Eliezer B. Ayal April 2000
Address: Office:Home:
Department of Economics (M/C 144)2948 Birchwood Avenue
University of Illinois at ChicagoChicago IL 60645
601 S. Morgan Street (Room 718 UH)(773) 743-0469
Chicago, IL 60607-7121
Office: (312) 355-0506
FAX: (312) 996-3344
Present - 1991:Professor of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
Present - Dec. 1985:Chairman, Campus Thailand Committee
1992 - Feb. 1986:Campus Coordinator of Programs and Exchanges with Universities in Thailand
1991 - 1972:Associate Professor of Economics,
University of Illinois, Chicago.
1982 - 1972:Chairman, Graduate Curriculum Committee.
Sept. 1974 - Sept. 1972:First Director of Graduate Studies (including active involvement in establishing the graduate program in economics).
Sept. 1972 - Sept. 1970:Visiting Professor of Economics, UIC.
Aug. 1970 - Feb. 1969:Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
1968 - 1965:National Planning Association, Senior Economist (including two years in the Philippines).
1967 - 1965:University of Philippines, Visiting Professor of Economics.
1967 - 1962:Economic Adviser (short stints), Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, World Bank, UNECAFE (Mekhong River Project)
1965 - 1963:Harvard University, Research Associate, Center for International Affairs.
1968, 1965-1963Foreign Service Institute, Lecturer on Economic Development and Southeast Asia.
Summer 1964:University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Associate Professor of Economics.
1963 - 1960:The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Assistant Professor of Economics (1963-1961, Associate of the Center for Southern Asian Studies).
1959 - 1957:Cornell University, Teaching Fellow, Department of Economics.
Summer 1957:Cleveland Metropolitan Services Commission, Research Economist.
1956 -1954:Sponsored Research in Thailand and neighboring countries.
1956 - 1955:Director, Junior Chamber of Thailand
1954 - 1952:Co-founder and Editor, Kalkelan, the first economic weekly in Hebrew, Jerusalem.
1954 - 1952:Assistant Editor (part time) Israel Economist, English monthly.
Since 1960:Referee for university presses, scholarly journals, and foundations.
Since 1961:Supervision of MA and Ph.D. theses, and serving as a member of thesis committees: The University of Illinois at Chicago;
The University of West Bengal;
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
University of the Philippines;
Harvard University;
The University of Michigan.
2001Advisory Board of the Research Center for Economic Development (RCED), Israel.
2001Editorial Board, Economic Pioneer
February 1993Invited to join the National Bureau of Asian Research
Since 1989:Editorial Board, Research on International and Comparative Entrepreneurship.
Summer 1992Selected for the Summer Institute, Sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies.
1991 - 1986A multi year grant from USIA for faculty exchanges and research cooperation with Chiang Mai University.
1984:Two Fulbright grants (for details on these and other grants see section on Grants and Fellowships).
1976 - 1980:President, council on Thai Studies. On the Executive Committee in other years.
Various years:Distinguished Scholar series of lectures and seminars at Indiana University, University of London (England), Northern Illinois University, Yale University, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok), Tel Aviv University (Israel), University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), University of Nepal, Leuven University (Belgium), Tokyo University, The University of Amsterdam.
Scattered yearsVarious Who's Who
1959Phi Beta Kappa.
(Related material is listed under Grants, Fellowships, etc.)
1.The Study of Thailand, author and editor, Ohio University Press, Center for International Studies, Winter 1978/79. Supported by grants from the Ford Foundation and the Association for Asian Studies.
2.Micro Aspects of Development (ed.), Praeger Publishers, 1973. Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
3.Underdevelopment and Economic Nationalism in Southeast Asia, (Co-author with Golay, Anspach and Pfanner), Cornell University Press. 1969.
Articles and Chapters in Books:
4.“Components of Economic Freedom and Growth: An Empirical Study” (with George Karras), The Journal of Developing Areas, Spring, 1998
5."Bureaucracy, Investment and Growth" (with George Karras), November 1996 in the journal Economics Letters.
