Book Of Genesis


By Sean J. Perron

(Graduate Theology Boyce Louisville KY)




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Genesis- Chapter 1

Steps to Refuting Evolution:

1st Step: ______God’s Word

-  John 1

-  Colossians 1:15-16

2nd Step: ______on God’s Word

-  ______and the Bible are NOT compatible

- Gen. 1:11

-  ______of years and the Bible are NOT compatible

- 1 Corinthians 15:45

Biblical Account of Creation / Evolutionary/Long-Age speculation
Earth Before the Sun and Stars / Stars and Sun Before Earth
Earth covered in water initially / Earth a molten blob initially
Oceans first, then dry land / Dry land then oceans
Life first created on Land / Life Started in Oceans
Plants created before Sun / Plants came long after sun
Land Animals created after birds / Land Animals Existed Before birds
Whales before Land Animals / Land Animals before Whales

- The ______is the ultimate and only Authority. Not ______fallible ideas.

3rd Step: ______God’s Word

- 1 Peter 3:15

- old-earth was developed by _____-______assumptions

- radio-metric dating not based on ______

- Polystrate Fossils

Sources: Answers in Genesis - www.answersingenesis.org


Genesis- Chapter 2


-not a second creation account

- detailed same events of Genesis 1

- perspective of a person with a relationship with God

- God in Gen. 2 – YAHWAY- Hebrew- personal

- God in Gen. 1- ELOHIM- amazing, powerful God- more directed to those who do not know God

- v.2- Seventh – covenant number- not perfect number

- v.4- Tolodot- Hebrew-‘account’ –microscopic look at the heavens and the earth

- “Lord” – personal- ABBA

- a dad is also a husband and son- same here

- different name… same person

- v.5,6- just at the end of day 5 heading to day 6

-focusing on day 6, most important

- Ruacc- Hebrew-breath

- v.8- Adam- Red one- made from clay- Hebrew

-v.9- two trees

-v.10- Where is Eden?

- four headwaters

Pishon - Havilah (Moses know there was gold in the land

Gihon - Cush- southeastern Mesopotamia

Tigris - Asshur- modernday Baghdad

Euphrates- fertile crescent

v. 12 aromatic resin- spices

-Rooted in Geography

v.15 – work it, and take care of it

-work to do – trim, plant, ext

Genesis- Chapter 2


- ordain a Jewish priest- in the time of temple- work it and take care of it

- vegetarian

- lots of other trees

- “die the death!” –surely die

- Adam doesn’t know what it means to die

- whatever it means not good, just avoid

- we will all die

- being born- you didn’t know what was on the otherside of the birth canal, if someone was to ask you, you would be scared and have no idea. All life is on the other side.

- death is key in Gen. 3

-v.18 – Adam is scared, needs helper

-helper- same word used to describe God

-use in Psalms – Lord is our helper

- Last created being is the greatest

- Gods crowning achievement is women

-v.19- chicken came first

- Adam doesn’t name fish- Eden is not around the sea

- land locked

- Jews don’t get in boats, don’t swim

- Jonah had to really want to run from God

-v.19- God loves to hear his children speak

-v.20- no one is suitable for man. Israelites were in Egypt for 40 years- animal worshiping was huge part of Egyptian culture that crept into Jews thought pattern.

-v.21- image of God making women from the side of man

-equal- not above not below

-v.22- man is asleep- has to be awakened

- Esha- women

- Esh- man

-WOman!! –energy

-sparks fly

-v.24,25- couple is married


Genesis- Chapter 3


Genesis Chapter. 3

-  takes place in Fertile Crescent- birthplace of civilization

-  Jewish Rabbi’s teach that this is the first family- Adam; (God’s son, not in the sense of Jesus but made in God’s image, His creation) Eve wife; God is Eve’s father-in-law (Adam and Eve is the first marriage)

-  Satan tries to destroy family

V1. Why is the serpent craftier than any wild animal?

-  Not a created wild animal.

-  God did created serpents – snakes; but Satan is not a snake

-  Hebrew- “Mahehs”- doesn’t mean serpent- means ‘shiny one, brilliant one’

-  Image for this figure- male figure- Satan

-  Lucifer- brightest of angels- light- better translated

-  Male figure- not snake (more crafty)

V2. where is the man?

