Transfer of Student Permanent Records--End of Year

Preschool/Head Start: To ensure that permanent records follow Early Childhood students to their P1 schools, end of the year/beginning of the year records procedures have been developed in collaboration with the Early Childhood and ECE departments. These procedures are to be implemented for students exiting Early Childhood and entering P1, kindergarten.

·  Except for DuValle, Jaeger, Riverport, Shawnee Early Childhood Center, McFerran Early Childhood Center, Dawson Orman, Jubilee, and Center at Riverport, all Early Childhood student's permanent records, including ECE folders, are to remain at students' elementary school locations. The permanent/ECE records of Early Childhood students at DuValle, Jaeger, Riverport, Shawnee, McFerran, Dawson Orman, Jubilee, and Center at Riverport are to be boxed alphabetically by location and brought to the preschool office by the building manager. They, in turn, will deliver them along with an alpha list of the names of the students whose records are in the box to the Department of Pupil Personnel records room. Upon delivery an inventory of the records will be made and signed by both the delivery person and a records room staff member.

Elementary: All permanent records of transferring elementary students into another Jefferson County public elementary school should be retained at the students' present location until school personnel return for the fall semester; then exchange the students' records.
Students Leaving Elementary School for Middle School: The elementary work folder (formerly known as the cumulative folder) is to be archived at the elementary school for one year and then destroyed. Do not send the folder to the middle school. As has always been the policy, after the last day of school and before leaving for the summer, elementary counselors are to box and hand deliver students' completed permanent records (formerly known as VISIs) and ECE folders to the student's next assigned school along with two copies of an alpha list of the students whose records are being delivered. RECORDS ARE NOT TO BE SENT TO THE MIDDLE SCHOOL VIA THE PONY. Upon delivery of the records and the inventory list, a staff member from the receiving school is to ensure the accuracy of the list in comparison with the folders received. The list is to be signed, copied and retained by both parties (i.e., receiving staff member and the sending/delivering counselor).

Middle: All permanent records of transferring students to another Jefferson County public middle school should be retained at the students' present location until school personnel return for the fall semester; then exchange the students' records.
Students Leaving Middle School for High School: As has always been the policy, after the last day of school and before leaving for the summer, middle school counselors are to box and hand deliver students' completed permanent records (formerly known as VISIs) and ECE folders to the student's next assigned school along with two copies of an alpha list of the names of the students whose records are being delivered. RECORDS ARE NOT TO BE SENT TO THE HIGH SCHOOL VIA THE PONY. Upon delivery of the records and the inventory list, a staff member from the receiving school is to ensure the accuracy of the list in comparison with the folders received. The list is to be signed, copied and retained by both parties (i.e., receiving staff member and the sending/delivering counselor).

High: All permanent records of transferring students to another Jefferson County public high school should be retained at the students' present location until school personnel return for the fall semester; then exchange the student's records.
Exceptions to the above method would be senior Permanent Records, which are sent to Pupil Personnel for scanning.
