P.M. ( on Saturdays) up to 17.01.2013 free of cost. The sealed offers will be received at Bank Of India, Engineering Department, 5th Floor, Bhadra, Ahmedabad : 380 001, between 11.00 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. (on other working days) and between 11.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. (on Saturday), up to17.01.2013 (last date). The Bank reserves the right to accept / reject any/all the offers without assigning any reason whatsoever. We shall not entertain brokers.