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Table of Contents
NGO Council information
Maori Health Representatives on the NGO Council
Ministry of Health information
Director-General of Health Appointed
New Zealand Health Strategy update and associated reviews
Streamlined Contracts Programme Update
National Health IT Board newsletter
Enabling Good Lives – new website
Ministry of Health website:
Other government agencies
State Services Commission
Department of Internal Affairs
Office for Disability Issues
Ministry of Social Development
NGO information
NZ Council of Christian Social Services - Policy Watch
Places to find NGO information
Training, education, resources and conferences
Health Promotion Forum of NZ Workshops and Short courses
NZ Disability Support Network - Leaders Forum: Pre-employment Screening and Vetting / Health & Safety Planning
NZ Disability Support Network - Practice Forum
Altogether Autism Conference
Events included in previous updates
Consultation, surveys and submissions
Department of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Social Development
NZ Parliament
Other information
NGO Council information
The next NGO Council meeting is in Wellington on 22 April.
Maori Health Representatives on the NGO Council
Donna Matahaere-Atariki(Ngai Tahu and Taranaki) –NGO Council Chair
Executive Director, Arai TeUruWhareHauora
Donna has a background in Māori development having taught at the University of Otago and as a senior executive in the Office of TeRunanga o Ngai Tahu. She spent some time as a policy director in the public sector, before returning home to Dunedin to take on a leadership role in Arai TeUruWhareHauora.
Donna is committed to ensuring that NGOs are duly recognised for the strengths that they bring to achieving health outcomes for everyone and is a strong advocate for equity and whanau ora. Donna brings a strong and confident voice on behalf of Māori to the Council.
TeKaiwhakahaerePurapuraWhetu Trust
Kokoutoungaringaraka, ngaringarehe e mahianakeirotoitenawhare, itenawhare o tatou, o tetini, o temano.
Kokoutoukatoa e kahaanakiteawhi, manaaki, tiakiingatangata, inga whanau kuahereakitekaupapaake me onatumomoahuatangakatoa.
Ahakoatetaumaha o ngamahinei, keitetutonumai, keitemaia, keitemanawanuitonukoutou,
Kei teraputonukoutou, tatoutonuitearaorangamotekaupapa o tatounei.
No reiratenakoutou, tenakoutou, tenatatoukatoa.
Karaitiana has an understanding of the health sector and the inequalities and disparities for Māori and their health. He has developed and maintained healthy relationships with stakeholders and the communities he serves.
He thinks it is important to function in a way that promotes and supports Māori health ideologies and the best health outcomes for Māori. Karaitiana is particularly interested in the area of social justice and the effect that government actions have on Māori. He believes in keeping people well, as he thinks prevention is a better intervention and all people deserve excellent health care and empowering social support.
Karaitiana currently sits with the following groups:
- South Island Mental Health Service Level Alliance (Māori Rep)
- Whanau Ora Information System Advisory Group (Chair)
- Whanau Ora Information System Steering Group (member)
- Alcohol Harm Minimisation Advisory Group (member)
- Youth Mental Health and Addiction Alliance (member)
- Canterbury Clinical Network Māori Caucus (member)
- CDHB Mental Health Leadership Work Stream (Māori rep).
Josie Smith (NgatiTe Ata and NgatiWhatua)
Chief Executive, Te Kotuku Ki TeRangi Trust
Josie’s skill set covers a broad range of management skills and leadership that has been utilised in roles pertaining to Māori, including mental health, accident compensation, business development and finance. Josie has many years of governance experience across most sectors, including positions as Chair and/or Treasurer. She is a much-focused person and enjoys challenges that provide opportunities that impact upon Māori and non-Māori wellbeing.
As a Māori health representative, Josie brings to this Council high level governance and management experience and a good understanding of the overall Māori health and social sectors.
