2015-16 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance
and Mentoring Support
Participant College Team Application
Application Deadline: Friday, October 9, 2015
Notification of Selection: Friday, November 6, 2015
The Mentor-Connect project, developed with the support of the National Science Foundation (NSF), is pleased to announce a technical assistance workshop and faculty development opportunity to help colleges benefit from NSF’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The project is designed to provide mentoring, instruction, and resources to assist colleges with grant writing as well as with project management and leadership development. The goal of the program is to develop or strengthen technician education programs in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Mentor-Connect invites applicants from community and technical colleges that are interested in preparing a competitive NSF proposal in the “Small Grants for Those New to ATE” funding track by the October 2016 submission deadline. To be eligible for assistance, a college must be new to NSF grant funding or not have received a grant in the past 10 years.
Colleges selected for Mentor-Connect will be expected to attend a workshop inNew Orleans, LA, in January 2016, for which faculty travel support is provided, andto work with an assigned mentor from the January workshop through the October 2016 ATE proposal submission date. Mentors have extensive experience in STEM disciplines, preparing NSF grant proposals, and managing ATE awards and will be on-hand to provide guidance and feedback throughout the grant development process.
Steps for applying for and engaging in this opportunity are outlined below:
Step 1: Prepare to Apply
Step 2: Complete the Application
Step 3: Submit the Application
Priorto completing this application, college applicants should:
- Read the applicable ATE Program Solicitation:
- Complete a Self-Assessment: The “readiness” self-assessment is designed to gauge your knowledge of the requirements associated with preparing a NSF ATE proposal. (Appendix A)
- Learn from an Orientation Webinar: ASeptember 10, 2015(1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Eastern) webinarprovides a detailed introduction to the NSF ATE program and to the Mentor-Connect NSF ATE grant preparation and technical assistance opportunity for two-year college STEM educators who prepare technicians in the advanced technologies that drive our nation’s economy. In preparation for considering and applying for the Mentor-Connect opportunity, college teams must either participate in this live webinar (real-time participation is preferred to be able to ask questions) orpotential applicants are required to view the recorded webinar prior to submitting this application. To register for the webinar or to view archived webinars, please VISIT OUR WEBSITE at
- Assemble a Faculty Team: Determine who should apply and assemble a two-member faculty team.
- Teams are required to include two faculty members that teach in the STEM disciplines and prepare technicians in the advanced technology fields that drive the U.S. economy. Preferred minimum credentials: a Master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. Licensed Professional Engineer) in a STEM discipline. Work experience in industry is also valued. Full-time faculty and those working in credit-bearing programs are preferred. Note that either faculty team participant should be willing and eligible to serve as a Principal Investigator (PI) for the NSF ATE grant to be prepared and submitted through this process. The PI is the person with whom the NSF communicates prior to and after a grant proposal is funded. While responsibilities may be assigned to others, the PI is the person most responsible for communications with the NSF as well as project implementation, outcomes and reporting. Determination of PI and Co-PI positions for the proposal may be made later in the proposal development process. Initially, either faculty participant should be considered a potential PI. As the project and proposal take shape, who should serve as PI will become clear.
- It is permissible for faculty team members who wish to work together on this project to be employed at different institutions; however, in doing so, faculty travel support from Mentor-Connect will be split between the two institutions. Note: At least one team member must be from an institution that awards associate degrees in a technician education field.Graduates of the associate degree program should be prepared primarily for employment rather than college transfer.
- Review Faculty Travel Requirements and Support Information
- A two-member faculty team is required to attend the Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance Workshop, which will be held on January 27-29, 2016, at Hotel Monteleone,New Orleans, LA. The meeting will begin at noon on January 27 and end at noon on January 29. The hotel rate is $189/night plus 14.75% tax and $2.00 occupancy fee. (Please do not make hotel reservations until notified of selection to participate.)
- The Mentor-Connect project offers each participating college up to $2,400 in travel support for a faculty team of two to attend the January 2016 workshop in New Orleans. The college/ institution will be expected to reimburse travel expenses, in keeping with local policies and procedures, to faculty members who participate in the workshop. Travel expense reimbursement to the college will be provided by the Mentor-Connect Project, SC ATE Center, PO Box 100548, Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC 29502-0548. Recap: the college reimburses faculty and then the Mentor-Connect Project reimburses the college.
- Meals offered at the workshop include 3 lunches (on January 27, 28, and 29), and 2 breakfasts (on January 28 and 29). Dinners are the responsibility of the attendee.
- Note: Should one of the two participating team members be from another institution, reimbursement eligibility will be reduced to $1,200 for a single participant from the applicant institution.
