The Vice Chairman, Cllr Dunn, opened the meeting at 6.45pm, immediately adjourned the meeting and invited representatives from Clawson in Action group to address the PC:
· The following aspects of a Fact Pack for Long Clawson, compiled by the CiA group, were highlighted: historic categorisation as a Category 1 village and outdated perception of village life; MBC relying on wrong information; sustainability; growth over last 30 years; traffic numbers; historic heritage - environment and landscape; village School; flooding problems
· A hard copy was given to the PC, with a memory stick. The Vice Chairman thanked the 5 members of the CiA for this information which would be a great help to the Parish Council in planning considerations
Cllr Dames stated that maintenance of culverts/ drains under highways was the responsibility of LCC not MBC
(The five members of CiA left the meeting at 7.10pm)
A Long Clawson resident asked if anything could be done to stop light from the street light outside 16/18 Church Lane shining into the garden of Number 18. It was noted that the clerk was waiting for a response from E.ON. The visitor then left the meeting which re-started at 7.19pm
Cllrs Baxter, Dames, Dunn (Vice Chairman), Hiley and Seddon. It was agreed the Vice Chairman should write to the Borough Cllrs about attending PC meetings
Cllrs Tillyard, Wheatley & Witcomb
16/39 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING held on Monday 20th June 2016 were considered. It was proposed Cllr Baxter, seconded Cllr Dames and agreed unanimously that the Minutes be accepted and they were signed by the Vice Chairman.
16/40a Planning Decisions – noted
Permission granted:
i Mr A Nash 16/00277/FULHH (Cherry Tree Cottage, 6 Stathern Lane, Harby)
Extension to existing outhouse
ii Mrs Woodcock 16/00287/TPO (Jackson’s Farm bungalow, 23 Stathern Lane, Harby)
Crown lift 2 x Lime trees
iii Redmile Developments Ltd 15/00933/FUL (Old Dairy buildings, 7 Langar Lane, Harby)
Demolition of existing buildings, erection of 10 dwellings, formation of access. HYBRID APPLICATION Plots 1-6 full planning application Plots 7-10 outline planning permission with all matters reserved apart from access
It was noted that there was at least 10 for sale signs outside this development. It was agreed that this number was excessive and unnecessary and the developer be asked for remove several
iv Mr N Godsmark 16/00376/TCA (Rutland House, 4 Dairy Lane, Hose)
Felling 5 x Leylandii cypress trees
Planning Decisions – Permission refused Nil reported
16/40b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions Nil reported
16/40c Planning Applications:
i Mr C Longley 16/00404/FULHH (Springfields, 38 Stathern Lane, Harby)
Two and a half storey rear extension
The Parish Council had no objections to this application
ii Mr N Houghton 16/00378/FULHH (39A Bolton Lane, Hose)
The addition of 2 windows
The Parish Council had no objections to this application
iii Mr Stone & Ms Lane 16/00391/VAC (Rutland Villa, 5 Green Lane, Harby)
Variation of condition 4 of 15/00964/FUL
The Parish Council had no objections to this application
iv Mrs S Bowbanks 16/00340/FULHH (13 Chapel Lane, Hose)
Singe storey rear extension and garage conversion
The Parish Council had no objections to this application
v KS Composites 16/00420/FUL (Electro Motion UK, Canal Lane, Hose)
Refurbishment of existing industrial premises including insertion of mezzanine floor and re-cladding & installing new windows and doors
The Parish Council had no objections to this application. It was noted that Cllrs Tillyard and Seddon had recently visited KS Composites
vi Mr & Mrs Anderson 16/00272/FUL (Willow Tree House, Hickling Lane, Long Clawson)
Demolition of existing outbuildings, removal of areas of hardstanding and the erection of a single family dwelling, associated garage, and a new garage associated with Willow Tree House, and associated infrastructure and landscaping
AMENDED PLANS dated 12.7.16 The Parish Council had no objections to the amended plans
16/40d Planning Correspondence
i 16/25div Reply from Chief Executive, MBC 8.7.16 was noted. Cllr Dames requested a hard copy
16/41a The following items required no further action and were discharged:
16/21 Cllrs present
