Societies Executive Committee Minutes
Meeting: / Societies Executive CommitteeDate: / 07-11-2017
Time: / 18:00
Location: / Bookable Room 3, Union House
Author: / Susannah Alexander
Staff in attendance: Susannah Alexander, Alun Minifey
Reps in attendance:Danny Booty, Aimee Graham, Oliver Healey, Elliot Kemp, Hannah Murgatroyd
07 / Statements from the Chair and Clerk (Susannah Alexander)
- None
- SA raised Society of the Month decision process and introduced the Society of the Month criteria. Reps discussed potential contenders – Investment Society and South East Asian Society. Reps agree that SEA should be chosen due to the large number of events they’ve put on.
- SA discussed an update on Union Council – Society Exec now has one non-voting position on Council. This doesn’t need to be the same person each time.
- Reps will vote on who should attend next week’s Council. Decision to be made online as some reps are missing from the meeting.
- SA asked what reps would want to see on a new society application beyond a constitution, e.g. plans for X number of socials.AG wants to see a calendar of when they would hold socials and what they would do. DB says there needs to be a good proportion of non-alcohol socials. OH says reference to other similar societies and an explanation of why they’re different. DB says evidence that they have contacted their relevant rep beforehand. EK wants to see what they would spend their money on to show that they are sustainable but also putting on activities. Ideas for socials and activities they could do – maybe chat to other societies about this. Feedback to be shown to Activities & Opportunities Officer.
- Coeliac & Gluten Free – reps think it is a good idea for a support network. Overall recommendation.
- Christian Union Society–Requested £525.00 for hire of Norwich Cathedral for Christmas Carol Service. AG says the event is free to attend and she would recommend having a small charge or donation box. They could also possibly charge a small amount for the refreshments and put that towards the cost. Reps agree it is a nice idea to not charge. EK points out that they will still have money left in January in their subs. He suggests that they apply in February for their next event if they really do need the money. AG says they would want to carry on doing the water bottling as this is one of their main objectives. EK questions where they are buying this water from – could they get it for cheaper? We will raise this with the society. Overall decision to grant no money.
- Enactus Society – requested £600 for Enactus UK Training Weekend 2017. Reps point out that the event has already happened so cannot receive any grant money for this. Overall decision to grant no money.
- Live Music Society – requested £1,000 for venue hire, PA and security for ZigZag Festival. OH says they should charge for tickets but could charge a small amount. AG says they need to fundraise at their other gigs to help raise money for this.AG would like to see a more specific budget outline and also wants to see evidence of them fundraising. AM explains the context of the event – they needed to spend a lot of money on people management last year and not having to do this as much this year could save them some money. They may need to clarify this to reps in another application. DB says it is a concern that they seem to have no income forecast. Overall decision to grant no money.
- Malaysian Society – requested£850.00 for transportation to Nottingham for Malaysian Games. AG says society is contributing 80% of admin fees for athletes and athletes are also contributing. If they were to charge £5 per athlete they would only have to pay £117 as a society. She also says they could charge a little more for the coach journey, e.g. £10, which would bring costs down again. Reps feel the budget is incomplete. AG suggests they could receive £200 from the grant and bump up their prices. £100 would be enough to cover it but it would leave them with no money, although they can fundraise. Overall decision to grant £100.
- Music Society – requested£800.00 for Samba Band instruments. NA finds the budget confusing and cannot see running totals. AG asks where they would store all the equipment and EK says it might be possible for them to store things in the music room and he hopes they have considered that. EK explains that this is specialist equipment, which is why there is only one quote. AG questions whether there is a demand for a samba band from members. EK says Jazz Collective raise a lot of money through gigs and sales and says this could be used to help cover costs. OH says the budget seems incomplete. EK thinks they could raise the money and suggests they should apply at the end of the year, so they can start getting people interested from the start of the year. They should prove member interest before buying the equipment. DB says there is a lack of fundraising evidence. Overall decision to grant no money.
- Occupational Therapy Society – requested £385.00 for travel and accommodation to Occupational Therapy Show. DB suggests they should be claiming for petrol after the trip due to uncertain mileage. AG says nine people could be attending to balance out the rooms needed. EK says they have made an effort to improve the application and have more students benefit. Overall decision to grant £100.
- HM asks when fire lift will be fixed – AM to chase this.
- DB asks for a bigger room for next meeting – SA will book a new room for the next meeting.
- AM points out that societies cannot book The Enterprise Centre for events. This is because the University classes it as a prestige building. The Sainsbury Centre also falls under this category.
- AM says that First Aid courses are being offered to some societies for free, depending on their risk level. If the courses are not filled they will open to other people.
- EK asks if anyone has decided to meet their presidents in their categories. SA will put the details of all their societies on the website so people know who their rep is.
- No ideas for now – reps are invited to submit any ideas they come up with before the next meeting.
- Tuesday 21stNovember, 6-8pm, Bookable Room 3