-ANZMTG XX.XX[Trial Name]Trial-
-Follow Up Cost Questionnaire Form: FORM FU-CQPage 1 of 3-
Date form completed//
- Since your last study visit, did your disease and/or Yes No N/A
treatment stop you from working?
Tick N/A if not in the workforce
If Yes please indicate the number of days unable to work
- Since your last study visit, did your disease and/or treatment Yes No
stop you from performing your usual activities?
If Yesplease indicate the number of days affected and specifySpecify |______|
the types of activities that were unable to be performed|______|
- Have you visited a health professional (related to your melanoma groin diagnosis) since your previous study visit?
Health Professional / Yes / No / Total No.
of Visits / MBS Code(s)
General practitioner clinic visit / / /
General practitioner home visit / / /
General practitioner telephone consultation / / /
Physiotherapist / / /
Lymphoedema therapist / / /
Dietician / / /
Social worker / / /
Psychologist / / /
Other, please specify |______| / / /
- Have you visited a cancer specialist (related to your melanoma groin metastases diagnosis) since your previous study visit?
Cancer Specialist / Yes / No / Total No.
of Visits / MBS Code(s)
Radiation oncologist / / /
Medical oncologist / / /
Surgical oncologist / / /
Palliative care professional / / /
Other, please specify |______| / / /
- In relation to your melanoma diagnosis, did any of your visits to a health Yes No
professional and/or a cancer specialist require a procedure to be performed?
If Yes please complete No 4
If No please skip No 4
- Please indicate the procedure(s) and the number of times these were performed
Enter Y / N (Do not leave boxes blank) / No. of TimesPerformed / MBS Code(s)
Enter Y / N (Do not leave boxes blank) / No. of TimesPerformed / MBS Code(s)
Day surgery, specify / / Cytology/Pathology /
|______| / e.g. biopsy, FNA etc.
Mutation testing / / Blood test /
PET/CT scan / / Bone scan /
MRI scan / / CT scan /
Specify anatomical site of scan / Specify anatomical site of scan
|______| / |______|
X-ray / / Ultrasound /
Specify anatomical site of scan / Specify anatomical site of scan
|______| / |______|
Targeted therapy / / Immunotherapy /
Radiotherapy / / SRS /
Other, specify / / Other, specify /
|______| / |______|
- Enter the number of inpatient hospitalisations related to the diagnosis of
melanoma groin metastases since the previous study visit (enter 0 if none)
- If the patient had one or more inpatient hospitalisations since the previous study visit, please complete the table below
Inpatient Visit / No. of Nights
(Length of Stay) / Reason(s) for Visit / DRG Code(s) (if known)
1 /
2 /
3 /
4 /
5 /
6 /
- What is your current work status?
Full-time paid work (include self-employed) Part time paid work
Specify average hours per week
Unemployed looking for work Not in the workforce
Sick leave
Indicate type Paid Unpaid
- We would like to know how your disease and treatment impacts you financially over time. The average household income in Australia is $1,234 per week. What was the total weekly income before tax of all members of our household aged 15 years or over? Please include all income from wages, self-employment, investments, pensions and benefits.
Less than $617 per week Unsure
Between $618 and $1,234 per week
Between $1,235 and $2,467 per week
More than $2,468 per week
- What is your main source of income? (please tick one only)
Wage/salaries Government benefits
Self-employed No source
Spouse/partner Other, please specify |______|
ANZMTG XX.XX [Trial Name] Follow Up Cost Questionnaire Form [Version: vX.X] – [Date Form Created: DD/MM/YYYY]