Service Provider Committee Goal: to strengthen relationships with partner member’s organizations, other CoC programs, diverse populations, and consumers while addressing the Coalition Mission, including broader poverty challenges.
Staff present from: Catholic Charities, Center for Veteran Issues,Fair Housing, Family Services TLP, Forward Service Corporation, Freedom House, Golden House, House of Hope, Integrated Community Solutions,NEW Community Clinic,NEW Community Shelter,St Johns Homeless Shelter, St Vincent de Paul, The Salvation Army Basic Needs,The Salvation Army Transitional Housing & Ecumenical Partnership for Housing,Veteran Assistance Foundation, DPI-CESA 7, Aging and Disability Resource Center
Staff not present from: Brown County CTP,Family Services Open Door Youth Services, Green Bay Area Public Schools,Institute for Community Alliances, Legal Action,MORE Program, Oneida Transitional Living, Outreach Healthcare, Thanksgiving Ecumenical Meal
Excused: LSS – Wellspring,Veteran HUD VASH
- Welcome and Introductions
- Monthly Presentation – no presentation
- Review list of Family Service programs for future presentation – Courtney will work with Family Service to come speak on programs we refer to or clients work with
- E-mail Courtney with any additional suggestions
- Suggestions: Fostering Future Makers, Veteran program with Holly
- Minutes approval
- Approval 1st Bobbie Lison 2nd Sandra Shafstall
- Housing resource day
- Moving to 4th Thursday of the month in May to Green Bay Central Church, located on East side across from Eisenhower School / near Love Life East from 12pm-2pm
- Coalition will have table where exit survey give and supportive services – want to find out what is working and what still needs changes to meet client needs
- Gaps Analysis – client version almost done but community version needs to be worked on – Ashley, Jodi and Carrie were working on – could use extra help
- WISP concerns / updates
- No contact person yet – e-mail Jennifer Allen with any Service Point concerns
- A Pair And A Spare Drive
- Drive ending last week, around 7,000 collected – down 5,000 items from last year – not sure if moving it to spring / closer to Help for the Homeless was the reason
- More advertising and still down
- Balance of State
- Discussion at Balance of State of VISPDAT and concerns areas have been seeing – youth and when scores are not reflecting the chronic / health issues by how someone is answering, HUD will be looking at length of time someone has been homeless and that could trump score
- Housing First – in November Balance of State looking to bring creator of Housing First to meeting Sam Tsemberis
- Carrie Poser will be hosting webinar on Priority Waiting list next week, geared to COC but anyone can attend and learn more; e-mail went out to coalition
- Reporter in Eau Claire did presentation on his time speaking with local homeless and series of stories he created – pizza story, Glass Nickel in Green Bay does similar program
- Planning Resource Fair
- Date – will depend on location but T-W-R preferred 11-2 ish ?
- Duties
- Site – Laura will contact YWCA for availability in October
- Agencies
- Marketing/signs - Amber and Sandra will work on
-Laura will check with Tony for any materials he has from previous resource fairs
-Grace Lutheran might be a back-up, would need to ask if YWCA does not work
-Everyone needs to make sure they are taking a small part of projects and not having the same people do all the work – fast way to burn out
- Agency updates
- Aging and Disability Resource Center - Ashley will be coming to meetings
- Catholic Charities – nothing
- Center for Vet Issues – refer any veterans you come in contact with
- DPI CESA-7 – Brittney, looking to make connections with resources
- Fair Housing – taking referrals
- Family Services TLP – FISBY openings, SHP openings looking for singles from shelter
- Forward Service Corp – filling units
- Freedom House – 3 families at The Bridge – referrals from SOFT; 60 on waiting list and Kendra maintaining list – new case manager Terra Dirschl
- Golden House – nothing
- House of Hope – last week moved 3 in, 1 opening this week; 10 families on waiting list and calling
- House of Hope RRH – more money July 1st with new grant year, still holding referrals for 30 days
- ICS – pulling off waiting list, 4-6 weeks for inspection – remember to advertise Family Self Sufficiency Program
- NEW Community Clinic – with more people moving in summer perfect time to connect people with healthcare,
- New Community Shelter – last week using wait list for males but open beds after the weekend
- St Johns – nothing
- St Vincent de Paul – nothing
- The Salvation Army BN – nothing
- The Salvation Army THP & EPH– new case manager Kim Kennedy, full time so in training and then taking cases in next two weeks; when doing referrals try to give as much detail as possible (education & income) because family may fit in long term supportive housing program they have
- Case Management meeting to following at 10 am
New business
- E-mail that came out about landlord program – what do people think? – know we need to build the relationships with landlords but people need to step up and do something
Next Meeting June 30th, 2015@ Wisconsin Job Center
Thanks for all you do!
Submitted by Robin Kuklinski