- All reimbursements must be requested within 60 days following the workshop.
- Consider Optional Grant Writer/SRO Participation:
- At the expense of the participant college, up to two grant writer(s)and/ or sponsored research officer (SRO) are invited to participate in the January 2016 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance Workshop with the college’s two-person faculty team. In lieu of a grant writer, another college administrator with a vested interest in the success of the faculty team in this endeavor may accompany a team from his or her institution. Expenses for this third (and/ or) fourth participant will entail a $395 registration fee payable to the Mentor-Connect project, plus travel expenses to New Orleans, LA.
- Grant writers/administrators are invited to attend with the college faculty team and benefit from the instruction and grant development opportunities of the workshop. There is also opportunity for grant writers to form their own network to assist in planning and proposal development strategies.
- For planning purposes, the hotel group rate for the Mentor-Connect workshop is $189/night plus 14.75% tax and $2.00 occupancy fee. As part of the registration fee, the workshop will provide materials, 3 lunches (January 27, 28, and 29), and 2 breakfasts (January 28 and 29). Dinners are the responsibility of the attendee.
- Complete all information requested on the application form, including:
- A one-page college statement of interest (300 words or less) that describes the business or industry cluster(s) or technical field your team will target and the challenge(s) in technician education you wish to address in your proposal.
- A personal statement of interest (200 words or less) from each faculty team member that addresses why you wish to participate in this activity and how you perceive it may benefit your professional and leadership development.
- Include a signed affidavit from a college administrator who has the authority to approve:
- Faculty participation in, and reimbursement of travel expenses for, the January 27-29, 2016 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance Workshop.
- Submission of a grant proposal to NSF in October 2016.
NOTE: Available online beginning July 1, 2015 and closing October 9, 2015
- The application should be completed and emailed to or faxed to 843-676-8548
- Deadline: 5:00 p.m. EST October 9, 2015
Please print the instructions above this line and keep for reference.
2015-16 Mentor-Connect College Team Application
College Name:Click here to enter text.
College Address: Click here to enter text.
Application Components:
- Project Statement of Interest: [1 page/300words]
Please describe the business or industry cluster(s) or technical field your team will target and the challenge(s) in technician education you wish to address in your proposal.
(Please attach a PDF or Text document) Click here to enter text.
- College Project Target Discipline
Please indicate the discipline that most closely describes the focus of your project.
☐Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources
☐Chemical Processing and Refining Technology
☐Energy Production and Energy Efficiency
☐Engineering Technology
☐Geospatial Technology
☐Information and Communication Technology
☐Information Assurance, Secure Logistics, and Forensics
☐Manufacturing Technology
☐Micro and Nanotechnologies
☐Teacher Preparation
☐OtherClick here to enter text. - Faculty Team Member Profiles to be completed by faculty applicants.
Two (2) STEM faculty team member profiles are required, either of whom could serve as Principal Investigator for a grant-funded project. Faculty should be actively engaged in teaching but may both teach and serve in an administrative position such as Department Head. Faculty team members should both have appropriate credentials for teaching in associate degree programs, but a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree is not required to be Principal Investigator for a NSF ATE grant.
Faculty Team Member #1 of 2Name / Click here to enter text.
Email Address / Click here to enter text. /
Phone Number / Click here to enter text. /
Gender / ☐Male
☐Prefer not to respond
Race / ☐American Indian or Alaskan Native
☐Black or African American
☐Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Ethnicity / ☐Hispanic or Latino
☐Not Hispanic or Latino
Faculty classification/Title / Click here to enter text. /
College or other academic institution / Click here to enter text. /
Department / Click here to enter text. /
Primary teaching discipline / Click here to enter text. /
Academic Degrees or Equivalent Credentials (e.g., Professional Engineer License) / Click here to enter text. /
Employment status / ☐Permanent, full-time faculty
☐Adjunct faculty
Based on your typical teaching contract(s), what is your anticipated teaching schedule? / ☐12 month
☐9 month
How many total years teaching experience do you have? / ☐1 year or less
☐2-4 years
☐5-6 years
☐7-10 years
☐More than 10 years
How many years have you taught for your current academic institution? / ☐New hire to 1 year
☐2-4 years
☐5-6 years
☐7-10 years
☐More than 10 years
Have you had any prior grant development experience? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Faculty Personal Statement of Interest (200 words): Describe why you wish to participate in this activity, your perception of its potential impact on STEM students, and how it may benefit you personally through professional and leadership development.
Click here to enter text.