6."Lines of Causality Between Democracy and Economic Development," in Advances in Economic Psychology, (Antonides, van Raaij and Maital, eds.), 1996, by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
7."Development and Democracy." Proceedings of the International conference of the IAREP/SABE, July 1994, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
8."The Founders of Hadera, Israel, A case of Ideological Migration", Papers in Jewish Demography, June 1993.
9."Thailand's Development: The Role of Bangkok", Pacific Affairs, Vol 65, no. 3, Fall 1992, pp. 353-367.
10."Primate Cities that Prime Growth", ICANAS, vol. 33, Fall 1992.
11."Thailand and the World: The Transformation to Modernity," in Richard H. Brown and William Liu (eds.) Modernization in East Asia, (Praeger, 1992).
12."Variability in Time and Place of Entrepreneurs, Empirical Results and Theoretical Implications," Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Asian Studies, summer 1989.
13."Entrepreneurship in the Towns of Northern Thailand", Journal of Development Planning (with L. Chulasai), Summer 1988.
14."Behavioral Variability in Migration", S. Maital (ed.), Applied Behavioral Economics, (Wheatsheaf Books, 1988).
15."The Interpretation of the Economic Development of Thailand", Cross-Currents (Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asia), May 1985.
16."Arab Labor in Palestine and Beyond Within a Two-Sector Development Model", Middle East Review, Spring/Summer 1983.
17."The Economics of the Disapora Revisited" (with Barry Chiswick), Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 1983.
18."Economic Factors Behind United Nations Actions", Middle East Review, Vol.XIII, no. 2, Winter 1980-81.
19."Comment" on David Feeny's, "Economic Studies of Thailand", in E.B. Ayal (ed.) The Study of Thailand, Ohio University Press, Center for International Studies, 1978, pp. 154-158.
20."Determinants of Urbanization and Growth", The Journal of Economics, Fall 1977.
21."The Economics of Migration in LDC", Proceedings of the Illinois Economic Association, 1976.
22."Convergences and Challenges in International Relations - Comparative Studies", Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, October 1971.
23."Thailand", a study of Thai Indigenism, in Frank Golay et al, Underdevelopment and Economic Nationalism in southeast Asia Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1969, pp. 267-340.
24."Nationalist Ideology and Economic Development", Human Organization, Fall 1966. Originally presented in a panel on the subject., which I was asked to organize by the American Psychological Association.
25."Private Enterprise and Economic Progress in Thailand", The Journal of Asian Studies, November 1966. This paper was translated and published in Japan and in Brazil. Also appeared in a book of readings on comparative economic systems.
26."Analysis of the Ranis-Fei Model of Economic Development", The Philippine Economic Journal, July 1966.
27."The Impact of Export Taxation on the domestic Economy of Underdeveloped Countries", The Journal of Development Studies, University of London, July 1965. This was widely recognized as a pioneering article on export taxation., and was repeatedly cited.
28."The Meaning and Process of Economic Development", (review article), economic Development and Cultural Change, April 1965.
29."Data on African Labor", comment, Economic Journal, December 1964.
30."Value Systems and Economic Development in Japan and Thailand", Journal of Social Issues, January 1963. This paper was reprinted in books, of readings and has been and continues to be discussed extensively in the literature. It was also translated into German it appeared in Rudolf Braun etal (eds.), Gesellschaft in der Industriellen Revolution, (Koln, Germany: Kiepenheuer R. Witch, 1973).
31."Thailand's Six-Year National Economic Development Plan", Asian Survey, January 1962.
32."Some Crucial Issues in Thailand's Economic Development", Pacific Affairs, Summer 1961.
33."The Chinese in Southeast Asia", Hamizrah Hehadash, quarterly journal of the Israel Oriental Society, 1956.
34."The Relative Variability of Domestic and Migrant Worker Employment" (with R.M. Peck), 1993.
35.Over Urbanization, Urban Functions, City Systems and Economic Development, Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, November, 1989.
36.The Economic Analysis of Urbanization and Development - Moving Beyond the Constraints of Prevailing Definitions and Approaches, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, Sept. 1985.