-  In the middle east, never a women alone in a public setting. Always be with husband or brother. Adam is with her

-  Satan calls God- “Elohim” – Satan doesn’t have a relationship with God

-  Any tree? NO God didn’t say that

-  Where is Adam? ‘we’ V2. Adam is right there

-  Jesus is the new Adam. Jesus faced death even though scared. Adam was scared to death and wouldn’t do anything about it.

-  Paul call Jesus the New Adam

V2. “Elohim” Eve is being seduced by the shining one- Satan

-  ‘Touch it’ – NO God didn’t say that

-  Adam was scared and exaggerates danger- Eve wasn’t around when God announced the death and told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

-  Adam told Eve not to even touch it because he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t go near it.

-  Fruit is not Apple- no apple are in middle east

-  Satan is probably holding it, he is not dead

-  Adam is not doing anything

V6. Touched it and ate- not dead yet

-  Gave to husband WHO WAS STADING THERE

-  Fig leaves are big

Definition of sin: Condition of alienation and separation of God that manifests itself in the stupid things we do.

Genesis- Chapter 3


-  1. Sin always begins small

-  2. Sin distorts judgment – small part of cancer

-  3. Sin gets bigger

-  4. Sin always lead to death- just like cancer- Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23

-  5. Cascades down generation- God doesn’t want it, but always manages to snowball

-  V8. married

-  Hid from God

-  God knew where they were.

-  God goes to Adam FIRST

-  Eve and Satan talking the whole time- but goes to Adam first, he is responsible

-  He should have protected her, he disobeyed; she was deceived

-  Psalm 29- 1000 B.C.

V3-9- the voice of the Lord

-  Cedar tree- can be 150 feet tall

-  Gen 3:11- God knew, He is speaking as a father

-  V12- Adam blames God and Eve

-  V13- Now God goes to Eve who blames it on Satan-not a talking snake- human figure

-  V14- now God deals with Satan

-  Then we see got give the judgments to Satan, then Eve, then Adam

-  Perfect Hebrew poetry

-  V14- Judgment- Satan- cursed above wild animals – not a animal

-  In My eyes you will be as a dust and nothing- as people think of snakes they will think of you

-  …snakes don’t eat dust

-  We know Satan loses

-  V15- Every Jewish Rabi will tell you that this is the Messiah Promised.

-  ‘he’ – Male Figure- God has just put into place the redemption plan for the world

-  Hope is found

-  Passion of the Christ opening scenes- predicted Messiah- Jesus

-  Satan will strike at Christ (crucify Him) but Messiah will crush Satan’s head (resurrection)

-  ‘rule’ – negative- different word than in Gen. 1&2

-  Remember… God told Adam who told Eve not to eat of the tree

-  V18- all vegetarians until Gen 9:3

-  Pain in working and tilling food

-  Adam will die- his worst fear

-  Adam will live for 930 years.

-  V21- God killed the first animal- animal dies (never should have)

-  Death follows sin

-  V22- Trinity

-  God is merciful – didn’t want man to live forever in sin so He guarded the tree of life

-  God didn’t destroy the tree to show Adam and Eve there was still hope one day

-  Angels guard the tree- Angels existed way before man was around

-  Rev. 22 (last page) –tree of life – no more curse – the Bible is a complete beautiful work, perfect from beginning to end.


Genesis- Chapter 4-5


Genesis 4

-  Adam and Eve live over 900 years- can I prove that?

-  V4- 930 years

-  Jewish Birthday is the 1st day your born

-  Already been in the womb for 9 months (counted as whole year)

-  Point is he lived a long time and had lots of children

-  Flocks- sheep and goats (10:1) ten sheep to 1 goat

-  Leviticus- many offering could be grain.