Throughout her career Josie has developed strong networks and a reputation for being a solid leader who remains level headed, even in adverse circumstances. Josie has a good rapport with people of all levels within organisations, whilst still retaining respect as a senior leader.
Work history
- Te Kotuku Ki TeRangi Charitable Trust – Chief Executive (current)
- ACC – Regional Māori Manager for Northland and Auckland – 4 years
- TePuniKokiri – Māori Business Facilitation Manager for Auckland – 7 years
- ANZ Bank – Bank Manager – 19 years
- Interim Chair for Thrive - current
- Independent Māori Statutory Board – Trustee current
- HealthWest Health Trust – Trustee current
- NagtiTe Ata Claims Support Whanau – Chair current
- TupunaTaonga o Tamaki Makaurau Trust – Trustee current
- Whenua HaumiRoroa O Tamaki Makaurau General Partner Ltd – Trustee current
Ministry of Health information
Director-General of Health Appointed
State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie has announced the appointment of Mr Chai Chuah as Chief Executive and Director-General of Health, Ministry of Health.
Mr Chai Chuah has been the Ministry of Health’s acting Chief Executive and Director-General of Health since November 2013. Prior to joining the Ministry of Health in February 2010 as the National Director of the National Health Board, Mr Chuah was Chief Executive of Hutt Valley District Health Board. Mr Chuah is a qualified chartered accountant with more than 25 years health sector experience.
Mr Chuah’s career includes more than 15 years in senior health management roles and he has held a number of operational roles throughout his career.
"I am very pleased to appoint Chai Chuah to this vital role for New Zealand" Mr Rennie said.
The Director-General of Health is a pivotal role leading a sector critical to the overall wellbeing of New Zealanders. The Ministry of Health is the Government’s chief advisor on health and disability matters and seeks to improve, promote and protect the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.
"Mr Chuah has a lot of experience in building relationships between the Ministry and key stakeholders, notably the chairs, boards, and CEs of the District Health Boards" says Mr Rennie.
"During his many years in the health sector Chai has led a number of national health projects. Most recently in 2009 he led the IT side of the Ministerial Review Group that provided recommendations on improving the NZ health system" says Mr Rennie.
As acting Director-General of Health he has also been focussed on improving the social sector system performance through a variety of initiatives.
"Agencies working together as a single 'system', focused on ongoing improvement to the services we provide New Zealanders, is a major priority for the Public Service," said Mr Rennie.
"I am confident Chai will be able to draw on his networks and experience to work collaboratively with other chief executives and ensure the Ministry of Health's work is well integrated and aligned" says Mr Rennie.
Mr Chuah has been appointed for a five year term effective immediately.
New Zealand Health Strategy update and associated reviews
The Ministry is leading an update of the New Zealand Health Strategy. The current New Zealand Health Strategy was published in 2000 and much has changed since then. The updated strategy will set a new vision and a road map for the next 3–5 years for the health sector.
The strategy is being developed in conjunction with 2 external reviews.
1. A review of health system funding mechanisms. This will look at incentives for innovation, efficiency and better social services integration.
2. A review of health system capability and capacity. This will help ensure the updated strategy is well supported.
Streamlined Contracts Programme Update
The government-wide programme to simplify contracts with NGOs is well underway at the Ministry of Health. The new contracts will reduce compliance costs and provide an opportunity to collaborate with other agencies. Central to the new framework is Results Based Accountability™, a data-based management tool.
Project manager, Adrienne Percy says, “We’re working closely with people in the sector, who have welcomed the opportunity to have a say in the new contracts, especially the performance measures and reporting”. Read more on the Ministry of Health website
National Health IT Board newsletter
In this issue:
- National Health IT Board Director
- Clinician’s Corner
- New South Island hospital patient IT system
- PHOs submit patient portal strategies
- Smartphones changing the face of mobile health
- Telehealth improves access to care
- ISO Telehealth Quality Guidelines to be reviewed for use in NZ
- Updates to HISO Standards
- Events
- Nurse Practitioners can do Special Authority applications online
- National Patient Flow
Enabling Good Lives – new website
You can find it at:
Ministry of Health website:
For more information about the Ministry’s structure and business units go to Ministry business units.
