September 19, 2016 PTO Meeting


5 Board members:

Kelley Guagenty President,

Christine Kingdon Vice President

Gina Arthur Secretary

Laurie Trachtenberg Treasurer

Tracy Folib Mini Grants

Principal Teresa Carney

Vice Principals Neil Carney and Sue Graft

METCO Director: Rasheedah Clayton

12 parents

Introduction of Board Members and parents

Principal Report:

She will present Wilson’s goals to school committee next week, not a lot of changes needed to

be made. 5 themes to work on:

1. Social Emotional, help kids through post it easy behavior programs during this very difficult

time of adolescence’s. Will use Brianology Program (growth-mind set).

2. Blended learning 1:1 Chrome books for 8th graders, no MACs, next year 7th grade will

have 1:1 Chrome books.

3. Academic Growth, during WIN block. We will sort kids in WIN block to help them catch up

on grade level programs or advance kids who are above grade level.

4. Home Work, looking at the purpose of homework. It should only count for 5-15% of class

grade. Make sure homework is given for the correct reasons.

5. Scheduling: looking at specials which are very important to have in addition to academic classes. Make sure that Wilson and Kennedy have the same opportunities. 5th and 6th grade get 2 specials and 7th and 8th grade get one special and a world language.

Wilson is busting at the seams, 950 students here at Wilson. Natick keeps growing, looking at possible modular classrooms at Wilson. Kids are doing a great job moving thorough the hallways even though there are a lot of them.

School Council:

It is once a month, and anyone is welcome to attend.

Vice Principal Report: Neil Carney:

Oversees 7th and 8th Grade

Peer Trainer Trainers is for 7th and 8th graders. Peer Trainers teach lessons to 5th and 6th

graders regarding anti-bullying program.

Peer Leaders: run the community service program

Vice Principal Report: Sue Graft:

Oversees 5th and 6th Grade

Athletic program here at Wilson

METCO Program:

There are 54 students form Boston that go to Wilson and Natick High School

The friends and family program is to peer a student up with a family here in Natick so if a child

in the METCO program wants to go to a school event at night could hang out here in Natick

after school. There are late buses on Tue-Wed-Thur so kids can stay after school for to be part of the community. Our goal is to make sure kids don’t feel out of place. We need more host families. The partnership between the 2 families helps for social and stronger community. Any ideas how to find more host families here in Natick?

1.We will have info in blast and at 5th grade info night

2.Reach out to home room teachers

In the METCO program each year focuses on certain goals. 6th grade on mindset in class and 7th and 8th grade on independent goal meeting, lunch meetings and how to advocate for yourself


Wilson Wear: we will have table at both open houses

Restaurant Nights: good opportunity to make $

Direct Donations: our goal is $10,0000

Fundraising goes to Cultural Arts Program and Mini Grants (staff members fill out application for an idea or equipment, field trips, etc. and the board reviews and grants $). The goal is to update parents in the blast how much we have raised and what our goal is

Review of 2016-2017 Budget:

Reviewed Income and Expenses on each line item, and how we spend the money. Budget will be submitted to School Committee once approved. A motion was made by Christine Kingdon and seconded by Gina Arthur to approve the budget and submit it to the school committee.

All those in favor: 20

All those opposed: 0

Additional Updates:

Website is coming soon

We will let parents know how much field trips will cost before permission slips go out.

Reviewed Volunteer Positions and ways for parents to help out.

Laps for Lunch and picture day need lots of help.

Idea for Fundraiser is a Color Run - Christine Kingdon to look into

Healthy Harvest is when we collect foot for the food pantry. It is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we need lots of help to load and unload truck. Look for info in the blast.

Late Buses: are coming between 3:15 and 3:45 pm

The parking lot is very tight and they need to figure out to a way to easy the flow

Please remind your kids not to go to Panera on 1/2 days