Rubric for Test Success

Before the test

I turned the TV off by 9:00.

I read a book for at least 15 minutes before bed.

I read through my OAA notes right before I went to sleep.

I went to bed by 9:30.

I woke up on time.

I ate a good breakfast.

I had 2 sharpened number 2 pencils and an eraser.

I have colored pencils to use in my test booklet.

I had quiet work for after the test

I used the restroom before the test.

I left all of my electronic devices in my locker.

I cleared my desk of all materials except for two number two pencils.

I printed my first and last name on the line provided for both the answer document and

the test booklet.

During the test

I did not leave any blanks

I included 2 sentences or two pieces of important information for a two-point response.

I included at least 5 complete sentences for a 4 pt. response.

I have numbered and answered all parts of the extended response questions. I have underlined each part of the question as I answer it.

I have transferred all my answers from the test booklet into the answer document.

I was quiet during test time.

I have used process of elimination to cross out answers that don’t make sense or that I am positive are wrong. I did not mark off incorrect responses on the answer document.

I used color pencils to highlight text in the test booklet, but not on the answer document.

I put words down first for graphic organizers and then drew a circle around it.

I only looked at and worked on the test I was supposed to.

I used at least 2 hours to read and answer questions thoroughly.

I checked that all marks were heavy, dark and completely filled in the circle.

I erased all incorrect marks carefully.

I did not use a mechanical pencil, pen, colored pencil, highlighter, or marker on the answer document.

I kept extended response answers on the lines and in the box provided. (FYI. The same amount of space is provided for both 2pt. and 4pt. responses.)

I have checked that my handwriting is heavy, dark and completely legible.

I did not talk during the breaks.

I reread my sentences when I was done to make sure they make sense and are not missing words.

______Student signature

Add any Reading or math specifics?

Notes from the admin booklet

All electronic devices (cell phone, iPod, etc.) must be collected from students prior to the test administration

Checked all marks are heavy and dark and are completely filled in

Students must not use mechanical pencils, pens, colored pencils, highlighters, or markers to complete their responses. Responses completed with a mechanical pencil, ink pen, colored pencil, highlighter, or marker will not be scored.

Students should be reminded to keep responses on the lines and within the boxes. Responses outside the lines or boxes are not guaranteed to be scored.

• Fill in each bubble completely.

• Erase completely any marks that the student wishes to change.

• Colored pencils may be used to highlight text when needed. Highlighters are not recommended due to stray marks caused by bleeding through the page of the test booklet.

• Avoid marking too close to multiple-choice bubbles. Stray marks may cause the scanner to record a

response not intended.

• Use a No. 2 pencil to write all responses.

• Do not use mechanical pencils.

• Do not use ink or ballpoint pens, colored pencils, highlighters, or markers to write a response. Using apen, colored pencil, highlighter, or marker to write a response will result in the test not being scored.

• Do not cross out the responses the student does not choose. This may affect the scoring results.

Do not allow talking during the break.