Revenues & Benefits Service
PO Box 249
Addenbrooke House
Thank you for registering your interest in using the Telford and Wrekin Council Landlord Portal.
The Landlord Portal is a simple to use web based application which you can access securely over the internet. Using a unique username and password you will be able to:
- Log into your account at any time.
- Access limited claim details for any of your tenants where their Housing Benefit is paid to you as the landlord.
- View a breakdown of payments made to you from ddmmyyyy onwards
- Export payment information into Microsoft Excel
It is very important that you inform us if you or any other member of your company leave as we will need to terminate access. Failure to do so may result in access being revoked for you / your company.
If you have any questions regarding this service which are not answered within the enclosed documentation, please email telephone 01952 383858. A user guide will be sent to you once your registration has been received and processed.
Yours faithfullysincerely,
Telford and Wrekin Council
Landlord Portal Registration Information
Purpose of Landlord Portal
The Landlord Portal allows you to access details of your tenants that receive Housing Benefit payments from Telford and Wrekin Council. As a user of the Landlord Portal, you will be able to:
- Access details of the current weekly Housing Benefit entitlement
- View whether a claim usually paid to you is suspended
- Access details of any historic payments made to you
- Export payment records into a spreadsheet. You can save the spreadsheet to your own PC or network
In order to be registered on the system, you must complete and return the registration form.
Landlord Companies
Landlord organisations will have the option to set up to 5 individual users on the Portal (additional log-ins may be possible depending on the size of the company. Any request for additional log-ins should be e-mailed to ) . One of the users must be designated as a lead officer and be clearly marked as such on the returned registration form. A separate form must be completed for each individual user.
The lead officer will be responsible for communicating any amendments to users as staff leave/join their company. Only upon their authorisation will users be deleted or added. If the nominated lead officer is to leave the service, a new lead officer must be communicated to Telford and Wrekin by the person originally in this post.
Additional users may still contact Telford and Wrekin Council to have their passwords reset if it is forgotten. If you forget your password please contact the Landlord Liaison Team on 01952 383858.
Important Notice: Individual officers should not allow others within their company to use their log-in credentials under any circumstances. Individual log-ins are provided to prevent access to the Portal should an employee leave the company. It is the responsibility of the lead officer to inform Telford and Wrekin Council of any changes which may affect access to the Portal. Failure to do this may result in access being revoked.
Individual landlords
Where records indicate the landlord is an individual, only access for that individual will be granted.
How to Use the Portal
Information on how to access the Portal and navigate around the system will be sent to you once your registration form has been received and processed.
Please send your completed and signed registration form/s to:
Post:Revenues & Benefits Services
PO Box 249
Addenbrooke House
Please note that Telford & Wrekin Council may withdraw access to the Landlord Portal at any time.
Landlord Portal Application Form
PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS THROUGHOUT – please read Landlord Portal Registration Information prior to completing.
Landlord (Company) Name:Landlord Reference:
User’s First Name:
User’s Surname:
Job Title:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
User Declaration
- I agree that I will not share my password with anyone else. I understand that any breach or suspected breach of this will lead to my access to the landlord portal being revoked and where appropriate the access for the organisation I work for.
- I agree that I will only log into and use the landlord portal for its intended purpose regarding my tenants or the tenants of the company I work for.
Signed: / Date:
Print Name:
If you work for a company e.g. Letting Agent, registered social landlord, not for profit organisation etc. your lead officer must also sign below:
Authoriser’s Declaration
- I agree that I will inform you immediately if the above named individual or any other employee who has access to the landlord portal ceases to work for the company. Failure to do this will lead to access to the landlord portal for my company being revoked.
If you work for a company/registered social landlord your lead officer must also sign below:
Signed / Print Name:Position: / Date:
V3 June 2015