37."Political and Economic Implications of the Iranian Revolution", APPME Bulletin, 1979.
38.Applications of Rybczynski's Theorem to Economic Development (with Patrick Young) Department of Economics, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1970.
39.Manufacturing and Economic Growth: An Application to the Philippines. A book-length study for the National Planning Association 1969.
40.The Symmetry Between Export Taxes and Tariffs (with Patrick Young) Department of Economics, University of Illinois-Urbana, 1969.
41.Multiple-Sector Models for Analyzing Economic Development, National Planning Association, 1969.
42.Financing Long Term Investments in Philippine Manufacturing Firms, National Planning Association, 1968.
43.Determinants of Growth of Manufacturing Firms, National Planning Association, 1967.
44.The Philippine Cotton Textile Industry, National Planning Association, 1966.
45.The Development of Philippine Manufacturing Since World War II, National Planning Association, 1966.
46.The Private Sector in Development Planning, National Planning Association, 1965.
47.A Staple Theory for Surplus-Capacity Underdeveloped Countries, Harvard University, Center for International Affairs, 1964.
48.Extension of the Vent for Surplus model of Trade and Development, Harvard University, Department of Economics, 1964.
This list is incomplete, especially the years before 1981.
49.Economic Development and Cultural Change forthcoming, of Elliot Kulick and Dick Wilson, Thailand's Turn: Profile of a New Dragon, St. Martin Press, 1994.
50.Economic Development and Cultural Change forthcoming, of H. Brookfield, A.S. Hadi and Z. Mahmud, The City in the Village (Oxford University Press, 1991).
51.Crossroads, Fall 1993, of Kevin Hewison, Bankers and Bureaucrats (New Haven: Yale Monograph Series 1989).
52.Asian Pacific Economic Literature, May 1992, of: Robert Muscat, Thailand and the United States: Development, Security and Foreign Aid (N.Y., Columbia University Press 1990).
53.The Journal of Economic Literature, June 1991 of: Saskia Sassen, The Mobility of Labor and Capital, (Cambridge University Press 1988).
54.Economic Development and Cultural Change, April 1991, of: Suehiro Akira, Capital Accumulation in Thailand, 1855-1985. (Tokyo: Center for East Asian Cultural Studies, 1989)
55.Economic Development and Cultural Change, July 1989, of: Kojima, Recitsu, Urbanization and Urban Problems in China, (Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, 1987); and Singh, J.P. Patterns of Rural Urban Migration in India, (New Delhi: Inter India Publications, 1986)
56.The Journal of Asian Studies, May 1986, Han Ten Brummelhuis and Jeremy H. Kemp (eds) Strategies and Structures in Thai Society (Amsterdam 1984)
57.The Journal of Asian Studies, May 1985 of Fuller, Kamunansilpa, Lightfoot and Saweng Migration and Development in Modern Thailand (Bangkok: The Social Science Association of Thailand, 1983)
58.The Journal of Asian Studies, August 1983, Santikarn, Technology Transfer: A Case Study (Singapore University Press, 1983)
59.International Migration Review, Fall 1982, of Mijia, Pizurki and Royston Physician and Nurse Migration: Analysis and Policy Implication (World Health Organization, 1979)
60.The American Political Science Review, March 1975, E. Lachica The Huks: Philippine Agrarian Society in Revolt (Praeger 1971)
61.Journal of Asian Studies, Fall 1973, James C. Ingram Economic Change in Thailand 1850-1970; (Stanford University Press, 1971)
The editors of the following two journals agreed that I write both reviews since the focus was different in the two reviews.
62.Journal of Finance, March 1971, Alek A. Rozental, Finance and Development in Thailand (Praeger 1970)
63.Journal of Asian Studies, February 1971, Alek A. Rozental, Finance and Development in Thailand (Praeger, 1970)
64.Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. XIV, No. 4 August 1966. Research in Income and Wealth, Asian Studies in Income and Wealth, Papers Presented at the First Conference on Income and Wealth (New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965), pp. 738-739.
