Mrs. Kimberly M. Kroll
Phone (810) 667-2418 ext 3164
Conference Hour 3rd hour 9:30-10:30
Twitter: MadameKroll
Students will be introduced to and begin developing listening,reading, writing and speaking skills. Students will learn basic vocabulary and grammar. The geography and traditions of French-speaking people will be introduced.
The following units will be covered during French 1B: greetings, -er verb conjugations, and basic vocabulary. We will be covering Unit 3 of the textbook C’est à Toi and Melinda Forwards’ Au Café and Les Saison units
Classroom Expectations
- Be prepared to learn.Come to class prepared to learn. (Pencils sharpened, pen, paper, and notebooks)
- Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings.
- Respect the teacher, classmates, school, and yourself.
4. Participate in classroom discussions and in-class work.
5. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts.
6. Follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the LCS Student Code of Conduct and LEHS Norms.
6. Do your very best!
Grading scale: A district wide grading scale is in place for all classes. It is as follows:
77-79C+below 60F
Term grades will be determined by the following percentages:
Quizzes, Types 1 & 2 writing35 %Homework/Daily Work/Participation 20%
Final grades will be calculated as follows:
Term grade80%
Trimester/Final exam20%
Homework is expected at the beginning of the hour.Assignments will be accepted late with penalties. Assignments not turned in on the due date will earn a maximum of 50%. To avoid these penalties, use the Kroll Ka$h. Kroll Ka$h can be turned to eliminate assignment penalties; however, late assignmentsmust be completed in the presence of the Mrs. Kroll before or after school! Please do not bring in your disk or thumb drive to class expecting to print out your work. Parents will be contacted regarding missing assignments.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to figure out what assignments you missed. If you have missed an assignment, quiz or test, it is your responsibility to get the assignment, complete it, and turn it in within the number of days you were absent. If you missed a quiz or test, see Mrs. Kroll to arrange a day and time to take the quiz/test. These can be made up before or after school.
Participation points are earned during classroom discussions, group work, work graded for completion, and in-class assignments
Students must be in the classroom preparing to workwhen the tardy bell rings.
Students that copy another student’s work whether it is homework, quizzes or tests will be assigned a zero for the assignment. Also, students that copy work from the Internet will also receive a zero for the assignment. Both of these offenses will then be referred to administration. Plagiarism and cheating are completely inexcusable and unacceptable.
Students will be allowed four passes during the trimester. They must ask to leave. The teacher will record all passes.
Substitute teachers are our guests in the room. Be sure to be helpful and on task. Consequences will be given to students who do not follow classroom expectations for substitutes.
If students do not follow the rules and regulations of the classroom, they may: have their seat moved, be separated from class, assigned detention to write a behavior plan, referred to administration, have a conference with administrators, parents, student, and myself.
Students are encouraged to ask questions and to come for help when needed. I am available before school at 7AM and after school on Mondays, Fridays, and most Thursdays.
Each student needs a spiral notebook for note taking, pencil, blue or black pen, and paper for class. You will also need a folder or binder to keep your homework and notes in. You must bring this daily.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes in this syllabus as necessary.
______and I have read the English 11B syllabus together.
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______
If you would like to be contacted by either email or cell phone, please provide the following:
Parent Email address:______
Parent Cell phone: ______
______and I have read the English 11B syllabus together.
Student signature: ______
Parent signature: ______
If you would like to be contacted by either email or cell phone, please provide the following:
Parent Email address:______
Parent Cell phone: ______