Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Agenda for the Meeting of the Council to be held on Tuesday 26 January 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church
1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies
2. Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
3. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 11 November (copies attached)
4. Matters arising
i. Grass cutting – To receive a summary of the submitted tenders and to determine successful contractor (report will be available at the meeting)
ii. Highways – drains – to receive update following reporting drainage issues to the Highways department
5. Policing report – PCSO Bryan Tongue will attend to provide a police update (report already circulated)
6. Playing Field
a. Funding – to receive report from Steven Smith, Chair of the Playing Field Committee
b. Asset Transfer of the playing field from HDC to the PC – To note the signing of an additional document since the last meeting
7. Avenue – To discuss the outcome of the community consultation and open meeting held on 11 January and to agree approach and next steps
8. Financial matters –
· To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see below and attached)
· To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see below)
· Audit arrangements – to note changes and to determine approach (paper attached)
· Funding from development in the parish - £2,200 S106 funding – to note current allocation for this funding and agree any change of priority
· Funding for PC, printer etc – report by Clerk
9. Superfast Broadband – to note e-mail from Susan Hargadon, Community Project Executive, Superfast North Yorkshire re action required by anyone wanting to use this service
10. Outcome of 6-monthly check of village – report from Councillors John Duck and Jenny Rydzewski
11. Hambleton Local Plan – to determine response (paperwork already circulated)
12. Emergency Plan – to note position
Receipts and payments:
Receipts – Royal Legion (Remembrance Day wreath) - £25; Sarah Lowe – Salary - £50.40; 26.40 Expenses - £7.45, £11.81; HMRC - £94.40; MFJ Management (grass cutting and village maintenance) – £624.00 and £3864.00
Bank accounts as at 19 January 2016
Current account - £-60.88
Deposit account - £2882.44
Note: £1,300 was transferred from the deposit account to the current account in December to cover the payments to MFJ Management. A further £250 was transferred on 19 January 2016.
Institute Committee account - £16831.44
Hours worked:
November – 10 hours 30 minutes
December – 5 hours 30 minutes