School Improvement Plan 2013 – 2014
DLES Vision/Mission / Key Activities for Continuous Improvement
A focus on the whole child is central to our strategic plan and school improvement as we continue to focus on academic rigor as well as social, emotional and physical needs of our children. The School Improvement Team represents the stakeholder group for each individual school to include school leaders, parents, and students. / Rigor
GT participation in data discussions to identify students ready for acceleration and enrichment.
Provide professional development for rigorous instructional tasks and questioning techniques.
Teachers will instruct the students using rigorous math tasks that support the development of the 8 Mathematical Practices:
1) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2) Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4) Model with mathematics.
5) Use appropriate tools strategically.
6) Attend to precision.
7) Look for and make sense of structure.
8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Focused instruction will be placed on posing rich problems and ask open ended questions while providing opportunities for students to respond orally and in writing.
Collaborative planning and data discussions to prepare for PARCC like assessments, analyze results, and develop lesson to address areas of need.
The vocabulary development program, Build UP, will be used daily in grades 1-5.
Student Engagement
Fourth and fifth grade students will participate in the Gallup Strengths Development survey.
Strengths themes will be a focus throughout the year to highlight what students do best everyday.
Staff Engagement
All staff members will use the Strengths Development Principles to build collaborative teams and increase staff engagement.
HCPSS: Vision/MIssion
Vision 2018: Every student is inspired to learn and empowered to excel.
Mission: We cultivate a vibrant learning community that prepares students to thrive in a dynamic world.
HCPSS GoalsGoal 1 Students: Every student achieves academic excellence in an inspiring, engaging, and supportive environment.
Goal 2 Staff: Every staff member is engaged, supported, and successful.
Goal 3 Families and the Community: Families and the community are engaged and supported as partners in education.
Goal 4 Organization: Schools are supported by world-class organizational practices.
Areas For Focused improvement
Rigor: Increase the number of students participating in gifted and talented (GT) programs.
Performance: Baseline performance on PARCC
Student Engagement: Students have the opportunity to do what they do best each day. Students receive recognition and praise for doing good work.
Staff Engagement: Staff will receive recognition and praise for doing good work.