Other government agencies
State Services Commission
Seeking expressions of interest for participants on the NZ Open Government Partnership Stakeholder Advisory Group
The State Services Commission manages New Zealand’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) membership. The State Services Commission is calling for expressions of interest for participants to serve on the New Zealand Open Government Partnership Stakeholder Advisory Group.
The OGP’s goals are to improve the quality of governance in order to deliver higher quality public services. To make progress towards these goals, member countries are required to develop an Action Plan every two years that sets out what steps will be taken to address at least two of the five ‘grand challenges’ identified by the OGP. Action Plan commitments must also reflect the OGP’s four core open government principles: transparency, citizen participation, accountability and innovative use of technology to advance the other principles.
An essential component of membership of the OGP is that governments work with civil society and other stakeholders in developing, implementing and evaluating the Action Plan commitments. Following feedback that SSC received from civil society representatives during the development of New Zealand’s Action Plan last year, Cabinet noted that the State Services Commission would establish a stakeholder-led advisory group to work with civil society and other stakeholders on meeting the country’s OGP commitments. Establishing the group is also consistent with the Government’s commitment to the Kia Tūtahi Relationship Accord and OGP good practice on working with civil society.
The terms of reference and membership profile of the New Zealand Open Government Partnership Stakeholder Advisory Group have been developed, and the State Services Commission is inviting expressions of interest from people and organisations to serve on the group. The Chairperson of the group will be a civil society representative.
The Commission would be grateful if you could either consider serving on the Group yourself, or passing on the call for expressions of interest to your networks. The closing date for expressions of interest is 22 April 2015. For further information about New Zealand’s membership of the OGP please visit the SSC website.
Department of Internal Affairs
New Consultations and Engagement Listing
Govt.nz have recently developed a cross-government consultations and engagement listing to show what consultations and engagement activities central and local government have open. The listing will make it easier for the New Zealand public to get involved with government decision making.
The listing can be searched by topic to make it easier for people to find out what’s happening in an area of interest, like health or education. RSS feeds are already in place so those interested can keep up-to-date with new listings for certain topics. There are also plans to enable email subscription to the listings.
Since its launch a month ago, there have been over a hundred referrals to agency sites via the consultation listing. That’s a positive indication that people are getting through to the information they are searching for. And while not all of the consultations from every source are there now – we are working on that – it’s an important step in making it easier for people to have their say.
Office for Disability Issues
March newsletter
Part one: Government news
- Message from the Minister for Disability Issues
- Enabling Good Lives Waikato demonstration update
- Release of Statistics New Zealand Disability and labour market report
- Establishment of the New Zealand Sign Language Board
- New Zealand Sign Language Fund
- Update from the Office for Disability Issues
- Have your say about disabled children and voluntary out-of-home placement
Part two: Sector news
- Sign language interpreted performances hosted by Auckland Live for 2015
Ministry of Social Development
Community Investment Update
In this issue:
- A message from Murray Edridge, Deputy Chief Executive, Community Investment
- Minister launches guidelines for safer children’s workforce
- Lead professionals share their Children’s Team experiences
- It’s not OK insights welcomed at international knowledge exchange
- Commitment to violence-free future
- Emergency housing funding – survey
- Ministry appoints Chief Science Advisor
- Report shows importance of whānau and community
- Leadership for the new normal
- Study awards support NGO social workers
- FalePasifika leads the march against bullying
- KickStart Breakfast Awards honour unsung hero
- Young film winner continues her success
NGO information
Injury Prevention Aotearoa newsletter
In this issue
- New MoU signed
- Water Safety
- Road Safety
- Women's Refuge
- Children & Youth
- Events
NZ Council of Christian Social Services - Policy Watch
Items of interest this issue include:
- Jean Vanier Awarded Templeton Prize
- Emergency Housing Consultation due 1st May
- Methodist join Salvation Army in saying 'No' to HNZ Homes
- Dementia Friendly Communities
- Independent Expert Panel to Lead Major CYF Overhaul
- Linking Knowledge, Practice and Action
- Heads up on Post Budget Breakfast Briefing
- Latest Newsletter from the Children's Action Plan
- New CPAG Report on The Impact of Poverty on Children with Disabilities
Places to find NGO information
Community Research
Consumers Voice
Volunteering NZ
Training, education, resources and conferences
Health Promotion Forumof NZ Workshops and Shortcourses
You are invited to register for one or more of their workshops and short courses on offer in Auckland during the next three months. Spaces are filling quickly so they recommend you click on the links below to register and secure your place in these popular training opportunities.