-  God didn’t approve of Cain’s offering

-  Not because it wasn’t an animal (Leviticus)

-  Not because he was the firstborn (Jesus was firstborn)

-  The firstborn are breast fed for twice as long as others

-  4 years of breast feeding

-  God didn’t except Cain’s offering because… Cain brought ‘some’ of the fruits of the soil- not the best

-  V.2 Abel gave ‘fat portions of some’ – he gave best

-  Matter of the heart

-  Does God need that? No- but God wants your desire and wanting to give

-  1 Peter 5:8 –Satan prowls like a roaring lion

-  Cain is Jealous (Hebrews tells us this)

-  V.6 Cain brought Abel out to his fields

-  Attacked “ripped limb from limb” – similar to energy of a lion attacking someone

-  “Am I my brother’s keeper?” answer is -YES!

-  V.10 “Listen!” can you see how it hurts God and sin cries out

Genesis- Chapter 4-5


-  Sorry for being caught and the punishment… not for the sin

-  Other brothers will kill him

-  Suggest possibly 400 years pass before Cain kills Abel

-  v.15 God gives him a mark- curse in itself

-  who is his wife? – one of his sisters-

-  only explanation

-  this wouldn’t be a danger back then

-  the gene pool would not have a negative effect- not degenerated like today

-  many people already around

-  builds a city- major population increase in a quick period of time

-  kicked out of fields, now in city

-  Cain names his son Enoch- not the Enoch that walks with the Lord later on in the narrative.

-  V18 Lamech- important

-  Lamech is the 7th generation on Cains family line

-  Sin cascades through generations

-  Lamech married two women- not God’s plan

-  V.23 killed a man for wounding him

-  “seventy-seven times worse”

-  The evilest man yet

-  Mathew 18:21-

-  Peter comes to Jesus with a question

-  ‘brother’ Peter’s brother Andrew.

-  How many times should I forgive him?

-  Jesus says 77 times.

Genesis- Chapter 4-5


-  Why that number?

-  Jesus knew who Lamech was, studied Gen 4

-  V.25- Adam and Eve’s child- Seth (important)

-  Seth is the new firstborn

-  V.26- ‘call upon the name of the Lord’ – witnessing

-  People start to tell others about God and witness.

Genesis 5

-  Biblical Genealogy the final person is the point of the genealogy

-  Focuses on the last person at the end of genealogy

-  V.1-image of God. we learned in Genesis 1 & 2

-  Important- V.3 Seth in the image and likeness of Adam- who is in the image and likeness of God (so Seth is made in the image of God)

-  So are you and I are made in the image and likeness of God. Treat others the same way.

-  Sethites are ‘sons of God’

-  Adam lived 930 years then died- point is it’s a long time

-  V.11 – then he died

-  V.14- then he died

-  V.17- then he died

-  V.20- then he died

-  Walking through a graveyard

-  This is new to the narrative- death not by murder- just … death

-  V.22-24 Enoch walked with God and then… was no more.

-  God took him away- assumed into heaven- V.24

-  He didn’t die

-  Elijah never dies as well

-  Moses died and is buried by God (Deuteronomy 34)

-  Hebrews 11:

-  V27. Methuselah lived 969 years

-  He was the oldest man to ever live

-  V28 Noah is born


Genesis- Chapter 6


Genesis 6-

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” John 17:17 (NKJV)

-  Noah has 3 sons (Gen 5v32)

o  Shem

o  Ham

o  Japheth

-  V.1-6

-  Two possible interpretations:

o  “Sons of God”

§  Seth’s line of descendents (Gen 5v3)

§  /OR/ Demons (Job 1:6- same phrase is used to refer to angels)

-  Seth’s line took daughters (Cain’s descendants) to be wives and had sexual relations

-  /OR/ Demons took wives and had sexual relations (2 Peter 2:4-6)

-  V3. – ‘120 years’- could mean the time of grace for them to repent

-  V4. Naphilim- “giants”

-  The word “hero” by oneself in the Bible is a negative thing- A true hero is one who stands for God, not himself

-  ‘renown’ – making a name for oneself

-  V5. – Elohim saw that every thought of man was wicked all the time

-  God says He has to start over- He was grieved that He had made man (sin hurts God)

Genesis- Chapter 6


-  Sin: is a condition of separation and alienation of God that manifests itself in the stupid things we do

o  Five Characteristics

§  Starts small

§  Distorts Judgment

§  Always gets bigger

§  Left untreated, always leads to death