Fire Alarm System Design ME- Building Group




  1. This Section includes the design, preparation of installation documents, for a microprocessor controlled, intelligent reporting networked fire alarm equipment required to form a complete, operative, coordinated system.
  2. The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of latest edition of the NFPA Standard 72 for Protected Premises Signaling Systems except as modified and supplemented by this specification. The system shall be electrically supervised Class A Style 7 and monitor the integrity of conductors.
  3. Alarm and trouble signals from each transponder shall be digitally encoded by listed electronic devices onto the looped fiber optic backbone addressable communication system.
  4. Alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals from intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded onto the Signaling Line Circuits.
  5. The system shall be an active/interrogative type system where each transponder is repetitively scanned; causing a signal to be transmitted to the local fire alarm control panel node indicating that the transponder and its associated initiating device and notification appliance circuit wiring is functional. Loss of this signal at the local fire alarm control panel (FACP) shall result in a trouble indication on both the FACP display and at the network display, as specified hereinafter for the particular input.
  6. The system shall be arranged such that not less than 25 percent additional transponders may be inserted into network communication loop.
  7. The FACP and peripheral devices shall be manufactured 100 percent by a single U.S. manufacturer (or division thereof).
  8. The system and its components shall be Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. listed under the appropriate UL testing standard as listed herein for fire alarm applications and shall be in compliance with the UL listing and meet FMG approval.
  9. The Fire Alarm and Security Installer shall employ NICET (minimum Level II Fire Alarm Technology) technicians on site to guide the final checkout and to ensure the systems integrity.
  10. Fire Alarm System Designer shall prepare and submit necessary documentation, payments etc. as required to obtain the required permits. Be responsible to ensure Fire Alarm System design is acceptable and will be approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
  11. Alternate: Provide a representative to assist with testing and commissioning of the completed system.


  1. Specifications and standards listed below form a part of this specification. The system shall comply with the latest edition standards.
  2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - USA:

