1. Name and place of work of person answering the questionnaire (address, telephone, fax, e-mail):

2. Please give details of the location and status (protected area, hunting unit, etc.) of the area you work at as manager, researcher, etc. to which the following answers relate.

3. Do wolves (Canis lupus) exist in the area? (Please mark!)

noyes: regular occurences

yes: sporadic occurencesyes: stable population, protected

yes: stable population, huntable

4. Do Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) exist in the area? (Please mark!)

noyes: regular occurences

yes: sporadic occurencesyes: stable population, protected

yes: stable population, huntable

5. Do Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) exist in the area? (Please mark!)

noyes: regular occurences

yes: sporadic occurencesyes: stable population, protected

yes: stable population, huntable

6. What is the estimatedpopulation density of the given species (specimen/square km) on the area? (Please give numbers!)

Wolf (Canis lupus):specimen/km2

Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx):specimen/km2

Iberan lynx (Lynx pardina):specimen/km2

7. What is the location of the population in the area compared to its entire distribution range? (Please mark!)

peripheral locationcore areaindependent isle-population

8. If any of these species is huntable, are kill records registered? (I.e. is reporting of bag data compulsory? Please mark!)

Wolf (Canis lupus):yesno

Eurasian lynx:(Lynx lynx):yesno

Iberan lynx(Lynx pardina):yesno

9. Is the population status monitored? (Please mark by species!)

Wolf / Eurasian lynx / Iberian lynx
yes, but irregularly and by a more or less standard method
yes, regularly, but by not a standard method
yes, regularly and by a standard method

10. How regular is the monitoring? (How often are the surveys repeated? Please specify!)

once a year (when?)

less frequently than a year (time period):

more frequently than a year (time period):

11. Who is responsible for carrying out monitoring on the area? (I.e. who organizes or co-ordinates the monitoring: e.g. hunters, conservationists, NGO, authority, etc.? Please specify!)

12. If there are more organizations carrying out monitoring on the area, is there any relation and/or harmonization among their work? (If yes, please specify!)


13. People who do the monitoring are (please mark):

volunteers interested in large carnivores;

occasionally hired paid staff of related graduation background;

scientific professionals hired and specially trained directly for this task;


14. What kind of monitoring methods are used on the area? (Please specify each briefly!)

15. How much do you think the applied montoring method is reliable?

slightly reliable

moderately reliable

extremely stable and reliable

16. How much do you think the applied montoring method is expensive? (1: definitely cheap, 5: very expensive)


17. What do you consider to be the main advantage and/or disadvantage of the used method? Please specify!

18. Please mark what kind of life signs are counted during the monitoring survey!






other (please specify):

19. What parameters of population are registered?

presence/absence of the animal in the area

change in number of population

absolute number of population

number of offspring

track density


20. If a standard method is used, is there any information about its bias?

yes, calculated on the bases of calibration by a known numbered population;

yes, established by the results of alternative methods used paralell with the given one;

yes, estblished from published results;

no, there is notany scientific data about the possible bias

21. If a standard method is used, is there any information about its accuracy? (Please mark and if yes, please specify!)


22. Is the representativity of the method provided? (Please mark and give details!)

yes, a randomized sampling is applied

yes, in other way:

no, there is no separate method applied for this purpose

23. How much is the applied monitoring method replicable and what factors does replicability depend on? (Please specify!)

24. If there are more methods used paralelly on the area, please rank them according to their reliability! (Please mark the best method by 1!)

25. If there are more methods used, is there any difference shown among their results? (Please mark and give details as necessary!)

no, there is no significant difference shown among them;

yes, the results are more or less controversial;

results of the various methods cannot be compared;

other comments:

26. If you have any comment, please specify!

Thank you for taking time to answer the questions!

Please return the questionnaire to before 31 October, 2005

Our homepage is: LIFE Nature project on large carnivores