A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit I. Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts

Note: The following concepts transcend all units in AP Human Geography; they are central to all geographic thinking and analysis and could even be considered central to any definition of geography.

Basic Concepts

1. Changing attributes of place

2. Built landscape (Changing attributes of a place)

3. Sequent occupance (Changing attributes of a place)

4. Cultural attributes

5. Cultural landscape

6. Density

7. Arithmetic Density

8. Physiological Density

9. Diffusion

10. Hearth

11. Relocation

12. Expansion

13. Hierarchical

14. Contagious

15. stimulus

16. Direction

17. Absolute direction

18. Relative direction

19. Dispersion

20. Concentration

21. Dispersed /scattered

22. clustered/agglomerated

23. Distance

24. Absolute distance

25. Relative Distance

26. Distribution

27. Environmental determinism

28. Location

29. Absolute location

30. Relative location

31. Site

32. Situation

33. Place name

34. Pattern

35. Linear pattern

36. Centralized pattern

37. Random pattern

38. Physical attributes

39. natural landscape

40. Possibilism

41. Region

42. Formal region

43. Uniform region

44. Functional/nodal region

45. perceptual/vernacular region

46. Scale (implied degree of generalization)

47. Size

48. Spatial (of or pertaining to space on or near Earth’s surface)

49. Spatial interaction

50. Accessibility

51. Connectivity

52. Network

53. Distance decay

54. Friction of distance

55. Time-space compression

Geographic Tools

1. Distortion

2. Geographic Information System (GIS)

3. Global Positioning System (GPS)

4. Grid

5. North pole

6. South Poles

7. Latitude

8. Parallel

9. Equator

10. Longitude

11. Meridian

12. Prime meridian

13. International date line

14. Map (Maps are the tool most uniquely identified with geography; the ability to use and interpret maps is an essential geographic skill.)

15. Map scale (distance on a map relative to distance on Earth)

16. Map types

17. Thematic maps

18. Statistical

19. Cartogram

20. Dot

21. Choropleth

22. Isoline

23. Mental map

24. Model (a simplified abstraction of reality, structured to clarify causal relationships): Geographers use models to explain patterns, make informed decisions, and predict future behaviors.

25. Demographic Transition

26. Epidemiological Transition

27. Gravity

28. Von Thünen

29. Weber

30. Stages of Growth [Rostow]

31. Concentric Circle [Burgess]

32. Sector [Hoyt]

33. Multiple Nuclei

34. Central Place [Christaller]

35. Projection

36. Remote sensing

37. Time zones

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit II. Population—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts


1. Age distribution

2. Carrying capacity

3. Cohort

4. Demographic equation

5. Demographic momentum

6. Demographic regions

7. Demographic Transition model

8. Dependency ratio

9. Diffusion of fertility control

10. Disease diffusion

11. Doubling time

12. Ecumene

13. Epidemiological Transition model

14. Gendered space

15. Infant mortality rate

16. J-curve

17. Maladaptation

18. Malthus, Thomas

19. Mortality

20. Natality

21. Neo-Malthusian

22. Overpopulation

23. Population densities

24. Population distributions

25. Population explosion

26. Population projection

27. Population pyramid

28. Rate of natural increase

29. S-curve

30. Sex ratio

31. Standard of living

32. Sustainability

33. Underpopulation

34. Zero population growth

35. Migration

36. Activity space

37. Chain migration

38. Cyclic movement

39. Distance decay

40. Forced

41. Gravity model

42. Internal migration

43. Intervening opportunity

44. Migration patterns

45. Intercontinental Migration Patterns

46. Interregional migration patterns

47. Rural-urban migration patterns

48. Migratory movement

49. Periodic movement

50. Personal space

51. Place utility

52. Push-pull factors

53. Refugee

54. Space-time prism

55. Step migration

56. Transhumance

57. Transmigration

58. Voluntary

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit III. Cultural Patterns and Processes, Part 1—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts

Concepts of Culture

1. Acculturation

2. Assimilation

3. Cultural adaptation

4. Cultural core/periphery pattern

5. Cultural ecology

6. Cultural identity

7. Cultural landscape

8. Cultural realm

9. Culture

10. Culture region

11. Formal—core, periphery

12. Functional—node

13. Vernacular (perceptual)—regional self-awareness

14. Diffusion types

15. Expansion

16. Hierarchical expansion

17. Contagious expansion

18. Stimulus expansion

19. Relocation

20. Innovation adoption

21. Maladaptive diffusion

22. Sequent occupance

Folk and Popular Culture

1. Adaptive strategies

2. Anglo-American landscape characteristics

3. Architectural form

4. Built environment

5. Folk culture

6. Folk food

7. Folk house

8. Folk songs

9. Folklore

10. Material culture

11. Nonmaterial culture

12. Popular culture

13. Survey systems

14. Traditional architecture

15. Language

16. Creole

17. Dialect

18. Indo-European languages

19. Isogloss

20. Language

21. Language family

22. Language group

23. Language subfamily

24. Lingua franca

25. Linguistic diversity

26. Monolingual/multilingual

27. Official language

28. Pidgin

29. Toponymy

30. Trade language

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit III. Cultural Patterns and Processes, Part 2—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts


