List of Pre-approved HLIR Activities 2012-2013

General Information about Focus I Activities

Attending a professional workshop or seminar: Maximum of 8 points per day. Teachers may earn credit if the activity does not occur during contract time and the district does not pay registration costs. All district procedures must be followed. HLIR credit is given for contact time only--lunch or break times will not be counted. Conferences are not accepted for district or Career Ladder credit.

In-District Classes

Teachers may choose to receive HLIR points rather than credit towards salary advancement or a stipend as credit for completing an in-district course. Credit for classes taken outside the district requires pre-approval at least four weeks before the class begins.

Graduate Level Classes
Only classes which cannot be used for advancement on the district salary schedule but which improve instructional skills in either content or methodology will be considered. Classes available for university credit may only be used if the participant is at MA+60. To comply with district requirements, all classes must be pre-approved following district policies and procedures. Click on blue link to access the Pre-Approval form on the district website. Once a class has been designated for HLIR, it may never be used for salary advancement.

Focus I Activity / Up to Max Points
Orff Music Workshops: Send certificate of completion following workshop to CL Office in addition to completing online documentation HLIR form. (District Credit still requires pre-approval) / 15
Kodaly Music Workshops: Send certificate of completion following workshop to CL Office in addition to completing online documentation HLIR form. (District Credit still requires pre-approval) / 15

List of Focus II Activities

NOTE: Teachers who co-sponsor an activity share the duties, responsibilities, and time required to complete an activity. Therefore, each co-sponsor can only submit one-half of the total points for the activity. More than one teacher may not submit the same points, during the same time, with the same students for full credit unless there are 10 students per each teacher. Participants are required to maintain individual logs of activities for auditing purposes. The Career Ladder Office will no longer collect logs due to space limitations, however, they may ask for participant documentation. Maximum of 8 points per day.

Focus II Activity / Up To Maximum Points
Academic Club (maximum of 45 points per club; AIMS-tested objectives). Clubs require a minimum of 10 students per sponsor for full credit. Submit pre-approval if your club is not listed below. / 45
Academic Decathlon Club / 20
AP Club / 20
Art Appreciation Club / 20
Art Show / 20
ASL Club / 10/sem
AVID Club / 10/sem
Battle of the Books Club / 45
Best Buddies Club / 40
Book Club (for students) / 20
Brain Bee Club / 20
Chess Club / 45
Chorus Club / 20
DECA Club / 20
Directing or coordinating a student performance / 40
District Honor Band & Orchestra / 20
Drama Club / 20
FBLA Club / 20
Foreign or World Language Club / 20
Geography Club / 20
Homework Club / 20
Junior Achievement After-school Club / 20
Knowledge Master/Bowl Sponsor / 45
Lego Robotics / 45
Focus II continued
Literacy Club / 20
Math Club/Math Challenge / 45
Model U.N. / 45
Newspaper / Media Production Club / 45
Reading Club / 20
Science Club / 20
Speech and Debate Club / 20
Spelling Bee / 10
Teaching for a summer school program / 50
Teaching for an intersession program / 50
Teen Court Club or Mock Trial / 45
Theater/Drama Club / 20
We The People / 20
World Drumming Club / 20
Writing Club / 20
Yearbook Club / 40
Young Musicians’ Club / 20


Tutoring—(maximum of 50 points) Participants may not count activities for which they are being paid. Credit is given only for actual time spent tutoring students. Credit will not be given for planning and preparation. Tutoring must include students in addition to those assigned to you and part of a school-wide program.

Additional Focus II Activities

/ Up to Max Points
AP/IB Tutoring / 50
AVID Tutoring / 50
CLIP Tutoring / 50
Compact Tutoring (Title I Elementary Schools Only) / 50
Homebound Tutoring (Kym Marshall Signature Required on the HLIR Documentation Form) / 50
Play It Smart Tutoring / 50
Rebound Tutoring / 50
Tutoring for a school-based academic intervention program -- AIMS tested objectives. / 50


Additional Focus II Activities

/ Up to Max Points
Participating on TAT or RTI Site Team / 50


All assignments of student teachers and interns must be through the HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. No credit will be given if arranged without pre- approval.