16/22 Apologies for absence
16/31 Registration of disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests
16/33 CHH PC NP Advisory Committee
16/41b Necessary actions had been taken on the following items and were discharged:
16/23 Notification of interests
16/24 Minutes of meetings on 16.5.16
16/25 Planning matters
16/26 Matters to report
16/27 Accounts for payment
16/28 Correspondence
16/30 Increase in hourly rates for clerk & handyman
16/41c Responses were awaited to actions on the following item/s:
14/93div MBC Hard copy of Landscape capacity and sensitivity study
15/94 Details from LC & Hose Cllrs to complete nomination forms for Community Right to Bid
15/187bvii Diocese of Leicester planning permission for work to trees in LC Churchyard
16/14c 15/199c Request for information after refusal by LCC of site visit. It was:
· agreed to write to the Chief Executive LCC asking for a response to its letter dated 19th May;
· noted that there had been an increase in traffic going the wrong way down Pinfold Lane and agreed LCC be asked, with a copy to the Police, for NO ENTRY signs to be brought forward and painted on the road at the exit end
16/18 Annual return to external auditor
16/26f ii Inner hedge Boyer’s Orchard – quote from Summerlands not received. It was agreed to ask Mr Coy if he would be able to reduce the height of the hedge to 5ft, cutting it from the field side
16/29 LCC pedestrian guardrail for Pingle Dyke playground
16/34 LCC Licence application for bench Back Lane, LC
16/35 eibe play Ltd zip wire to be installed The Leys playing field, Harby. It was noted that the Flicky Trail had been installed and the ground cleared for the Zip wire
16/41d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged:
A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk
09/31f Obtain CiLCA qualification as part of Quality Status requirements
14/32f ii Memorials checked – letters to be sent to owners & update cemetery plan
15/167dA Online ‘Get Mapping’ of PC property recording unique ref numbers/inspection dates
B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties
15/92 Cllr Tillyard: quote for a new wooden Leys PC sign
16/14dB Cllr Tillyard asking HPFC to retain swing seats & chains for re-use
16/14fi Cllrs Tillyard & Seddon on repairs to Orbit roundabout, Hose
16/16cii LC Cllrs monitoring of pub benches on Pingle VG. An email dated 16.7.16 detailing instances of glasses being left on the Village Green was noted. It was agreed that:
· the Parish Council could not stop members of the public using the VG;
· the situation be reviewed after the initial 3 month trial period, at the August meeting
16/28b viii Cllr Dunn discuss repairs to perimeter fence Pingle Dyke with owner & report August meeting
C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks
15/172 Condition of the Leys car park, Harby. It was noted the Chairman had approved 1 tonne of tarmac planings to fill in the worst of the holes (approx £18) and agreed repairs be on the August Agenda
15/175 Summer keep land in Harby after a decision had been made on the planning application for land off Boyer’s Orchard, Harby (15/00942/OUT)
16/41e The following matters were noted:
i LCC 29.6.16: Temporary closure of Burden Lane, Harby on 18.7.16 for up to 2 hrs
ii 16/28bi Draft Article for Sept village magazines re dog fouling. It was agreed to add details of how members of the public can report incidents to MBC or the PC
iii LCC Highways 12.7.16: Temporary closure of Dairy Lane, Hose from 1.8.16 for up to 3 days
16/41f Reports from Councillors/Clerk
i Reports from Cllrs: Nil
ii Report from Clerk:
· Incident Register: Nil
· Playgrounds: 16/28b viii Repairs required from RoSPA report 2016. Noted that quotes were being obtained for items which the handyman could not repair
· Allotments: Waiting list LC Waltham Lane x 1, Harby Stathern Lane x 1, Hose vacant x 2 noted
It was noted that:
· Item i had been previously approved and was paid before meeting to comply with deadlines
· Payments, invoices, bank statements had been checked & initialed by the Chairman;
· invoices were available for inspection at this meeting;
The accounts were then approved, online payments initialed and cheques signed by three Councillors.
