08-37446 -1-

Translated from Arabic

Office of the Minister of Defence of the Lebanese Republic

Reference: 1433 / ghayn `ayn / waw

Letter dated 17 May 2008 addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants concerning memo 1194/5, dated 6 March 2008, on the report of Lebanon on disarmament affairs

With reference to the aforementioned topic and your memo concerning the request for reports from Lebanon on certain disarmament issues, the Ministry of Defence would like to transmit the following information.

With regard to note verbale ODA/21-2008/CAC, dated 14 March 2008, on conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels, Lebanon is in full compliance with international law as embodied in the resolutions and Charter of the United Nations. However, all States in the region should also comply in order to avoid a double standard. The same applies to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and States not in compliance should be held to account. Legislation should be enacted at the regional and international levels to prevent the proliferation of such weapons, with the reservation that they may be used by individuals or groups resisting occupation or defending their land. In addition, multilateralism should be strengthened as a way to promote negotiations on arms regulation and disarmament.

With regard to note verbale ODA/22-2008/ATS, dated 14 March 2008, on assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them, Lebanon shares the concern of other States regarding the issue of small arms and light weapons and their illicit trafficking and unimpeded circulation in many States around the world, which constitutes a significant threat to individual, national, regional and international peace and security. International efforts to curb that trade are therefore urgently needed. Lebanon likewise reaffirms its unswerving commitment to international law and to the principles of the Charter, in particular the principle that all States have the same right to sovereignty, territorial integrity and individual and collective self-defence in dealing with conflicts. All States also have the right to ensure that their defensive and security needs are met and all peoples, especially those living under foreign control or occupation, have the right to self-determination.

With regard to note verbale ODA/23-2008/PDM, dated 14 March 2008, on consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures, Lebanon stresses the need to strengthen peace and security and the important role of the United Nations in arms regulation and disarmament. It supports international efforts to combat the manufacturing and stockpiling of all forms of weapons.

* Translator’s note: annex not provided.

With regard to note verbale ODA/24-2008/NLDU, dated 14 March 2008, on national legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology, pursuant to domestic legislation, and in particular to Act No. 1221 of 3March 1953 and Act No. 137 of 12 June 1959 (see annex),* Lebanon has taken appropriate measures to prevent trafficking in arms and equipment, including detailed searches at crossing points and at observation points in maritime, commercial and passenger ports. Lebanon has also instituted arrangements for controls, pursuit, inspections, and the exchange of information with relevant parties.

With regard to note verbale ODA/12-2008/VER, dated 25 February 2008, on verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field of verification, Lebanon supports all international agreements and conventions relating to disarmament and non-proliferation, since weapons constitute a serious threat to peace and security in the region and around the world. Lebanon respects international law and the principles enshrined in the Charter. It therefore does not possess weapons of mass destruction and supports the implementation of all effective measures to prevent their proliferation.

With regard to note verbale ODA/12-2008/CBMRSC, dated 19 February 2008, on confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context, Lebanon respects international law and the principles enshrined in the Charter, particularly the principle that States all have the same right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. The main obstacle facing Lebanon in building confidence in the regional and subregional context is Israel, which continues to violate international laws and practices and possesses weapons of mass destruction that are a permanent threat to Lebanon and the region as a whole.

With regard to note verbale ODA/17-2008/CBM-OUTER SPACE, dated 25February 2005, on transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities, Lebanon will make every effort to cooperate with the constituent bodies and committees of the League of Arab States and to provide them with such information and recommendations as are available in order to monitor Israeli outer space, missile and nuclear-related activities.

With regard to note verbale ODA/14-2008/NWFZME, dated 25 February 2008, on the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East, Lebanon is committed to all United Nations resolutions, particularly those concerning the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, and cooperates with other parties on disarmament issues relating to weapons of mass destruction. However, we are deeply concerned at Israel’s non-compliance with international law. Israel maintains a nuclear shield that constitutes a threat to all States in the region and hence to international peace and security.

Lebanon has enacted laws and regulations for controlling the export, transit and transfer across borders of all forms of weapons of mass destruction and related items. It does not provide assistance of any sort to any group seeking to acquire, manufacture, possess, transfer or use nuclear or other weapons and it is participating in the drafting of a convention by the League of Arab States aimed at making the Middle East a nuclear-weapon-free zone.

With regard to note verbale ODA/13-2008/SSCMR, dated 19 February 2008, on strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region, Lebanon is committed to the resolutions of the United Nations and cooperates in combating terrorism, international crime and the illicit transport and trafficking of weapons in the Mediterranean region and worldwide.

With regard to note verbale ODA/15-2008/WMDT, dated 25 February 2008, on measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, Lebanon does not possess weapons of mass destruction and is committed to United Nations resolutions aimed at preventing terrorists from acquiring or using such weapons. Lebanon has enacted laws and regulations that prohibit the trafficking of weapons and control their export, transit and transfer across borders. Terrorists are apprehended wherever they are found, since Lebanese law does not allow the harbouring of terrorists. We favour closer international cooperation and we contribute to international efforts to combat terrorism by enacting stringent legislation to control and arrest terrorists wherever they are.

With regard to note verbale ODA/16-2008/ICJ, dated 25 February 2008, on follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons, Lebanon is committed to the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, does not possess weapons of mass destruction, and is opposed to the use or threat of use of such weapons.

With regard to note verbale ODA/18-2008/ED-STUDY, dated 4 March 2008, on the United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation education, the Lebanese Army Command continues to manage training and disarmament and nonproliferation education within the armed forces. This issue also concerns other agencies, such as the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Economy and Trade. These Ministries should be contacted for their views on the relevant topics.

For your review and appropriate action.

Cc: Army Command

(Signed) Elias Murr
Minister of Defence