Music Concepts Checklist
Place a tick in the relevant box when you have been taught and understand the concept
Styles / √ / Melody/Harmony / √ / Rhythm/Tempo / √ / Texture/ Structure/Form / √ / Timbre/Dynamics / √Blues / Ascending / Accent/accented / Unison/Octave / Striking (hitting)
Jazz / Descending / Beat/Pulse / Harmony/Chord / Blowing
Rock / Step (stepwise) / Bar; 2, 3, 4 beats / Solo / Bowing
Pop / Leap (Leaping) / On the beat / Accompanied / Strumming
Rock 'n' Roll / Repetition / Off the beat / Unaccompanied / Plucking
Musical / Sequence / Repetition / Repetition / Orchestra; Strings, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion
Scottish / Question & Answer / Slower / Ostinato/Riff / Accordion
Latin American / Improvisation / Faster / Round / Fiddle
Chord / Pause / Bagpipes
Discord / March / Acoustic Guitar
Chord Change / Reel / Electric Guitar
Waltz / Piano
Drum Fill / Organ
Adagio / Drum Kit
Allegro / Steel Band
Scottish Dance Band
Folk Group
Music Literacy
Treble clef - / Crotchet / f - forte
- Lines / Minim / p - piano
- Spaces / Dotted Minim / < cresc - crescendo
Steps / Semibreve / > dim - diminuendo
Repetition / Bar lines
Double Bar lines
Music Concepts Checklist
Styles / √ / Melody/Harmony / √ / Rhythm/Tempo / √ / Texture/ Structure/Form / √ / Timbre/Dynamics / √Baroque / Major/Minor / Syncopation / Canon / Brass Band
Ragtime / Drone / Scotch Snap / Ternary - ABA / Wind Band
Romantic / Broken Chord/Arpeggio / Strathspey / Verse & Chorus / Violin, Cello, Double Bass, Harp
Swing / Chord progression - / Jig / Middle 8 / Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, pan pipes, recorder
Concerto / - chords I, IV, V / Simple time - / Theme & Variation / Trumpet, Trombone
Opera / Change of Key / 2 3 4 / Cadenza / Timpani, snare/bass drum, cymbals, triangle, guiro, xylophone, glockenspiel
Scots Ballad / Pedal / 4 4 4 / Imitation / Harpsichord
Mouth Music / Scale / Compound Time / Bass Guitar
Reggae / Pentatonic Scale / Anacrusis / Distortion
African music / Octave / Andante / Muted
Rapping / Vamp / Accelerando / Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass
Scat Singing / Rallentando / Backing Vocals
Ornament / A Tempo
Dotted Rhythms
Music Literacy
Treble clef stave C - A' / Semi Quavers / mf - mezzo forte
Sequences / Grouped Semi Quavers / mp - mezzo piano
Paired Quavers
Repeat Signs
Music Concepts Checklist
Styles / √ / Melody/Harmony / √ / Rhythm/Tempo / √ / Texture/ Structure/Form / √ / Timbre/Dynamics / √Symphony / Atonal / Rubato / Strophic / Piccolo, Oboe, Bassoon
Gospel / Cluster / Ritardando / Binary - AB / French horn, Tuba
Classical / Chord progression - / Moderato / Rondo / Viola
Pibroch / - chords I, IV, V, vi / Cross Rhythms / Episode / Castanets, hi-hat, bongo drums
Celtic Rock / Perfect/Imperfect Cadence / Compound time - / Alberti Bass / Clarsach, bodhran
Bothy Ballad / Inverted Pedal / 6 9 12 / Walking Bass / Sitar, tabla
Waulking Song / Chromatic / 8 8 8 / Ground Bass / Arco, Pizzicato
Gaelic Psalm / Whole Tone Scale / Homophonic / Con Sordino
Aria / Grade Note / Polyphonic / Flutter Tonguing
Chorus / Glissando / Contrapuntal / Rolls
Minimalist / Modulation / Coda / Reverb
Indian / Contrary Motion / Mezzo Soprano
Trill / Baritone
Syllabic / A Capella
Descant (Voice)
Pitch Bend
Music Literacy
Accidentals; Flats, Sharps, Naturals / Dotted Rhythms / ff- fortissimo
Scales & Key signatures - / Dotted Crotchet / pp - pianissimo
- C Major / Dotted Quaver / sfz - sforzando
- G Major / Scotch Snap
- F Major / 1st & 2nd Time bars
- A Minor
Chords; C Major, G Major, F Major, A Minor
Music Concepts Checklist
Styles / Melody/Harmony / Rhythm/Tempo / Texture/ Structure/Form / Timbre/DynamicsSonata / Mode/modal / 3 against 2 / Through Composed / Tremolando
Oratorio / Relative major/minor / Time changes / Da Capo Aria / Harmonics
Impressionist / Interval / Irregular time signatures / Lied / Coloratura
Musique Concrete / Obbligato(Instrumental) / Augmentation / Passacaglia / Ripieno
Plainchant / Acciaccatura / Diminution / Concerto Grosso - / Concertino
Mass / Mordent / - ritornello / String Quartet
String Quartet / Plagal Candece / Sonata Form -
Recitative / Interrupted Cadence / - Exposition
Chamber Music / Tierce de Picardie / Subject
Jazz Funk / Dominant 7th / Basso Continuo
Soul / Dininished 7th / Ritornello
Added 6th
Harmonic Minor Scale
Melodic Minor Scale
Music Literacy
Bass Clef: E - C / 6 8 time / Slurs
Note Naming / Quavers / Accents
Transposing into Bass Clef / Crotchets / Staccato marks
Chords: I, IV, V, vi in / Dotted crotchets / Phrase marks
major and minor keys / Dotted minims
Diminished / Triplets
Dominant / Rests -
- Quaver
- Crotchet
- Dotted Crotchet
- Minim
- Semibreve
Da Capo dc