Chapter 1 Project Guidelines

Objective: You will research a job of interest, calculate the estimated bring home pay, and find a house that you like and can afford on your budget.


1-Take the career quizzes

2-Research 3 careers

3-Choose one career

4-Look at that career’s pay

5-Find a house you can afford with your career

6-Create a power point with all this info & present

Due on Day of Presentation

This packet, completed


*If you do not present on the day you are scheduled, you will be deducted one letter grade for each day you are late.

**If you are absent on the day you are scheduled to present you will be expected to present on the day you return.

***If you do not have all items needed on the day you are scheduled to present, you will not be allowed to present. You will receive one letter grade per day that you are unprepared to present.


Complete the Career Interest Inventory Quiz #1:

  • Fill out the 15 questions and click “see results”
  • Look at your top 2 categories (from the bar chart)

Quiz #1 Results: Click on each of these top 2 categories and fill out the following:

Category 1: ______

Description of category:

Categories that are listed:

Now click on your top choice from these categories that are listed. There will be a long list of jobs, organized by type. Read thru the list and select 2 jobs that interest you. Fill in the chart below with the title of the job and the description listed on the website:

Job Title / Description

Category 2: ______

Description of category:

Categories that are listed:

Now click on your top choice from these categories that are listed. There will be a long list of jobs, organized by type. Read thru the list and select 2 jobs that interest you. Fill in the chart below with the title of the job and the description listed on the website:

Job Title / Description


1)Choose 3 occupations that interest you the most. They can be ones from the career quiz or ones you just want to research. They should be occupations that you can attain with a 2 or 4 year college degree or less. GET THESE APPROVED BY MCNELIS!

2)Do some research and find out what education is required for each occupation, and what the starting salary usually is. You can use google. Fill out the chart below.

A good website about careers:

  • Go to
  • Click on the CAREERS tab at the top
  • Search your career in the “Career Database”
  • When you find the career, click on it and it will give you a summary and information about salaries.

JOB #1

Annual Salary
Hourly Wage
Education/ training needed

JOB #2

Annual Salary
Hourly Wage
Education/ training needed

JOB #3

Annual Salary
Hourly Wage
Education/ training needed

Complete the Mortgage/Rent Calculations:

Now choose ONE of the 3 careers that you researched above to be your MAIN career:______

1) What is the annual starting salary? (If your job listed hourly wage, assume you work 52 weeks per year, 40 hours a week)

2) Using your annual pay above: Assume 30% is taken out for various taxes. How much is this?

3) So how much money will you actually bring home per year? BE SURE TO SHOW YOUR WORK

4) Using your answer to #3, figure out how much money you will bring home in a month (divide by 12). SHOW YOUR WORK

5) Statistics say that a mortgage/rent payment should not be more than 25% of your monthly take home pay. With that being said, how much money can you spend on rent (take 25% of your answer to #4)? BE SURE TO SHOW YOUR WORK

Find a place to live

  • Using the information from #5 above, you need to find an apartment you can rent that will fit in your budget.
  • Use the internet and search for an apartment that you can afford. Fill in the following info:

Cost per month
square footage
# bedrooms
# bathrooms
apartment complex?
laundry (in apt)?
pet friendly?
utilities that are included
other amenities

Create a presentation about your career!

Create a power point presentation with slides about

  • Your career interest results (from the online Quiz)
  • The 3 jobs you chose to research, with education, description and salaries for each
  • Your chosen career, and why you chose it
  • Calculations on how much you can afford to pay for your rent
  • Your apartment (where it is, features, PICTURES!)

NAME: ______Applied Math- Chapter 1 project


In class work habits15______

Career Quiz #120______

3 career options researched30______

Mortgage/Rent Calculations15______


Power Point (min 6 slides, pictures, etc.)20______


Days late- 15______
