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Joyce Farrugia
RMIT University
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Date / Initial
Position Title:Peer Tutor Program Manager
Position Number:50006683
Time Fraction:0.7
Tenure Status:Fixed-Term - 7 months
Classification:Higher Education Worker Level HEW 7
Salary Range:$47,530 - $51,449 pro rata
Division:Higher Education
Faculty:Applied Science
Office of the Dean
Campus Location:Based at the City campus but may be required to work at other campuses of the University.
RMIT University is a multi-level dual sector education, training and research service organisation, offering programs ranging from certificate level vocational programs through tailored programs for industry and community clients, to post-graduate research programs. The University has several companies which are responsible for commercial activities relating to the University’s core functions.
The University’s goal is to create and sustain a distinctive world-class university at the forefront of technical and professional education and real-world research, through continuous improvement and with all staff committed to quality management processes. As a world-class university, RMIT will be recognised as a leader in its teaching and learning processes, research activities and community services.
For further information see:
With over 60 academic programs and a history of science teaching which spans more than 100 years, RMIT’s Faculty of Applied Science is a leader in university education. Offering academic programs from post-secondary level through to masters and doctorate, the Faculty provides a very wide range of awards delivered by the nine operational departments: Applied Chemistry, Applied and Environmental Sciences, Applied Physics, Computer Science, Food Science, Geospatial Sciences, Mathematics, Psychology and Disability Studies, and Statistics and Operations Research.
With excellent facilities available at both the Melbourne and Bundoora campuses, the Faculty offers quality resources and a consistently high standard of support in teaching and learning. Teaching services covering a very diverse range of disciplines are provided in class settings and on-line. Over 35 undergraduate programs, nine TAFE awards and more than 35 postgraduate awards are offered. Teaching is delivered annually to over 5,000 students throughout the university.
In addition, the Faculty provides access to leading international research services in a variety of areas including Database Management Systems, Molecular and Microtechnology, Information Transmission and Communications, Land Use and Natural Resources, and Nutrition and Natural Products. Industry affiliations have guided the development of teaching and research. The Faculty provides accredited postgraduate training for professionals in the areas of public sector evaluation as well as innovation and service management.
The Peer Tutor program has run in Victorian Schools since 1998, and as part of the Victorian Government’s Science in Schools Program since 2000. The aim of the Science in Schools Program is to promote science education to primary and secondary students, and highlight science to the community.
The Department of Education, Employment and Training and the Ian Potter Foundation have provided funding for the Peer Tutor Program in 2002. Please see attached, background on the Peer Tutor Program.
The position is responsible for the management of the Faculty’s Peer Tutor program involving teaching support to at least 30 Victorian schools per year in collaboration with the Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) and the Ian Potter Foundation. The Program Manager will:
- Train RMIT student peer tutors to assist in classrooms in metropolitan primary and secondary schools and assess the peer tutors as part of their RMIT studies (minimum 40 undergraduates);
- Liaise with schools to promote the program and organise the peer tutors’ placements, and will
- Organise visits to country schools by teams of peer tutors to deliver demonstrations and workshops (five teams annually, each consisting of seven volunteers).
The position will report to the Marketing and Communications Manager, Faculty of Applied Science.
The Marketing and Communications Manager reports to the Faculty Executive Manager.
- Co-ordinate, plan and organise all school liaison activities including metropolitan placements and country school visits (minimum of 20 visits to rural schools per year) within budget;
- Train and brief peer tutors prior to placements;
- Liaise with metropolitan and rural Victorian schools to arrange placements for peer tutors;
- Plan itineraries; organise equipment, accommodation and travel for trips to country schools;
- Formally assess those peer tutors enrolled for a Context Curriculum or elective course;
- Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the program;
- Report on the Program (including financial statements) and make recommendations on its development to the Faculty/RMIT and the program sponsors, Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) and the Ian Potter Foundation;
- Assist the Marketing and Communications Manager with recruiting student volunteers.
Corporate Accountabilities
- To promote the development of the Faculty through co-operation with other senior RMIT staff, contributing to corporate level decision making and development, and maintaining contact with professional bodies.
- To contribute to the strategic direction setting and policy making processes of the University and the Division by participating in key Faculty and University forums and undertaking specific corporate level project/tasks.
A tertiary qualification in teaching or education is preferred and/or demonstrated experience in a teaching environment. Post-secondary studies in a science discipline and/or experience in ‘Train the Trainer’ would be an advantage.
- Experience in a teaching or teaching support role, preferably in Australia;
- Organisational skills and an ability to work independently and be self-motivated;
- Ability to work to timelines set by RMIT and primary and secondary schools, and to plan travel, equipment and financial arrangements for small teams visiting country schools COULD WE SAY HERE –;
- Demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills including the ability to build and maintain strategic relationships with schools, funding bodies and other collaborative organisations;
- Ability to direct and motivate university student volunteers;
- Good word processing skills and a working knowledge of Microsoft Office software and familiarity with email packages.
S:\People Services 1\Recruitment\Applied Sciences\2002\Peer Tutor Program Mgr\56683pd.doc Peer Tutor Co-ordinator