65.Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 23 No. 1, February 1964, United States Economic Survey Team of Indonesia, Indonesia: Perspective and Proposals for U.S. Economic Aid, A Report to the President of the United States (New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies 1963) pp. 142-143.
66.Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 22, No. 4, August 1963, Louis J. Walinsky, Economic Development in Burma 1951-1960 (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1962) pp. 496-497.
67.Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 22, No. 4, August 1963, T.H. Silcock (Editor), Readings in Malayan Economics (Singapore; Eastern University Press, 1962) pp. 495-496.
The above lists exclude numerous articles and columns published in many non strictly academic publications around the world. These include the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, Commentary Midstream, Bulletins of the American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, New Statesman and Nation, as well as monthlies and newspapers in Chicago, Israel and Thailand.
Ph.D. 1956-1960Cornell University, in Economics (with minors in Far Eastern Studies and International Administration) 1961.
1955Fine Arts University and Thai Language Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Thai Language and History of Far Eastern Art).
M.A.1948-1952Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel in, Economics (with minors in Statistics and Near Eastern Studies) 1954.
Fellowship for the Summer Institute in Ann Arbor sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies and funded by the Ford Foundation, Summer 1992.
MUCIA Grant for travel to explore arrangements for joint research on privatization and entrepreneurship in Israel, summer 1990.
UIC Graduate School, three grants for presenting papers in international conferences; in 1986, 1988, and 1989.
USIA, University Affiliations Grant, October 1986 to October 1992.
Fulbright Foundation Grant at Thammasat University, Bangkok Thailand, 1984. This grant was established especially for me since the Foundation had not previously allocated funds for this purpose.
USIS, trips to Bangla-Desh and Nepal for lectures in universities, research institutions and government institutes 1984.
Ford Foundation, New International Economic Order, for research help in Thailand, October-December 1984.
Fulbright and University grant at the Truman Institute, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, December 1984.
Graduate School, UIC, grant for participation in the International Congress of Social Economics, Israel, Summer 1981.
Ford Foundation - Association for Asian Studies Grant for a conference on the study of Thailand, 1978.
American Professors for Peace in the Middle East Study Mission to Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Israel, Summer 1977.
University of Illinois, Winter Quarter leave for work on migration, urbanization and economic development, 1976/77.
Research Board - Graduate School, University of Illinois at Chicago, Faculty Research Grant, 1974.
National Science Foundation, Grant for organizing and publishing a research conference on Micro-Aspects of Development, 1971.
Graduate School and Department of Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Faculty Grants, 1969,1970.
United States Agency for International Development, Manila, Philippines, for interview-survey of manufacturing firms, 1967.
Department of Economics and the Center for Research on Economic Development, University of Michigan. Special sabbatical and travel grant to Southeast Asia, Fall Semester 1962.
Ford Foundation Faculty Research Fund, University of Michigan, Research Grants, 1961-1962.
Southeast Asia Grant, Cornell University, 1960.
Warsaw Fellowship, Department of Economics, cornell University, 1959/60.
Ford Foundation Public Affairs Grant, Cornell University, 1959.
Southeast Asia and Cornell Social Science Research Council Grants, 1958.
Cornell Southeast Asia Fellowship, 1956/57.
American Economic Association (Life Member); American Academy of Political and Social Science; Association for Asian Studies; a number of other economic associations (e.g. Eastern, Mid West, Western, Atlantic, etc.); Council on Thai Studies (President 1976-1980).
United Nations Department for International Economic and Social Affairs (DIESA)
International Operation Resources
Vermont College Graduate Program, guiding Thesis writing
Illinois-Israel Commerce Commission
Thailand-USA commission (Fulbright)
Foerder Institute for Economic Research, Tel-Aviv University.
Center for Strategic Studies, Chulalongkorn University.
Telestar - The impact of worldwide satellite communications on economic development.
Was invited to provide consulting services in Southeast Asia, usually for short periods. Including: ECAFE (Mekhong River Project); Thailand (National Income Office); Burma (Rice Marketing Board); Philippines (Survey of Manufacturing Firms for US AID).