- 30 April Introducing the Ottawa Charter– for more information or to register clickhere
- 7 May Pasifika Health Promotion – for more information or to register click here
- 29 May Māori Concepts of Health Promotion – for more information or to register click here
- May-June Certificate of Achievement in Introducing Health Promotion – for more information or to register click here
Contact Emma Frost T: (09) 531 5504 or for further assistance.
NZDisability Support Network - Leaders Forum: Pre-employment Screening and Vetting / Health & Safety Planning
5 May, Auckland, holiday Inn Auckland Airport, 2 Ascot Road, Airport Oaks, Auckland
Beverley Pollard from Framework Trust and and Helen Parkes Partner of CosmanParkes will present at this event.
Pre-employment screening and Vetting:
This is a two hour presentation on the processes and structure of pre-employment screening and vetting with a look at the vulnerable children act and its relationship with disabled adults. It will cover the potential of deeper vetting and screening being included in future MSD/MOH contacts. The presentation will be interactive with examples and case studies and participants will be sure about how to go about it in their organisations.
Health and Safety Planning:
A half day interactive presentation.
The participants will identify:
- The key risks in the sector / organisation.
- Where these risks can be found.
- Ways to manage the risk.
- Contingency planning actions.
- Monitoring and verification requirements and a plan for improvement.
At the end of the session they will have a framework that they can use for their assurance processes across their organisations - and this can be used in support of the new regulatory framework.
Click here for the Programme and Registration form
NZ Disability Support Network - Practice Forum
Workforce Development Continuum / Mental Health and Disability
6 May, Holiday Inn Auckland Airport, 2 Ascot Road, Mangere, Auckland
NZDSN’s first Practice Forum for 2015 will include presenters Annette Kershaw and Vanessa James from Enrich+ and Magdel Hammond from Peer Services Connect Supporting Recovery.
Workforce Development Continuum:
A presentation on the “Work Development Continuum”. This will be an interactive and practical session with the participants being able to identify the specific process used and be able to personalise it to their own situation. The presenters will describe the programme and facilitate group work to enable participants to see how they could develop a similar project in their workplace and be clear about the specific steps required to do so.
Mental Health and Disability:
“A presentation which will be enable participants to identify the specific problems that their clients may have in relation to living with a disability and mental health issues. The session will include strategies for understanding and supporting people in a positive manner and increasing the participants understanding of mental health problems”.
Click here for the Programme and Registration form
Altogether Autism Conference
22-23 July 2015 - Holiday Inn Auckland Airport
The Altogether Autism Conference 2015 is focused on enabling people to be upskilled, educated and aware of all aspects of current best practice and research around the autism spectrum.
The conference will be a unique opportunity for professionals, parents and people on the autism spectrum to come together to discuss best practice, hear lived experiences and share learnings. Through a range of presentations and workshops, speakers will draw on their experience and expertise of the changing environment and latest developments in the field of autism, providing information and strategies to generate successful and positive outcomes for individuals and families living with autism.To register: visit or phone 0800 ASD INFO.