Assignment Nine - Solutions

File name: 8ss9

Marks: /40 marks

Section A: Multiple Choice - ______/10 marks
Section B: True and False - ______/10 marks
Section C: Matching - ______/10 marks
Section D: Advantages and Disadvantages of Imperialism Chart - ______/10 marks
ASSIGNMENT TOTAL: ______/40 marks

Section A - Multiple Choice (10 marks)

Read each of the following questions below and then choose the BEST answer by highlighting your choice. Each question is worth one mark

  1. This explorer was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I aboard his ship, the Golden Hind. The British considered him to be a hero, while the Spanish called him a pirate and a thief.
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Francis Drake
  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • Henry Hudson
  1. Many European explorers were considered to be heroes in their homelands for their various achievements; however, when one considers these same individuals from the ______of the Indigenous peoples, their worldview of exploration and its explorers would be very different. This is an example of a
  • point of view
  • perspective
  • society
  • imperialism
  1. An appropriate short definition for “imperialism” would be
  • “agricultural exploration”
  • “military missions.”
  • “religious voyages.”
  • “empire-building.”

4. What is the difference between a point of view and a perspective?

  • A point of view expresses one person’s opinion about an issue, while a perspective expresses the views of a collective group.
  • A perspective expresses one person’s opinion about an issue, while a point of view expresses the views of a collective group.
  • A point of view considers the positives or benefits of an issue, while a perspective expresses the negatives or drawbacks.
  • A perspective considers the positives or benefits of an issue, while a point of view expresses the negatives or drawbacks.
  1. Which of the following is an example of a perspective?
  • “The book says that he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth aboard his own ship!”
  • “I think he is crazy – if he sails too far, he will fall off the edge of the planet!”
  • “Personally, he should apologize and atone for all his sins and crimes!”
  • “He must pay for what he has done to our Spanish armies and world reputation!”

6. According to primary resources, many Europeans, upon engaging in contact with the Indigenous peoples, felt that European culture was superior because they saw themselves as being more ______than the Indigenous people they met.

  • cooperative
  • wealthy
  • civilized
  • inferior

7. The Treaty of Tordesillas was written by the Pope to address the constant bickering over land ownership between ______and ______.

  • France and Britain
  • Spain and Portugal
  • Britain and Italy
  • Spain and France

8. What was the main cause of the decimation of early populations of the Indigenous peoples in both the Americas between 1500 and 1800?

  • War with the Europeans
  • Food shortages and starvation
  • Diseases and lack of immunity
  • Natural disasters

9. Which of the following is NOT a European nation that engaged in imperialism?

  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • France
  • Switzerland

10. What did the Incas and other South American cultures use the quipu system for?

  • It was a system of transportation that allowed their canoes to travel faster along the rivers and streams.
  • It was a system of communication and record-keeping based on a network of knotted strings.
  • It was a system of government used to rule various towns in the rural areas of South America.
  • It was a system of writing that used petroglyphs (rock drawings) to establish a recognized alphabet.

Section B - True and False (10 marks)

Read each of the ten statements. If the statement is true, place ‘T’ on the line. If it is false, place an ‘F’ on the line and then rewrite the statement to make it true in the space provided. Each question is worth one mark. An example has been given to help you get started.


___F___ The Indigenous peoples around the world engaged in imperialism when

they annexed European territories.

This statement is false because it was the Europeans who annexed new territories after conquering Indigenous peoples around the world.

___T___ 1.Waman Puma was an Incan writer who wrote a 1200-page document,

which described how badly the Spanish treated the Incan people.

___T___ 2.To help them assimilate (absorb) the Incan culture, the Spanish burned

thousands of Incan books, poetry, essays, and other writings. They hoped

this would prevent the Inca’s from continuing their own cultural identity.

___F___ 3. When people discuss the history of the Spanish and Incan peoples from

their viewpoints, they are discussing individual points of view.

This statement is false because when people discuss the

history of the Spanish and Incan peoples from their

viewpoints, they are discussing collective perspectives.

___F___ 4.The reason so many indigenous peoples began to die out after contact with the Europeans was because the Indigenous peoples refused the Europeans’ offer to be immunized against diseases.

This statement is false because the Indigenous peoples

were never offered immunization; their bodies simply did

not have the immunity to fight off European diseases. As a

result, millions died.

___F___ 5.Their imperialist efforts in North and South America during the 1500s

made France the wealthiest nation in the world.

