Process followed by the Bullying Referral Teacher
The process the teacher will use to report bullying is:
- Teacher will listen carefully to the bullied student and if the incident is minor will offer advice if the student can remedy the situation. If they cannot the teacher will talk to the student exhibiting the bulling behaviour as soon as possible. For serious repeated bullying, the teacher will refer the situation to the Leadership Team.
- The teacher will write an incident report (stored electronically)
What happens when bullying is reported?
The attached flow chart is a helpful way to understand what happens when bullying is reported.
A warning accompanied by a formal letter to the student and parents will be issued for the first incident of reported bullying. Consequences will apply for repeated incidents of bullying. At all times this will include a supervised formal apology to the victim and parents
- Time out from class, sport, play or wherever the bullying has occurred.
- After school detention/community service
- Internal suspension, returning only to class with the clear undertaking by the student that he/she will demonstrate positive behaviour in place of the unacceptable bullying behaviour.
- Possible suspension and expulsion for very serious and repeated incidents.
Parents – You Can Help!
Positive parental support and influence is vital. You are the most influential models in your children’s lives. The following is some helpful advice that will support our efforts to reduce the incidences of bullying occurring at Our Lady of the Southern Cross College
Build a welcoming and inclusive home environment
- Encourage your child to develop friendships
- Acknowledge and accept differences in others
- Foster in your child an acknowledgment and acceptance of the differences in others
Encourage your child’s self esteem
- Value your child for who they are
- Be positive in your words and actions
- Nurture and support your child’s positive qualities so they can develop their talents with confidence
Discuss social, community, and relationship issues openly
- Discuss Our Lady of the Southern Cross College expectations about behaviour
- Discuss how your child should respond if bullied
- Discuss what your child could do as a witness to
Be observant. Look out for signs such as
- Unwillingness to attend school
- Wanting to be driven to or from school
- Declining academic performance
- Loss of interest in sporting or social events
- Asking for or stealing money
- Unexplained bruises, scratches or torn clothing
- Changes in eating or sleeping patterns (nightmares)
- Refusal to say what the problem is
- Headaches and stomach aches – becoming withdrawn
- Taking it out on others at home
If you or someone else is being bullied, tell someone. This is reporting ‘abuse’ not ‘dobbing’.
Nobody deserves to be bullied
To ignore bullying is to condone it.
Journey in Faith & Knowledge
2 Nicholson Street
Phone 07 4672 4111
Fax 07 4672 4112
Policy Statement on Bullying
Our Lady of the Southern Cross College is committed to providing a safe, caring and supportive environment characterised by love and respect for each individual member of the community in the tradition of Christ and the wider Church. Staff, students and parents should feel safe, cared for and respected at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Collegeand be free from all forms of bullying and harassment.
Our Lady of the Southern Cross College
- Expects a high standard of behaviour at all times
- Is committed to providing an environment based on Gospel values
- Maintains that everyone has the right to be free fromall forms of bullying
- Encourages and positively reinforces behaviour which is courteous and considerate
- Has a policy for identifying, preventing and dealing with bullying
- Educates students about issues associated with bullying
- Offers pastoral care supports to all students
What is Bullying?
Bullying is defined as repeatedly and/or consciously hurting another person who is less powerful either physically or emotionally. Bullying is often selective, intentional and uninvited. It acts against the fundamental right of each student to feel safe at School and be treated with respect.
Bullying involves an imbalance of power, which may be verbal, physical, social or emotional in nature. It can be repeated and causes distress at the time and creates fear of future incidents. Bullying may be in the form of acceptable behaviour which, by intent, makes another feel inferior.
Bullying can take many forms and can include:
- Verbal harassment: swearing, name calling, teasing, threatening, spreading rumours, put downs,
- Physical Harm: punching, hitting, spitting, pushing, sexual abuse
- Exclusion: deliberately leaving someone out of an activity or ignoring them.
- Forcing others to hand over food, money or something that belongs to them
- Interference with or damage to personal belongings and stealing
- Physical and obscene gestures, making faces
- Indirect: written abuse and spreading untrue stories and rumours
People can be involved in bullying behaviour either as individuals, ring leaders or members of a group.
Let’s Get Serious
Bullying is not OK! Our Lady of the Southern Cross College does not tolerate bullying. Bullying leads to emotional and/or physical pain and stress for the person being bullied. Passive onlookers can unintentionally encourage bullying behaviour. This tradition of silence reinforces bullying and it is a barrier that must be broken down.
What can we do about Bullying?
At Our Lady of the Southern Cross Collegewe will
- Raise awareness and talk openly about bullying – what it is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.
- Develop a supportive environment for victims of bullying
- Teach our children the skills that will build their self esteem and empower them to take responsibility for themselves and give them opportunities to practise these skills.
- Engage policy that clearly states what actions we will take to deal with bullying behaviour.
- Affirm and encourage positive peer group interactions
At Our Lady of the Southern Cross Collegewe are:
- Incorporating anti bullying strategies into pastoral care programs
- Surveying students on the incidences of bullying
- Ensuring that all staff monitor bullying behaviours
- Informing parents and the community on anti bullying approaches formally and informally.
- Observing students’ behaviours inside and outside the classroom.
- Reporting incidents of bullying to parents.
Our School’s Declaration
As students, it is your right to be free from bullying within our College community and to feel safe at all times. The following responsibilities will ensure success is achieved.
Responsibilities of Students
- To ‘tell’ if they are being bullied or if they see someone else being bullied – both at school and to and from school
- To help someone who is being bullied
- To not engage in bullying behaviours
Responsibilities of Staff
- To model appropriate behaviours at all times
- To deal with all reported and observed incidences of bullying
- To ensure that children are appropriately supervised at all times
- To report incidences of bullying to class teachers and parents of students
- To report incidences of bullying to Administration and the Principal if warranted
What can you do if you are a witness to bullying?
- If you know of any bullying, you should care enough to want to do something.
- Take action and show you disapprove as the bullying occurs by saying ‘leave him/her alone’.
- Seek help. Report the incident to a teacher as soon as you can
- Offer support to the person being bullied. They may be too scared or upset to tell anyone. Encourage them to get help from a teacher, School leader or their family.
What can you do if you are bullied?
Recognise that you can take positive action. Seek assistance and be assured that there are many people who can help. There is a range of possible options.
- Be assertive, you have rights. State ‘leave me alone’. Look and sound confident.
- Report it. The bullying will continue otherwise. If it still continues then continue reporting it.
- Do not retaliate with physical or verbal aggression. Bullies feel great when they know they have upset you.
- Ignore it or laugh it off and use humour.
- Build your own protection by establishing friends and be smart about avoiding high risk places and times.
- Reassure yourself that you are ok and that it is the bully with the problem
- Consider if you have been a bully yourself and change your ways if you have.
- Talk about it with others who can help you decide how to handle the situation or they can take action e.g. the College counsellor, Principal, College leaders etc.
- Be proud of your individuality and diversity.
Reporting Bullying at Our Lady of the Southern Cross College.
We are on your side and we take bullying seriously and we want to stop it.