i eibe play Ltd (Bacs) £13185.17 Min 16/35 zip wire
ii HMRC (Bacs) £167.39 Employees tax & NI
iii Mr B Mills (Bacs) £357.02 Handyman wages/expenses
iv Mrs E Crowther (Bacs) £1112.65 Clerk wages/expenses
v Summerlands (Bacs) £980.24 Grounds maintenance June
vi Summerlands (Bacs) £400.00 Verge grass 4th cut
vii Long Clawson Methodist Church (1952) £20.00 PC mtg room hire20.6.16
viii Valley Christian Fellowship (1953) £36.00 NP Open mtg 25.6.16
ix Hose Baptist Church (1954) £20.00 Donation NP Open mtg
x Leicestershire County Council (1955) £162.00 PC web service to 31.8.16
xi E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (1956) £1445.00 New s/l Church Lane, LC
xii E.ON (1957) £403.55 Electricity supply June
xiii Hose Village Hall (1958) £18.00 NP Advisory Cmte mtg
xiv Yourlocale Ltd (1959) £2760.00 NP consultant
xv TSB Bank plc (DD) £13.55 Bank charges
The following were not on the Agenda but were checked and signed at this meeting
xvi Melton Borough Council (1960) £237.60 RoSPA Playarea Inspection
xvii Cartridge Save Limited (1961) £32.71 Cartridge for PC printer
16/43a Correspondence Tabled for Information – noted
i Leics Police & Crime Commissioner 27.6.16: Update on tri force collaboration (copy Cllrs 27.6.16)
ii The Hose Piper July&August
iii Clerks & Councils Direct July 2016
iv LCC 4.7.16: Highways Forum for Melton 12.7.16
v SLCC July 2016 The Clerk magazine
vi Came & Company 7.7.16: Change of Trading style
vii The Grantham Canal Society July 2016 ‘Bridge’
16/43b Correspondence for Discussion (detailed below & available to Cllrs)
i U3A Group Leader – Walks 26.6.16: Public Rights of Way in Long Clawson noted. Agreed to ask for the response from LCC
ii 16/14f ii LC resident 29.6.16: New street light outside 16/18 Church Lane, LC discussed with a visitor at the start of the meeting
iii LRALC 1.7.16: LRALC Branch areas – Executive Committee appointments 2016-17 noted
iv Vale First Responders 5.7.16: Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2.9.16. Agreed Cllr & Mrs Tillyard should represent the PC
v LCC 12.7.16: Consultation on future maintenance of roads, pavements and verges closing date 25.9.16 noted. Agreed clerk to complete for approval by Cllrs
16/43c Urgent correspondence received after the clerk’s report and requiring discussion
i Chairman Harby VHC 13.7.16: Leys car park. Discussed under Minute 16/41dC
ii Harby Journal August 2016 noted
iii 16/28bvii LC resident 14.7.16 concerns about grass clippings left after cutting on Old Pinfold VG. It was agreed that, because of limited funds, thr decision to leave the grass clippings on all village greens should not be reversed in this instance
Discussed with visitors at the start of the meeting. The clerk would download the Fact Pack file and send a link to Cllrs
It was agreed that:
· the following wording on the LC village memorial be confirmed not a war memorial with LRALC
‘In perpetual remembrance of those of this village who have given service in time of conflict in the cause of freedom and in honour of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice’
· Cllr Dunn should discuss ownership and future maintenance with Pastor Eric Moxham
16/46 INSURANCE RENEWAL FOR 1.8.16-31.7.17 QUOTATION £1552
Agreed unanimously to be paid by bank transfer
Resignation of Mr C de Graaf noted & recommendation to appoint Mr P Goodman confirmed
It was agreed that the Minutes of the Advisory Committee be sent to Cllrs but should not be a regular item on the agenda unless requested by members of the Council or Committee
The Vice Chairman thanked Cllrs for attending and closed the meeting at 8.28pm
CHAIRMAN ………………………………….. DATE: 15th August 2016