This statement is false because the imperialist efforts of

Spain in North and South America during the 1500s made it

the wealthiest nation in the world.

___T___ 6. Today, any people who read the historical accounts of how the Indigenous

people were treated by the imperializing European nations are shocked

that such racist views and attitudes were accepted at the time.

___F___ 7. The Treaty of Tordesillas was written at the beginning of the Age of

Exploration and it divided the world into Northern and Southern

hemispheres of ownership.

This statement is false because the Treaty of Tordesillas

was written at the beginning of the Age of Exploration and

it divided the world into Eastern and Western hemispheres of ownership, based on a line running north to south.

___F___ 8. France and England supported the Treaty of Tordesillas because it

extended their powers over territories outside of Europe for the first time.

This statement is false because France and England

criticized and refused to recognize the Treaty of Tordesillas

because it gave the world’s new territories to Spain and Portugal, none to France or Britain.

___T___ 9. Columbus and other Spanish-sponsored explorers claimed territories in

Central and South America. This became known as New Spain.

___T___ 10. Christopher Columbus kidnapped several Indigenous people and brought

them back to Europe against their will. His intention was to show King

Ferdinand, Queen Isabella, and the rest of Spanish court what these ‘new

people’ looked like.

Section C - Matching (10 marks)

Match the definition on the right to the correct term on the left by placing the appropriate letter on the line. Careful – one term will be left over at the end. An example using the word ‘Renaissance’ has been given to help you get started.

A. immunity _G__ revival of letters & arts in Europe between 1300s & 1500s

B. expansionism__C__ the knowledge, values, and attitudes that influence how a

person interacts with the world

C. worldview __F__ a secret agreement that divided the world between the

Portuguese and the Spanish

D. exploration__B__ the actions a nation or culture uses to enlarge its power and


E. treaty __I__ a group’s collective point of view or opinion

F. Tordesillas __J__ an early South American communication system made up

of a series of knotted strings; also used for record


G. Renaissance __D__ actively traveling in little-known lands or seas for the

purpose of discovery

H. point of view__K__ in short, it is empire-building.

I. perspective__E__ a written agreement between two or more nations

J. quipu__H__ an individual person’s view or opinion

K. imperialism __A__ having resistance to a particular disease

L. Indigenous peoples

Section D - Advantages and Disadvantages of European Imperialism Chart (10 marks)

Based on all your work in Workbook Nine, complete the chart below by writing five advantages and five disadvantages that occurred due to European imperialism. You may use the Indigenous peoples’ perspectives or Europeans’ perspective to help you think of appropriate points. Ensure each point is written using complete sentences (otherwise, ½ mark will be deducted for that point). Each correct point that you provide will be worth one mark. An example of both an advantage and a disadvantage has been given to help you get started.

Student answers will vary because every student will choose to explain different advantages and disadvantages of European imperialism. Please see the list of possible answers below to help assess this activity out of ten marks. Please take off ½ mark per answer for not using complete sentences as instructed.

Advantages of European Imperialism / Disadvantages of European Imperialism
Example: One advantage of European imperialism was that it gave both the Europeans’ and Indigenous peoples’ cultures a chance to meet and learn about each other. / Example: One disadvantage of European imperialism was that both cultures experienced a language barrier since cultures in contact with each other for the first time did not speak the same language.
Possible Advantages of European Imperialism:
  • European navigational technology improved as a result of exploration and expansionism. (page 117)
  • Europeans were able to find and bring back gems and other natural resources. (page 129)
  • European trade increased. (page 133)
  • Trade between Europeans and Indigenous peoples increased. (page 136)
  • World knowledge about geography and the ‘New World’ increased. (page 130)
  • Both European and Indigenous cultures benefited from the variety of goods that increased trade brought. (page 133)
/ Possible Disadvantages of European Imperialism:
  • Europeans engaged in conflict with each other over land, gems, and other natural resources. (page 136)
  • Europeans engaged in conflict with Indigenous peoples other over land, gems, and other natural resources. (page 136)
  • Europeans kidnapped Indigenous people to bring back to Europe as proof of other cultures. (page 130)
  • Europeans felt they had the right to divide up the world amongst themselves, regardless of what others thought. This is an example of ethnocentrism. (page 132)
  • Millions of Indigenous peoples died as a result of European diseases. (page 136)
  • Many Indigenous peoples were mistreated by Europeans looking to exploit them. (page 136)