No. 12High Pressure CO2 Extinguishing Systems

No. 13Sprinkler Systems

No. 15 Water Spray Systems

No. 16Foam/Water Deluge and Spray Systems

No. 17Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems

No. 17AWet Chemical Extinguishing Systems

No. 2001Clean Agent Extinguishing Systems

No. 72National Fire Alarm Code

No. 101Life Safety Code

  1. Local and StateBuilding Codes.
  2. Requirements of the Owner’s Insurer. Contact:

Global Risk Consultants

14058 Edgewood Street

Livonia, Michigan48154-5334

Attention: Jim Faitel

Phone: 734 - 513-5070


  1. Requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.


  1. General
  2. Basic Performance: Each signal line circuit (SLC) loop shall be wired NFPA 72 Style 6 (ClassA).
  3. Initiation Device Circuits (IDC) shall be wired Class B (NFPA Style B) as part of an addressable device connected to the by the SLC circuit.
  4. Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC) shall be wired Class B (NFPA Style Y) as part of an addressable device connected by the SLC circuit or a panel circuit.
  5. Alarm signals arriving at the main FACP shall not be lost following a primary power failure.
  6. Provide device isolators so that a maximum of 10 devices can be lost with a system wire to wire short. Isolators shall be located a minimum of 8 feet above the floor with easy viewing from the floor. They shall not be attached to the same conduit or box as the manual pull stations.
  7. The Signaling Line Circuits (SLC) shall be in a ring (loop) configuration. The ring shall provide Class A (Style 6) operation. Communication between nodes shall be through fiber optic cables.
  8. The fire alarm and detection system communications shall be via a peer-to-peer, deterministic, token passing communication method. Collision and recovery or poll-response methods that can not be shown to have deterministic performance are not permissible alternates.
  9. Operation of the network shall not rely on any one master controller or other central component that, when failed, shall reduce or entirely interrupt operation of the remainder of the network.
  10. Failure of any node shall not cause failure of any other node or loss of communication among surviving nodes.
  11. If a group of nodes becomes isolated from the rest of the network, that group shall continue to function with common interactions of monitoring and control remaining intact. The network shall be notified with the exact details of the loss.
  12. When a node is added or removed from any portion of the network, whether due to circuit fault or equipment failure, the network shall automatically re-configure to insert/remove the affected node.
  13. Each node shall be field configured to support communications at 1200, 9600, 19200, and 38400 BPS (bits per second). Selection of communications speed shall be determined by site conditions.
  14. Equipment in the network communication path shall maintain efficient 1/2 bit data regeneration techniques that allow information to be passed from node to node with minimum time loss. Equipment that requires buffering of data at each node before being repeated shall not be acceptable because such techniques cause delayed system response.
  15. The network shall utilize dedicated fiber optics signaling. Fiber optics interface equipment shall be UL listed or FMG approved for compatibility with the control equipment.
  16. Signaling Line Circuit Fiber Optic Specification & Guidelines
  17. General
  18. Fiber optic cable used within the Plant shall be tight-buffeted, multi-media indoor/outdoor riser rated, breakout, plenum rated cable.
  19. The cable shall conform to EIA 568 Section 10.3.4.
  20. Cable can be 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 or 48-strand, as indicated, and produced by Optical Cable Corporation or other DaimlerChrysler approved manufacturer. Cable jacket shall be Red in color. Optical Cable Corporation Part Numbers:
  • 2 Strand RK980626 Rev A2-Fiber MM
  • 4 StrandRK980626-01Rev A4-Fiber MM
  • 6 StrandRK980626-02Rev A6-Fiber MM
  • 12 StrandRK980626-03Rev A12-Fiber MM
  • 24 StrandRK980626-04Rev A24-Fiber MM
  • 48 StrandRK980626-05Rev A48-Fiber MM
  • Fiber Optic/Copper Guidelines
  • 3/4-inch conduit run from the Cabinets and end devices into the ceiling truss, turning conduit 90 degrees once in truss for routing of exposed cables. Determine if conduit runs provided by other Bid Packages can be utilized, or design runs to be provided by the Fire Alarm and Security Installer.

1)Use rigid galvanized conduit to 10 feet above finished floor and EMT elsewhere.

  1. Provide drip loop in cable where cable enters or exits conduit.
  2. Fiber optic cable/copper wire can be run exposed in the ceiling truss and, where possible, must follow the building columns. No drilling of holes or welding of ceiling truss steel is permitted. Cable and conduit shall be securely fastened using (clamps with bolts) or similar means.
  3. Where cables are run exposed they shall be run using bridal rings and be run directly below the top cord of truss as close to the roof as possible.
  4. When fiber cable/copper wire is run down from truss to the Cabinets it shall be run in 3/4inch rigid galvanized conduit.
  5. Appropriate care and installation techniques shall be used to ensure that the manufacturer’s specifications for minimum bend radius and maximum tensile rating and vertical rise are not exceeded.
  6. Splices are not allowed in the fiber optic cables. Fiber patch panels are acceptable.
  7. The fiber optic cable shall have an end-to-end loss, including losses through the patch panels at each end and 100 foot jumper cable (on each end), of less than 4.0dB. This shall include a maximum loss of 0.6 dB (total both ends) loss through the connectors and the dB rated loss (0.92dB/1000ft at 850nm and 0.305dB/1000ft at 1300nm) due to the length of the cable.
  8. Cables not meeting the manufacturers and DaimlerChrysler’s test requirements shall be replaced at no additional cost to the DaimlerChrysler or penalty to the scheduled project completion.
  1. Fiber Optic Terminating
  2. Each fiber shall be terminated with ceramic ferrule ST connectors.
  3. Each fiber shall be terminated with stress relief over the breakout cable. Provide a drop of “Super Glue” on stress relief prior to pushing over termination to insure stress relief shall not slide back when connectors are installed or removed from devices.
  4. Insertion Loss for fiber optics connectors shall be less than 0.5 dB.
  5. Labeling
  6. Each fiber optic cable shall be permanently imprinted with a typewritten identification tag. Identification tags must be placed within 2 feet of each end of each cable. Label cable even when within conduit or Inner duct. The labeling format is listed in AppendixA.
  7. Conduit, cable and Inner duct shall be labeled at each end and every 100 feet with an orange label identifying the contents as fiber optic cable and with the cable numbers of the cables inside. The labeling format is listed in Appendix A.
  8. Testing
  9. Every strand of fiber cable shall be terminated and tested.

1)Submit documentation on the procedures used, certify that the testing requirements were met and provide completed test results.