Additional Focus II Activities

/ Required Documentation / Limitations / Up to Max Points
Supervising a District Student Teacher 8-11 Weeks / Verification Form* / 1 per year / 30
Supervising a District Student Teacher 12-15 Weeks / Verification Form* / 1 per year / 40
Supervising a District Student Teacher 16-18 Weeks / Verification Form* / 1 per year / 50
Supervising a District-Assigned Student Intern / Verification Form* / 2 per year / 25/sem
Supervising a District-Assigned Service Learning / Verification Form* / 2 per year / 20/sem
Supervising a District-Assigned Service Ed Professions HS Student / Verification Form* / 1 per year / 20/sem

*Click on Verification Form link above to access online form. Only the one form is required. It should be sent via email to ‘CAREERLADDER’ once the intern has reported to the site. No other documentation is required for HLIR purposes.


Level IV

needs one or more points from a

Focus III activity (Teacher Leadership)

List of Focus III - Leadership Activities

Please remember that points must be submitted monthly to HLIR in GroupWise/Outlook. Blanket forms will not be accepted. Do not just divide the maximum total to arrive at a monthly amount. Your submission should reflect actual out of contract time (converted to points, 1 hour = 1 point, no partial credit). Maximum of 8 points a day.

Focus III Activity

/ Up to Max Points
Accreditation team or A+ committee / 20
AIMS Web/DIBELS Coordinator / 25/sem
AVID Site Coordinator / 20/sem
AVID Team Member/Dept. Liaison / 10
Benchmark Point of Contact (Assigned by Principal) / 20
Cadre (by interview and timesheet completed in cadre) / 15/Sem
Career Ladder Steering Committee / 20
Career Ladder Steering Sub-Committees / 20
CATALYST Fair (Supervising event and judging only) / 10
Coordinating intersession and/or summer school / 50
DataWise School Team or Data Analysis School Team / 40
Department Chair, Grade Level Chair, Team Leader
(Submit actual points requested monthly, not max total) / 40
District IRB Committee / 25
EL Monitoring and Procedural Point of Contact (1 per 100 EL Students) / 30/sem
Evaluation Site Teacher Leader / 20/sem
ILLP Site Coordinator (with Prior Approval from Debbie Fast) / 35/sem
Junior Achievement Coordinator / 10
Judging or coordinating an academic event involving Chandler students / 20
K.I.S.T. Testing / 8 per Kindergarten section
Literacy Night Coordinator (Event only) / 8
Literacy Team / 20
Management Team (Site Based) (submit actual points requested monthly, not max total) / 40
Math Night (Event Only) / 8
Pathways Acceleration Leader (PALs) / 20/sem
Science Fair Liaison K-8 (schools without a cadre member only) / 15
Science Fair Team 9-12 / 25
Secondary Literacy Council (CLICK) / 20/sem
Super Prop Committee / 20
Site Council / 10
Site Mentor / 10/sem
TAT Coordinator (not meetings, TAT Meetings should be submitted separately as Focus II) / 10/sem
Testing Coordinator for AP or CLEP testing. / 20
Textbook Adoption Committee for District
(Credit for committee meetings or district assigned tasks only) / 40
Tutor Coordinator for School-wide Program / 10/sem
Writing/revising district curriculum and/or assessments on a district-approved committee (Facilitated by IRC staff) / 50

Professional Development Focus III Activities

/ Up to Max Points
Developing and Teaching in-district classes offered in the in-district course catalog. (Credit will only be given for actual teaching time).
NOTE: Teachers who co-teach an in-district class share the duties, responsibilities, and time required to complete the work. Therefore, each co-teacher can submit one-half of the total points assigned to the activity. / 50
Mentoring beginning teachers through the District Mentoring Programs. Requirements outlined at mentor meeting.
Mentors are assigned through the District Mentoring Program. / 30
Presenting school workshops/in-services--Pre-approval Required
(Credit will only be given for actual presentation time) / 1-5/sem

Please note number of points required:

Level III 20 points (any Focus area)

Level IV 40 points (one or more points must be in Focus area III-Teacher Leadership)


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