10 Monroe Street, Troy, NY 12180
Membership agreement between Northeast Ceramic Supply, Inc. hereafter referred to as NCS, and ______the Member, for shelf space and use of facilities known as Monroe ClayWorks, hereafter referred to as MCW.
Term: Member agrees to lease/membership for a term of one month. If Member moves out, he/she agrees to give Barbara Reeley and Dennis Smith at NCS two weeks written notice before the lease/membership expires. Otherwise he/she will be regarded as renewing this membership automatically for another month as long as NCS agrees to extend the lease/membership.
Rental: Member will make monthly rental payments of $75.00 to NCS on the first of this month and on the first of each subsequent month. Special terms or rates may be negotiated with NCS and may be added to this agreement. The member understands that if he/she becomes two months behind in rent payment he/she may be asked to vacate ClayWorks shelf space with all his/her supplies and equipment until he/she pays all rent due NCS. All privileges will be revoked until all financial obligations are met unless special arrangements have been made with Barbara Reeley and Dennis Smith.
Payment: The Member will authorize NCS to charge the rent to an active MasterCard, Visa or Discover account, provided by the Member on the first of each month that rent is due. Member also will authorize NCS to charge to their account any firing and supply fees incurred with this rental agreement. If the Member does not wish to continue to rent the shelf space, he/she must give NCS two weeks notice in advance of leaving. NCS and all employees of NCS will keep credit card information confidential.
Conditions: The Member agrees to be aware of the following:
Management of Monroe ClayWorks is under direct supervision of Barbara Reeley, of Northeast Ceramic Supply. The Member understands that this agreement allows Member to use shared space and equipment made available to Monroe ClayWorks and the designated shelf space will be set aside as the Member's private space.
Classes are held within Monroe ClayWorks under the auspices of NCS.
The Member may provide their own tools and supplies upon approval of Monroe ClayWorks and NCS. Other Members without express permission of the owner of the tools and supplies will not use the tools and supplies. The Member may be held responsible for repair or replacement of any equipment that they may abuse or break whether intentional or not. Resolution of such matters will be made by Monroe ClayWorks and NCS.
NCS and MCW assume no responsibility for damage or loss of any personal property the Member brings to the studio.
The Member will keep his/her shelf space reasonably clean. Member will clean all tables, tools, floor and areas each time they work at MCW.
There will be no use of tobacco or illegal drugs at Monroe ClayWorks by anyone.
The Member must purchase their own supplies for consumption including clay (at the ton rate), tools and glazes (with the exception of three (3) specified Member glazes).
During open hours (Tuesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.) Member will have access to Monroe ClayWorks and use of equipment provided in the studio by NCS, including electric wheels, slabroller, extruder, electric kilns, wedging tables and other equipment. During scheduled class times Members will use Member room with the Member wheels and canvas covered work tables.
Sufficient water, heat, electric and sanitary facilities will be provided.
There is a library for use by Members. All books, magazines and movies are to be used on premises and not removed from premises for any reason.
Access to electric kilns under the supervision of Barbara Reeley and Dennis Smith. Firing charges will be charged in advance of firings. There is a firing log, firing chart and firing tickets. Firing charges for extended sculpture firing or heavily loaded tile loads will be negotiated by Barbara Reeley and Dennis Smith.
Weather permitting, the first Saturday of June MCW will have a raku firing ~ each member can fire free of charge three (3) pieces that have been previously bisque fired. These pieces can be a maximum of 12" x 12" in size. Reservations are required. Sign up as soon as you can as there is a limit to number of participants.
The Member Room has sufficient shelving to allow each Member a 2' x 4' private shelf space. Each Member will have their name posted on the front of their shelf designating their private shelf space. There are two wheels, two stools and two work tables in the Members Room. Use of the Teaching Studio is allowed during all open hours when no classes or workshops are in session. Only white clay use is permitted in the Teaching Studio.
Members can sell their handmade work at the NECS (Northeast Ceramic Supply) Gallery beginning November 2014. Five pieces of work can be displayed on the NECS Gallery shelves. NECS will sell displayed work and take a 30% commission. Checks will be available after the 20th of each month for sales of work.
MCW Members will have use of future spraybooth for glazing, use of the gas kiln (Ellie) and the wood kiln (Bruno).
MCW Members will have use of three (3) specified cone 5/6 glazes free of charge.
Clay and firing fees are not included in MCW membership. Members receive the ton break in clay cost. MCW Members will have use free of charge of specified MCW tools.
MCW Members may come to Second Saturday mini-workshops for half the price of the workshop.
Monroe ClayWorks will begin a mosaic/shard fence and MCW Members may participate in the mosaic project that will be ongoing.
The opportunity to cooperate with other Members in the purchase of materials, kiln firings, equipment and supplies. The opportunity to share ideas with others.
The opportunity to work alone or with others.
Violation of any part of this agreement may be cause for eviction. The Member will be responsible for any legal fees incurred by NCS in the effort to recoup past due rent or for expenses caused by Member.
The Member by signing below acknowledges that he/she has read this agreement, understands it, agrees to it, and has been given a copy.
Lease Beginning Date______
Member Full Name______
Home Address______
Home Telephone______
Cell Telephone______
Member's Email______
Member's Signature______
Signature of NCS Representative______
Member's Credit Card
MC/VISA/DIS ______
Exp. Date______