Signature:Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Faculty Team Member #2 of 2Name / Click here to enter text. /
Email Address / Click here to enter text. /
Phone Number / Click here to enter text. /
Gender / ☐Male
☐Prefer not to respond
Race / ☐American Indian or Alaskan Native
☐Black or African American
☐Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Ethnicity / ☐Hispanic or Latino
☐Not Hispanic or Latino
Faculty classification/Title / Click here to enter text. /
College or other academic institution / Click here to enter text. /
Department / Click here to enter text. /
Primary teaching discipline / Click here to enter text. /
Academic Degrees or Equivalent Credentials (e.g., Professional Engineer License) / Click here to enter text. /
Employment status / ☐Permanent, full-time faculty
☐Adjunct faculty
Based on your typical teaching contract(s), what is your anticipated teaching schedule? / ☐12 month
☐9 month
How many total years teaching experience do you have? / ☐New hire to 1 year
☐2-4 years
☐5-6 years
☐7-10 years
☐More than 10 years
How many years have you taught for your current academic institution? / ☐New hire to 1 year
☐2-4 years
☐5-6 years
☐7-10 years
☐More than 10 years
Have you had any prior grant development experience? / Yes ☐ No ☐
Faculty Personal Statement of Interest (200 words): Describe why you wish to participate in this activity, your perception of its potential impact on STEM students, and how it may benefit you personally through professional and leadership development. Click here to enter text.
Signature:Click here to enter text.
Date:Click here to enter a date.
- Optional Grant Writer/SRO Participation
Is your college interested in having a grant writer or sponsored research officer (SRO) or other administrator attend the workshop alongside their faculty team? (Please note that grant writer participation will entail a $395 registration fee plus travel expenses).Note: Most colleges choose this option.
- Choose an item.
If yes, please provide the following contact information (so we can follow up with registration information at a later date).
Name / Click here to enter text. /Position/Title / Click here to enter text. /
Institution Name / Click here to enter text. /
Institution Location / Click here to enter text. /
Campus Address / Click here to enter text. /
Email / Click here to enter text. /
Office phone number / Click here to enter text. /
Cell phone number / Click here to enter text. /
- College Senior Administrator Affidavit[1]
Name / Click here to enter text. /
Title / Click here to enter text. /
Signature / Click here to enter text. /
Date / Click here to enter text. /
Applicant College/academic institution / Click here to enter text. /
Address / Click here to enter text. /
Personnel from our college participated in the September 10, 2015, Orientation Webinar, Opportunities for NSF ATE Program Funding & Mentor-Connect Grant-writing Support, or have viewed the archived recording of this webinar in preparation for applying for the Mentor-Connect opportunity. ______(Initial)
To my knowledge, our college/institution is eligible for a “Small Grant for Institutions New to ATE” (i.e., the college/institution has not been the recipient of a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education award in the past 10 years). ______(Initial)
Our college/institution supports development of a proposal for October 2016submission to the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education (NSF ATE) Program that will be prepared with technical support and mentoring provided by the Mentor-Connect project. ______(Initial)
Our college/institution will encourage participating faculty by allowing them time to attend the required January 27-29, 2015 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance Workshop in New Orleans, LA, and time thereafter as needed to work with college personnel and their Mentor-Connect mentor to prepare a proposal for October 2016 submission to the NSF ATE Program. ______(Initial)
The college/institution will reimburse travel expenses (in keeping with local policies and procedures) to faculty members who participate in the January 27-29 Mentor-Connect technical assistance workshop. The college/institution will be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses up to $2,400 (for a faculty team of two) from the Mentor-Connect Project, SC ATE Center, P.O. Box 100548, Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC 29502-0548. [Note: Should one of the two participating team members be from another institution, reimbursement eligibility will be reduced to $1, 200 for a single participant from the applicant institution.] Reimbursement must be requested within 60 days following the workshop. ______(Initial)
OPTIONAL: At the expense of the participant college, a grant writer or sponsored research officer (SRO) is invited to participate in the January 2016 Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance Workshop with the college’s two-person faculty team. Expenses for additional participants include a $395 registration fee payable to the Mentor-Connect project plus travel expenses to New Orleans, LA (the hotel group rate for the Mentor-Connect workshop is $189/night; 3 lunches will be provided January 27-29;
2 breakfasts will be provided January 27-29; and dinners are “on your own”). ______(Initial)
Appendix A
Mentor-Connect Technical Assistance for Prospective Principal Investigators National Science Foundation, Advanced Technological Education Program (NSF ATE)
to access current NSF ATE solicitation
Readiness Self-Assessment
This is a self-scoring instrument meant to quickly and easily demonstrate your readiness to develop a proposal in the “Small Grants for Institutions New to ATE” funding category. Program Officers report that proposals are most often rejected because the applicants have not addressed the criteria in the solicitation.This self-assessment will stimulate a thorough review of the program solicitation, which in turn will contribute to your grant-writing success.