2)Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) testing

  1. Pre installation testing

1)New cable shall be tested prior to installation. On-reel testing of fiber optic cable must be performed, after arrival to the site, using an OTDR as approved by the Owner.

2)Conformance to manufacturer’s loss specifications for each reel of cable must be shown and approved by Owner prior to the start of installation.

  1. Post installation testing

1)End-to-end testing shall be performed at both 850 and 1300 nm in one direction (From Data Center to cabinets) on each strand of cable using an OTDR approved by the Owner. Testing shall be performed using a “100-foot jumper cable” on both ends, of cable being tested, to show db loss through connectors on both ends.

2)The loss of each strand and terminations shall not exceed 4db end to end and shall be documented.

3)Hard copies of each OTDR trace shall be provided. Replace cables and/or terminations not meeting DaimlerChrysler Corporation standards prior to system being accepted and the Fire Alarm and Security Installer submitting documentation for review.

  1. Insertion loss testing

1)End-to-end testing shall be performed on each length of cable using a fiber optic power loss meter set approved by the Owner.

2)The end-to-end attenuation of each cable at 850 and 1300 nm in both directions shall be documented. Provide 2 MICROTEST fiber solution kits P:8080-02 (or latest edition) to owner prior at start of project.

  1. Basic System Functional Operation
  2. General: When a fire alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices, the following functions shall immediately occur:
  3. The system alarm LED on the FACP shall flash.
  4. A local piezo electric signal in the control panel shall sound.
  5. The display on the FACP shall indicate information associated with the fire alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location. A color graphic system shall be provided with text only for additional information for use by the operator. The text screens shall be programmed into the system with information to be provided by the Owner’s Representative.
  6. Printing on the FACP and history storage equipment shall log the information, along with time and date of occurrence. The printer shall be a UL listed model for use with the FACP. Two ink cartridges and two boxes of printer paper shall be furnished when the printer is installed. Information as to how and where to purchase additional printing supplies such as ink cartridges, print heads etc shall be left with the Owner’s Representative. The history storage shall be downloadable to an integral CD or DVD recorder as part of the fire alarm system and not a peripheral device.
  7. System output programs assigned via control-by-event interlock programming to be activated by the particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated system outputs shall be activated.
  8. Operator Security Levels- Logon
  9. Minimum of 6, each level shall have the capability to be defined and programmed by DaimlerChrysler. Each operator shall have a unique password.
  10. Highest level includes access to all functions and commands.
  11. Lowest level allows system monitoring and alarm acknowledgement only.
  12. Levels in between 1 and 6 shall allow access to functions and commands as required by DaimlerChrysler.
  13. Highest level operators shall define lower level operators by name and security level.
  14. Operator shall complete login process by entering a unique password.


  1. General:
  2. To the Owner’s Representative, 5 copies of submittals, including fire alarm system installation, wiring diagrams. Battery drain calculations, catalog cut sheets of major components, shall be submitted. Cut sheets of equipment to be utilized need to be supplied for review by DaimlerChrysler before the equipment is purchased.
  3. At least 2 additional copies for review shall be submitted to The Owner’s Insurer. One copy shall be retained by the Owner’s Insurer and one or more shall be stamped “approved”.
  4. References to manufacturer's model numbers and other pertinent information herein is intended to establish minimum standards of performance, function and quality. Equivalent compatible UL-listed or FMG approved equipment from other manufacturers may be substituted for the specified equipment as long as the minimum standards are met and the equipment is acceptable to DaimlerChrysler.
  5. Shop Drawings:
  6. The 90 percent design drawings shall be reviewed by DaimlerChrysler and The Owner’s Insurer prior to ordering equipment or starting of installation.
  7. Sufficient information, clearly presented, shall be included to determine compliance with drawings and specifications.
  8. Include manufacturer's name(s), model numbers, ratings, power requirements, equipment layout, device arrangement, complete wiring point-to-point diagrams, and conduit layouts.
  9. Fully cadded drawings that comply with the current plant system shall be submitted showing panels and annunciators layout, devices, communication trunk configurations, and terminations; and electrical conduit and wiring installations.
  10. Manuals
  11. Submit simultaneously with the shop drawings, complete operating, and maintenance manuals listing the manufacturer's name(s), including technical data sheets.
  12. Wiring diagrams shall indicate internal wiring for each device and the interconnections between the items of equipment.
  13. Provide a clear and concise description of operation that gives, in detail, the information required to properly operate the equipment and system. Include “jargon” terms and definitions as they relate to the particular manufacturer of the system and associated devices.
  14. Contract Closeout Submittals
  15. Operation and maintenance manuals. Not less than 5 copies.
  16. Software and hardware documentation.
  17. Wiring diagrams record documents (as builts) and system installation record documents (as builts) on CD Rom to Owner’s Representative.
  18. Hard copies of the as built drawing of the complete system installation including wiring diagrams including one copy to the Owner’s Reopresentative. Not less than 3 copies.


