Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Guidelines
Revised December 13, 2011
1. Purpose
1.1 As per Section 27.5(b) of the Collective Agreement, the “Professional Development Pool is a consolidated account solely for the use of full-time Faculty for all expenses related to scholarly advancement, including travel expenses, attendance at conferences, and related expenses for research activities.”
1.2 This funding is separate from the Personal Professional Development Fund (Section 27.4) and the RRU Internal Research Grants. Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool funding can be used to complement activities being undertaken under the Personal Professional Development Fund and/or the RRU Internal Research Grants.
2. Eligibility
2.1 As per Section 27.5(c) of the Collective Agreement: “To be eligible for consideration for pool monies, each full-time Faculty Member will be required to submit an annual professional development/research plan and application for funds from the pool by February 15th for review by a panel consisting of the Deans of each Faculty, the Associate Vice-President Research and three Faculty Members, a minimum of one Faculty Member from each of the Faculties, as appointed by the Faculty Association. The panel will decide which applications will be approved, reduced, or rejected”
2.2 Generally, applicants may only hold one Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool award at a time. Applicants may apply for further Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool funds once they have submitted their final written report for the previous award. In cases where the funds of a previous award are not going to be expended before the February 15th application deadline, yet before March 31st, applicants may apply for a further award. The receipt of this award will be dependent on the committee receiving a final report for the award currently held by March 31.
3. Award Value
3.1 The value of each award will normally not exceed $3,000. The Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Panel will adjudicate the awards such that the total amount awarded does not exceed the allocated budget for that fiscal year. If the total amount applied for exceeds the monies available, the panel has the option of reducing the amount of individual awards or of selecting applications to be held as alternatives should additional monies become available.
4. Timing
4.1 The annual deadline for application to the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool is February 15th (Section 27.5(c) of the Collective Agreement). At this time the annual professional development/research plan must also be submitted. The deadline for the final written report for the previous award is March 31st. The Professional Development /Scholarly Activity Pool Panel will adjudicate the awards by March 15th.
5. Selection Criteria
5.1 Recommendations for funds by the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Panel will be based on the following selection criteria:
1. Complete professional development/research plan and application form, including budget with budget justification;
2. Quality of the proposed development activities/research, as reflected in the significance, strength and feasibility of the activities/research;
3. Relevance of the activity to the applicant’s professional/research plan;
4. Relevance of the activity to the University’s mandate; and
5. Furthering career credentials or promotion in rank
It is recognized that not all applications will meet all 5 selection criteria
6. Project description
6.1 An applicant’s project description should also, in addition to the selection criteria above, include a description of the following information:
1. The overall goal(s) and specific objectives;
2. The significance and benefits of the activities/project (to the University, to society, to knowledge creation);
3. For research, indicate the proposed methodology;
4. The activities or work plan with time frames;
5. The feasibility of the proposed project; and
6. Expected outcomes.
7. Personnel
7.1 Personnel must be hired in accordance with RRU Human Resources policies and procedures.
8. Award Requirements
8.1 Recipients of funds must submit a final written report to the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Panel by March 31st of the fiscal year for which funds were received. (See Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Report and Extension Request Form)
9. Duration of Award
9.1 The term of the award is up to one year, ending March 31st. All funds are expected to be expended by March 31st. Should award recipients not be able to complete the research within one year, they may request a one-year extension with justification and with a revised timeline. The award recipient must complete the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Report and Extension Request Form, and submit the form to the Professional Development /Scholarly Activity Pool Panel by February 15th. There will be no further extensions. Any unused fund monies will be returned to the Professional Development /Scholarly Activity Pool.
10. Post-Award Project Changes
10.1 Once awarded, any significant changes to the proposed activity in terms of subject matter and budget expense categories must be discussed with the Chair of the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Panel and may require approval of the panel as a whole.
Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool
Application Form
Name of Applicant:Applicant’s School/Faculty:
Application Deadline:
Descriptive Project Title:
(if funded, will appear in Crossroads)
Amount Requested: (max $3,000)
Ethical review required: (i.e. are human subjects involved in the activity proposed for funding?) / ( ) yes
( ) no
Abstract (maximum 100 words)
Why would your colleagues be interested in your research activity? Possible uses of this abstract include inclusion in Crossroads and on the website. Omit providing an abstract if there is a reason not to publish information.
Description (maximum 1 page)
Please complete this section according to paragraphs 5.1 and 6.1 of the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Guidelines.
Item / AmountPersonnel (including Research Assistants and Learners)
Please list each position separately, with hourly rate of pay, number of hours and benefit. Suggested rate of pay for Research Assistants is $17-$23. Please add 14% for benefits/vacation pay.
Please refer to section 7.1 of the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Pool Guidelines for further information.
hours @ $ per hour + % benefits/vacation pay
hours @ $ per hour + % benefits/vacation pay
Please refer to the University’s travel and business related expenses policy manual for further information.
Air travel (specify):
Ground travel (specify):
Accommodation (specify):
nights @ $ per night
Per diem – food allowance (specify):
Other travel (specify):
Equipment / Supplies (Note: Equipment Purchase form required when submitting expense claim)
Fees (Conference fees, publication fees, etc)
TOTAL (max $3,000)
Other Funding
Please indicate status of existing or recent requests for related funding for the proposed research project or for the proposed dissemination activity.
Conflict of Interest in Research
Please review the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures, available at:, and complete disclosure form below.
Definition of Conflict of Interest
“Conflict of Interest” may arise when activities or situations place the University or an RRU Member in a real, perceived or potential conflict between their duties or responsibilities related to research and their personal, institutional or other interests. Conflict of interest may occur when the University’s or RRU Member’s judgments and actions in relation to research are, or could be, affected by personal, institutional or other interests, including, but not limited to, business, commercial or financial interests, whether of the RRU Member or Closely Associated Persons, or their former, current or prospective professional associations, or of the University itself.
Examples of Conflict of Interest in Research include but are not limited to:
· Evaluating the research or writing, or any other activity, of a colleague who is also a direct competitor of the RRU Member.
· Contributing to a decision on the hiring, evaluation, advancement, or scholarly work of an individual if the RRU Member has a previous ongoing connection (positive or negative) with that individual (i.e. a Closely Associated Person, e.g., spouse, relative, friend; or student supervisor/advisor).
· Entering into an agreement with a sponsor(s) wherein advantages are promised, formally or informally, to researchers for findings that are favourable to the sponsor(s). This may involve, among other things, the payment of money, royalties, or grants or the transfer of shares or options in the sponsoring company.
· Supervising research personnel, including students, technicians and/or staff, employed by a related business, i.e. in which the RRU Member has a financial or other interest.
· Supervising research work of a Closely Associated Person, i.e. someone to whom the RRU Member is related or with whom he or she has a close personal relationship.
· Using University or sponsor resources for private business purposes.
· Using information acquired in the course of research activities, which is not in the public domain, to advance a RRU Member’s personal or financial interests or those of a related business.
· Entering into a licensing agreement for the development of intellectual property, generated as the result of University research with a company in which the RRU Member has a financial or other interest.
By submitting this grant application, I hereby acknowledge that:
I have read the Conflict of Interest in Research Policy and Procedures.
I have availed myself of assistance from the Office of Research for clarification where necessary.
I agree to fully abide by the terms of the Conflict in Interest in Research Policy.
I have an actual, perceived or potential Conflict of Interest in Research to disclose: yes___ no___
If yes, please describe in sufficient detail in order to satisfy the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures referred to above as to how the conflict will be avoided (e.g. supervision by a third party). The intention being not to bring the research initiative into disrepute for a perceived conflict of interest:
Signature: Date:
Please direct inquiries regarding application procedures to the Research Services office at .
Any other inquiries regarding the Professional Development Pool should be directed to the President of the Faculty Association or Mary Bernard, Associate Vice President, Research.
Please e-mail the completed application form (and the Professional Development/Scholarly Activity Plan form) to , by midnight of the application deadline date.