The questions on this self-assessment relate to specific information in the NSF ATE Program Solicitation, 14-577. This solicitation expires October, 2016. This self-assessment will be revised thereafter to reflect any changes incorporated in the new solicitation. Please read and review the rules, regulations, and stipulations in the applicable solicitation for the date of your proposal submission. Read it early and revisit it often for improved chances of success with your grant proposal development and submission.
- What is the maximum amount of funding that can be requested in the “Small Grants for Those New to ATE” category?
- $2,000
- $2,000,000
- $200,000
- $20,000
- First-time applicants to NSF ATE are encouraged to consider which type of ATE funding?
- Planning grant
- Small grants for institutions new to the ATE program
- Regional ATE center
- National ATE center
- What is the maximum duration that can be requested for an ATE Project?
- 3 months
- 72 months
- 30 months
- 36 months
- For an ATE project, the project leadership team (Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator(s), and /or Senior Personnel) must include which of the following?
- Research university faculty
- Community college faculty
- Secondary school teacher(s)
- Industry partner(s)
- How many Principal Investigators (PIs) does NSF recognize for a given NSF ATE grant?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 5
- Who is your main contact at NSF during the proposal development and submission process?
- A science associate at the National Science Foundation
- The FastLane help desk at NSF
- Any program officer at NSF
- A program officer from the list of contacts provided for the NSF ATE program
- Which of the following is not a required component when submitting a NSF ATE grant proposal?
- Project description
- Roster of participating faculty
- Data management plan
- Project summary
- What is the page limit for the proposal Project Summary?
- 1 page
- 2 pages
- 5 pages
- 3 pages
- In what month(s) of the year are proposals due in response to the ATE Program solicitation?
- April
- July
- October
- April and October
- GPG stands for:
- Great program guide
- Good pathways guide
- Grant proposal guide
- Government procurement guide
- Which of the following is NOT included in the Award Information provided in the NSF ATE Program Solicitation?
- Estimated number of awards per year
- Estimated funding Congress has allocated
- Estimated number of first-time applicants to NSF ATE
- Estimated funding allocated for grant partners
- There are 3 major categories for NSF ATE proposals. Which of the following is NOT one of those categories?
- ATE project grants
- ATE center grants
- ATE targeted research grants
- ATE collaborative consortium grants
- Which of the following may NOT be included in an ATE proposal?
- Faculty travel
- Student recruitment
- The modification, construction, or furnishing of laboratories or other buildings
- Curriculum revisions
- What guidance does NSF ATE provide for including references in a proposal?
- References should be explained in the project description and are also required to be listed separately.
- References may be embedded and explained in the project description but do not need to be listed separately.
- References are optional for NSF ATE proposals.
- References are not to be included in the project description but should be listed separately.
- In preparing the required Budget and a Budget Justification for a proposal, NSF ATE provides direction on all but which of the following topics?
- Voluntary committed cost sharing
- Budget justification for consultants
- Budget allocation for project evaluator
- Page limit for a budget justification
- Which of the following is true about “committed cost sharing” in a NSF proposal/proposal budget?
- Cost sharing can be included as an unrequested portion of the college’s federally-negotiated indirect cost rate.
- Cost sharing will make your proposal more competitive.
- Cost sharing is encouraged but is not a mandatory requirement.
- Voluntary committed cost sharing is specifically prohibited.
- The Project Summary should address the disciplinary focus (or foci) of the proposed project, the kinds of activities to be undertaken, and the primary audience to be affected by those activities. What else must be explicitly addressed in the Project Summary in separate statements?
- Intellectual merit and broader impacts
- Project goals and broader impacts
- Intellectual merit and anticipated research outcomes
- The name of the Principal Investigator and anticipated impacts on STEM workforce development
- The online NSF system through which ATE proposals are submitted is called:
- Research.gov
- FastLane
- Grants.gov
- SureSubmit.com
- The person who is authorized to submit a grant proposalelectronically for your institution to the National Science Foundation is:
- The chairman of the board
- The Sponsored Research Officer (SRO)/ Grants Director
- The Principal Investigator (PI)
- The VP of Institutional Advancement
- What is the normal amount that may not be exceeded for equipment purchases included in a NSF ATE budget (when the equipment being requested clearly supports and is required for the work of the project)?
- $50,000
- $100,000
- 10% of the overall budget request
- $200,000
- What is the smallest acceptable font size for an NSF ATE Small Grant Proposal?
- 4.5 pt. font
- 10 pt. font
- 12 pt. font
- 16 pt. font
Instructions for Self-Scoring