Aerial Inventory Dataforms for Selected Ungulates:
Bison, Mountain Goat, Mountain Sheep, Moose, Elk , Deer and Caribou

Standards for Components of
British Columbia's Biodiversity No. 32 [Forms]

Prepared by

Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks

Resources Inventory Branch

for the Terrestrial Ecosystems Task Force

Resources Inventory Committee

March 1998

Version 2.0

Table 1. Types of inventory surveys, the data forms needed, and the level of intensity of the survey.

Survey Type / Forms Needed / *Intensity
Classification / ·  Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form
·  Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulate
·  Animal Observations Form- Ungulate (Aerial) Classification / ·  PN
Encounter Transect / ·  Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form
·  Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulate
·  Animal Observations Form- Ungulate (Aerial) Encounter / Fixed-width Transect / ·  PN
Fixed-width Transect / ·  Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form
·  Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulate
·  Animal Observations Form- Ungulate (Aerial) Encounter / Fixed-width Transect / ·  RA
Sample-based Counts / ·  Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form
·  Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulate
·  Animal Observations Form- Ungulate (Aerial) Sample Block / ·  AA
Total Count / ·  Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form
·  Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulate
·  Animal Observations Form- Ungulate (Aerial) Sample Block / ·  AA

*PN = presence/not detected (possible); RA = relative abundance; AA = absolute abundance

Using RIC Dataforms:

·  See Table 1 to determine what forms are necessary for the survey type chosen.

·  Ensure forms are filled out correctly by checking the coding instructions provided with each form (it will also indicate which fields are mandatory and which are optional). Dataforms and codes that are generic to all surveys are found in the Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms] (previously referred to as the Dataform Appendix).

·  Some forms have more than one part (e.g. A and B). All sections of a form must be filled out. In many cases, forms will be double-sided and both sides will be the same.

·  Computer Buttons that appear next to groups of fields correlate to the Data Form Hierarchy and are used to assist Digital Data Entry.

= Design Component Section

= Design Component Visit Section

= Observation Section


Table 1. Types of inventory surveys, the data forms needed, and the level of intensity of the survey.

Table 2. Ungulate Species Codes

Table 3. Census units codes.

Table 4. Classification levels and uses.

Table 5. Bison Classification Levels.

Table 6. Mountain Goat Classification Levels.

Table 7. Mountain Sheep Classification Levels.

Table 8. Moose Classification Levels.

Table 9. Rocky Mountain Elk Classification Levels.

Table 10. Roosevelt Elk Classification Levels.

Table 11. Mule Deer Classification Levels.

Table 12. Black-Tailed Deer Classification Levels.

Table 13. White-Tailed Deer Classification Levels.

Table 14. Caribou Classification Levels.

Version 2.0

Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Classification Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Aerial Block Label ______Stratum ______UTM ____/______/______

Obs Date ______/______/______User Stats: 1 ______2 ______3 ______4 ______

Obs Day / Time / CC / Wind / Temp / Precip / Snow Depth / Snow Cover
End / Days since 5 cm Snow ____

Navigator ______Surveyors ______

Obs / Spp / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use the back side of this form if additional lines are needed for observations associated with the block labelled at the top of this form.]

Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Classification Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Aerial Block Label ______Obs Date ______/______/______

Obs / Spp / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use this side of the form only when additional lines are needed for observations associated with the block labelled on the reverse side of this form.]


Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Encounter / Fixed-width Transect Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Transect Label ______Stratum ______Trans Comment ______

Trans: Lgth ______Width ______Bearing ______UTM: Start ____/______/______End ____/______/______

Obs Date ______/______/______User Stats: 1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______

Obs Day / Time / CC / Wind / Temp / Precip / Snow Depth / Snow Cover
End / Days since 5 cm Snow ____

Navigator ______Surveyors ______

Spp ______

Obs / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use the back side of this form if additional lines are needed for observations associated with the transect labelled at the top of this form.]

Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Encounter / Fixed-width Transect Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Transect Label ______Obs Date ______/______/______

Obs / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use this side of the form only when additional lines are needed for observations associated with the transect labelled on the reverse side of this form.]


Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Sample Block Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Sample Unit Label ______Stratum ______UTM ____/______/______Unit Area ______

Obs Date ______/______/______User Stats: 1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______

Obs Day / Time / CC / Wind / Temp / Precip / Snow Depth / Snow Cover
End / Days since 5 cm Snow ____

Navigator ______Surveyors ______

Spp ______

Obs / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use the back side of this form if additional lines are needed for observations associated with the block labelled at the top of this form.]
Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Sample Block Page ___/___

Project ______Survey ______Study Area ______

Sample Unit Label ______Obs Date ______/______/______

Obs / Grp / Ungulate Classification / Detection UTM / BEU / User Stats
# / Tot / u / j / a / f / m / ym / mm / I / II / III / IV / Zone / East / North / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Obs # / Comments

[Use this side of the form only when additional lines are needed for observations associated with the block labelled on the reverse side of this form.]


Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulates: Part A

Project Name

Survey Name

Survey Period: Start Date ______/_____/_____ End Date ______/_____/_____

Survey Type

Survey Intensity PN : RA : AA

Target Taxa Class Level

Transport ______Avg Spd ______

Survey Coordinator

First Given Name / Second Given Name / Surname


First Given Name / Second Given Name / Surname

Survey Objectives (continue on back side if needed)




Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General: Part A

Project Name

Survey Name

Survey Objectives (continued)

Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - General: Part B

Capt Sess Label / Start Date / End Date / Duration
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____
______/_____/_____ / ______/_____/_____

Note: completion of Part B of this form is only required if the survey type chosen involves animal capture during one or more specific time period(s) or capture session(s).


Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulates: Part C

Project Name

Survey Name

Survey Study Areas

Study Area Name / Study Area UTM / BGC Unit / Census Unit / Location Description

Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form - Ungulates: Part D

Project Name

Survey Name

Stratification: Basis HB : HR : ED Source ______

Stratum Name nnnNNameName / Stratum Description


Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Classification

Coding Instructions for the Animal Observation Form - Ungulate (Aerial) Classification

Field Name / Description / Requirements /
Project (Name) / The name of the Project as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Project Description Form (freeform text). / Mandatory
Survey (Name) / The name of the Survey as it has been specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). / Mandatory
Study Area (Name) / The name of the Study Area as it has specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form (freeform text). / Mandatory
Aerial Block Label / The label of the aerial block being surveyed. Blocks must be labelled uniquely within a project. For repeat surveys, use the block label assigned in the original project. / Mandatory
Stratum / The name of the stratum (from the list on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form) in which the Design Component is established. / Mandatory if Design Component stratified.
UTM / The UTM grid location at the center of the Design Component. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) delineating the Design Component must accompany this data form. / Mandatory
Obs Date / The year/month/date (YYYY/MM/DD) on which the data on the form were gathered in the field. e.g. 1995/04/17. / Mandatory
User Stats / Additional information by which the target taxa data could be sorted and analysed (User Statistics). Sightability Correction Factor (SCF) and the resighting of a marked animal are considered user stats. Record the User Stat(s) codes in this field. Codes: refer to Species Inventory Fundamentals No. 1 [Forms]. / Optional
Time Start/End / The time at which surveying the specified Design Component commences and finishes. Use the 24 hour clock. / Mandatory
CC / The extent of cloud cover at the start and end of the survey. Codes: 1 = clear; 2 = scattered clouds (<50%); 3 = scattered clouds (>50%); 4 = unbroken clouds. / Mandatory
Wind / The strength of wind at the start and end of the survey using the Beaufort Scale. Codes: 0 = calm (< 2 km/h); 1 = light air (2-5 km/h); 2 = light breeze, leaves rustle (6-12 km/h); 3 = gentle breeze, leaves and twigs constantly move 13-19 km/h); 4 = moderate breeze, small branches move, dust rises (20-29 km/h); 5 = fresh breeze, small trees sway (30-39 km/h); 6 = strong breeze, large branches moving, wind whistling (40-50 km/h). / Mandatory
Temp / The temperature at the start and end of the survey (degrees Celsius). / Mandatory
Precip / The type of precipitation at the start and end of the survey. Codes: N = None; F = Fog; M = Misty drizzle; D = Drizzle; LR = Light Rain; HR = Hard Rain; S = Snow. / Mandatory
Snow Depth / The depth of the snow. Codes: 1 = 0 cm; 2 = 1-5 cm; 3 = 6-25 cm; 4 = 26-50 cm; 5 = 51-75 cm; 6 = 76-100 cm; 7 = 101-150 cm; 8 = >150 cm. / Mandatory
Snow Cover / The percentage of ground covered by snow. Codes: 1 = 0 %; 2 = 1-5 %; 3 = 6-25 %; 4 = 26-50 %; 5 = 51-75 %; 6 = 76-100 %. / Mandatory
Days Since 5 cm Snow / The length of time between the census period and the last snowfall that was significant enough to obscure old tracks. Codes: 1 = <1/2 day; 2 = <3 days; 3 = <14 days; 4 = >14 days; 5 = information of no value. / Mandatory
Navigator / The name of the navigator that assists the pilot of the aircraft and records information during the specified Study Area Visit. The full name is not required, but initials should be provided to identify the navigator as one of the surveyors listed on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description form. / Mandatory
Surveyors / The names of the people conducting the survey during the specified Design Component Visit. The full name is not required, but initials should be provided to identify the person as one of the surveyors listed on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description form. / Mandatory
Obs # / Observations must be numbered so that each is unique within a block. For each new block, start at 1 and continue numbering observations sequentially. / Mandatory
Spp / The 5-letter code that uniquely identifies the taxa of the observed animal (the first letter has already been filled in). Species codes: see manual No. 2, Vertebrates of BC. If it is not possible to identify the animal in the field, record the best taxonomic description possible. / Mandatory
Grp Tot / The total number of animals (in a herd) observed during an observation. / Mandatory
Ungulate Classification / The number of observed ungulates in each class. Use only the classes required to meet the standards for the Classification Level (1-4) specified on the Wildlife Inventory Survey Description Form. Codes: u = Unclassified; j = Juvenile; a = Adult; f = Female; m = Male; ym = Yearling Male; mm = Mature Male; see Table 4 for classification levels and Tables 5-14 for Levels I, II, III, and IV for other codes. Note: columns are not provided for some codes for Mountain Goat (m2 and f2) and for Mountain Sheep (yc, yr, ye, yf, f1 and f2). If these codes are being used, cross out codes in unused fields, and write in the needed codes. / Mandaory
Detection UTM / The UTM grid location of the detected animal. Record UTM as zone, easting, and northing. A map (and/or aerial photograph) must accompany this data form that shows the location of the detected animal(s). / Mandatory: RA/AA Optional: PN
BEU / The Broad Ecosystem Unit within which the animal observations are being made. Codes: refer to “Broad Ecosystem Units of British Columbia” (by Lea et al.) available on the FTP site; / Mandatory
User Stats / The number of individuals that fall under each User Stat category as previously coded in the Design Component Visit section. / Mandatory if User Stats used.
Obs # / The observation number in this field must correspond to an observation number recorded in the Design Component Visit section. / Optional
Comments / Additional information that may be relevant to the observation (freeform text). / Optional