Regular Meeting
Zoning Board of Adjustment
April 11, 2014
William W. Cathcart called the Regular Meeting of the Stone Harbor Board of Adjustment to order at 7:00 p.m. He stated that all requirements of the “Open Public Meetings Act of 1975” had been met, the Press of Atlantic City having been notified of the Board’s schedule for 2014 in December 2013, and the schedule having been posted on the Municipal Clerk’s Bulletin Board.
ROLL CALLMembers PresentMembers Absent
William W. CathcartAlan Kaplan
Angelo CaraccioloJ. Craig Otton
Mia Donnell
Greg SzetelaAlternates Absent Bob Ross Matt DeRose Brian Markle
Secretary Present
Carrie Bosacco
Solicitor PresentZoning Officer Present
Andrew CataneseJoanne Mascia
Upon a motion by Mr. Caracciolo, seconded by Ms. Donnell, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 7, 2014 be approved. The motion to approve the minutes was carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
#820-2014Applicant’s Name & Address:Karen A. Wisdom
483 Fislerville Road
Mullica Hill, NJ 08062
Owner’s Name & Address:Same
Subject Property:258 99th Street
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Block and Lot:Bl: 98.03 Lots: 103.02, 105.01 and 106.01
Applicant is seeking interpretation and/or variances to permit expansion of a non-conforming structure to allow construction of a pergola on the second floor deck, either a variance from the maximum landing size of 5’ x 5’ with the proposed landing being 13’2” x 8’10” or a side yard setback to allow steps to encroach 5’, and remove and replace roof area.
All required notices were given with respect to this hearing.
Jane M. Hoy, Esquire appeared on behalf of the Applicant and explained the nature of the application.
Zoning Board Member, Greg Szetela, recused himself because he’s within 200ft of the Applicant.
The following individuals were sworn in and testified on behalf of the Applicant:
1. Karen A. Wisdom, Homeowner
2. Don A. Parks, Professional Engineer
The following exhibits were moved into evidence on behalf of the Applicant:
A-1Photograph of comparable pergola
A-2 to A-11 Photographs of existing home and surrounding area
A-12 Survey of subject premises (McGonigal)
A-13 Variance plan by O. Andrew Simpkins (2/18/14) 2 pgs
Greg Szetela and Joan Piotroski spoke in favor of granting the application. Noone spoke against it.
Chairman Cathcart closed the hearing to the Applicant and the public.
Mr. Catanese gave the Board a summation of the applicable legal standards.
The Board discussed the application. Mr. Caracciolo made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ross that the C-2 variance be granted. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #820-2014 – C-2 Variance
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloAYE
Mr. SzetelaRecuse
Ms. DonnellAYE
Mr. RossAYE
Ms. Donnell made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ross that the C-1 variance be granted. The motion was denied by a two to two vote.
ZBA #820-2014 - C-1 Variance
Chairman CathcartNAY
Mr. CaraccioloNAY
Mr. SzetelaRecuse
Ms. DonnellAYE
Mr. RossAYE
The solicitor will prepare a memorializing resolution for adoption at our next regularly scheduled meeting.
#821-2014Applicant’s Name & Address:Michael Pepitone
24 Neville Drive
Lincroft, NJ 07738
Owner’s Name & Address:Same
Subject Property:9500 Sunset Drive
Stone Harbor, NJ 08247
Block and Lot:Bl: 95.04 Lot: 76.02
Applicant is requesting necessary variances to renovate the structure and construct a second story. The structure will conform as to height, front yard setbacks, one side yard setback, parking and lot coverage. In addition to variance relief necessary for existing conditions, including lot frontage and lot area, Applicant requests relief so as to allow a side yard setback variance of 12’ and building coverage of 27.1%. Jane Hoy represents the applicant.
All required notices were given with respect to this hearing.
Jane M. Hoy, Esquire appeared on behalf of the Applicant.
The following individuals were sworn in and testified on behalf of the Applicant:
1. Michael Pepitone, Homeowner
2. Pamela Fine, Architect
3. Brian Murphy, P.E., P.P
The following exhibits were moved into evidence on behalf of the Applicant:
A-1 Resolution 808-2013
A-2 to A-4 Photographs of property and surrounding area
A-5 Plans by Blane Steinman (Rev. 11/13/13) 4 pgs.
A-6 Plans by Blane Steinman 2 pgs
A-7 Survey by Thomas Amey Shaw (1/31/13)
A-8 Aerial Photograph
A-9 Variance plan by Thomas Amey Shaw
Tony Bilotta and Mary Conley spoke in favor of granting the application. Noone spoke against it.
Chairman Cathcart closed the hearing to the Applicant and the public.
Mr. Catanese gave the Board a summation of the applicable legal standards.
The Board discussed the application. Mr. Caracciolo made a motion, seconded by Mr. Szetelathat there C-2 variance be granted. The motion was approved unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #821-214 – C-2 Variance
Chairman CathcartAYE
Mr. CaraccioloAYE
Mr. SzetelaAYE
Ms. DonnellAYE
Mr. RossAYE
Mr. Ross made a motion, seconded by Mr. Szetela that the C-1 variance be granted. The motion was denied unanimously by roll call vote.
ZBA #821-214 – C-1 Variance
Chairman CathcartNAY
Mr. CaraccioloNAY
Mr. SzetelaNAY
Ms. DonnellNAY
Mr. RossNAY
The solicitor will prepare a memorializing resolution for adoption at our next regularly scheduled meeting.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on May 9, 2014.
With there being no other business, upon a motion of Ms. Donnell, seconded by Mr. Ross, and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Attest: ______
Carrie Bosacco, Secretary
April 11, 2014
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