  1. System shall have proper listing and/or approval from one of the following nationally recognized agencies:
  2. U/LUnderwriters Laboratories Inc
  3. FMGFactory Mutual Global
  4. Fire alarm control panel shall meet UL Standard 864 (Control Units).


  1. Work performed and material and equipment furnished under this contract shall be free from defects and shall remain so for a period of 2 years from the date of acceptance. The full cost of maintenance, labor, and materials required to correct all defects during this two-year period shall be included in the submittal bid. Service response during the warranty period shall be within 4 hours 7 days a week from the time of the service call to the service technician arrival on site. The above shall start immediately after the final acceptance test of the entire system. This start date for the two year warranty shall be agreed upon with Owner’s Representative and this Bid Package Contractor. The start date shall be conveyed to Owner’s Representative by this Bid Package Contractor.


  1. A service agreement for preventative maintenance of the entire new system during and after warranty shall not be included in the base bid but included as an Alternate.



  1. Equipment and components shall be new, and the manufacturer's current model. Materials, appliances, equipment, and devices shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized approvals agency for use as part of a protective signaling system, meeting the National Fire Alarm Code.
  2. Equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with manufacturers' recommendations.


  1. Wiring runs shall be approved by Owner’s Representative.
  2. Conduit:
  3. Conduit shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), local and state requirements.
  4. Wiring shall be installed in rigid conduit from the end device or cabinet up to 10 feet then in IMT to the bottom chord of truss. Wiring must then be run above the bottom chord of the truss. Wire may be run in bridle rings or cable trays such that there is no sagging below the bottom chord of the truss. Distance between bridle rings shall not exceed 10 feet. In office areas wire shall be run in IMT up to the suspended ceiling. Conduit fill shall not exceed 40 percent of interior cross sectional area where three or more cables are contained within a single conduit.
  5. Cable must be separated from open conductors of power, or Class 1 circuits, and shall not be placed in conduit, junction box or raceway containing these conductors, per NEC Article 760-29.
  6. Conduit shall be 3/4 inch minimum.
  7. Determine if conduit runs provided by other Bid Packages can be utilized, or design runs to be provided by the Fire Alarm and Security Installer.
  8. Wire
  9. Fire alarm system wiring shall be new.
  10. Wiring shall be in accordance with local, state, and national codes (e.g., NEC Article 760) and as recommended by the manufacturer of the fire alarm system.
  11. Wire and cable shall be listed and/or approved by a recognized testing agency for use with a protective signaling system.
  12. Wire and cable not installed in conduit shall have a fire resistance rating suitable for the installation as indicated in NFPA 70 (e.g., FPLR).
  13. Field wiring shall be completely supervised.
  14. Exposed wire in the trusses shall be red in color and identified as fire alarm system cable.
  15. Terminal Boxes, Junction Boxes and Cabinets:
  16. Boxes and cabinets shall be UL listed for their use and purpose and be keyed alike.
  17. Initiating circuits shall be arranged to serve like categories (manual pull stations, smoke detectors, and sprinkler water flow). Mixed category circuitry shall not be permitted except on signaling line circuits connected to intelligent reporting devices.
  18. Fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, maximum 20 amperes. Breaker switches shall be identified, locked in the “on” position and a list submitted to the Owner’s Representative of their location. Location of circuit breakers and number of the circuit shall be marked inside the associated FACP.
  19. Fiber Optic Cable: Fiber optic cable provided shall be new. No splices or joints are permitted. Cables shall be identified by labeling per the Fire Alarm System Designer. Cables shall be labeled six inches before terminations, before entering raceways, and six inches after exiting raceway. Fiber optic cable in the trusses shall be “RED” in color and labeled as to function every 50 feet.