1. Animism

2. Buddhism

3. Cargo cult pilgrimage

4. Christianity

5. Confucianism

6. Ethnic religion

7. Exclave/enclave

8. Fundamentalism

9. Geomancy (feng shui)

10. Hadj

11. Hinduism

12. Interfaith boundaries

13. Islam

14. Jainism

15. Judaism

16. Landscapes of the dead

17. Monotheism

18. polytheism

19. Mormonism

20. Muslim pilgrimage

21. Muslim population

22. Proselytic religion

23. Reincarnation

24. Religion (groups, places)

25. Religious architectural styles

26. Religious conflict

27. Religious culture hearth

28. Religious toponym

29. Sacred space

30. Secularism

31. Shamanism

32. Sharia law

33. Shintoism

34. Sikhism

35. Sunni/Shia

36. Taoism

37. Theocracy

38. Universalizing

39. Zoroastrianism

40. Ethnicity

41. Acculturation

42. Adaptive strategy

43. Assimilation

44. Barrio

45. Chain migration

46. Cultural adaptation

47. Cultural shatterbelt

48. Ethnic cleansing

49. Ethnic conflict

50. Ethnic enclave

51. Ethnic group

52. Ethnic homeland

53. Ethnic landscape

54. Ethnic neighborhood

55. Ethnicity

56. Ethnocentrism

57. Ghetto

58. Plural society

59. Race

60. Segregation

61. Social distance

62. Gender

63. Dowry death

64. Enfranchisement

65. Gender

66. Gender gap

67. Infanticide

68. Longevity gap

69. Maternal mortality rate

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit IV. Political Organization of Space—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts

1. Annexation

2. Antarctica

3. Apartheid

4. Balkanization

5. Border landscape

6. Boundary

7. Definitional Boundary disputes

8. Locational boundary disputes

9. Operational boundary disputes

10. Allocational boundary disputes

11. Boundary origin

12. Antecedent boundary

13. Subsequent boundary

14. Superimposed boundary

15. Relic

16. Boundary process

17. Delimitation boundary process

18. Demarcation boundary process

19. Types of Boundary

20. Natural boundary

21. Physical boundary

22. Ethnographic boundary

23. Cultural boundary

24. Geometric boundary

25. Buffer state

26. Capital

27. Centrifugal

28. Centripetal

29. City-state

30. Colonialism

31. Confederation

32. Conference of Berlin (1884)

33. Core/periphery

34. Decolonization

35. Devolution

36. Domino theory

37. EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)

38. Electoral regions

39. Enclave/exclave

40. Ethnic conflict

41. European Union

42. Federal

43. Forward capital

44. Frontier

45. Geopolitics

46. Gerrymander

47. Global commons

48. Heartland/rimland

49. Immigrant states

50. International organization

51. Iron Curtain

52. Irredentism

53. Israel/Palestine

54. Landlocked

55. Law of the Sea

56. Lebanon

57. Mackinder, Halford J.

58. Manifest destiny

59. Median-line principle

60. Microstate

61. Ministate

62. Nation

63. National iconography

64. Nation-state

65. Nunavut

66. Raison d’être

67. Reapportionment

68. Regionalism

69. Religious conflict

70. Reunification

71. Satellite state

72. Self-determination

73. Shatterbelt

74. Sovereignty

75. State

76. Stateless ethnic groups

77. Stateless nation

78. Suffrage

79. Supranationalism

80. Territorial disputes

81. Territorial morphology

82. Compact morphology

83. Fragmented morphology

84. Elongated morphology

85. Prorupt morphology

86. perforated

87. Territoriality

88. Theocracy

89. Treaty ports

90. UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)

91. Unitary

92. USSR collapse

93. Women’s enfranchisement

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit V. Agricultural and Rural Land Use—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts

1. Adaptive strategies

2. Agrarian

3. Agribusiness

4. Agricultural industrialization

5. Agricultural landscape

6. Agricultural location model

7. Agricultural origins

8. Agriculture

9. Animal domestication

10. Aquaculture

11. Biorevolution

12. Biotechnology

13. Collective farm

14. Commercial agriculture (intensive, extensive)

15. Core/periphery

16. Crop rotation

17. Cultivation regions

18. Dairying

19. Debt-for-nature swap

20. Diffusion

21. Double cropping

22. Primary Economic activity

23. Secondary Economic Activity

24. Tertiary Economic Activity

25. Quaternary economic activity

26. Quinary economic activity

27. Environmental modification

28. Pesticides

29. Soil erosion

30. Desertification

31. Extensive subsistence agriculture

32. Shifting cultivation

33. Slash-and- burn

34. Milpa

35. Swidden

36. Nomadic herding

37. Pastoralism

38. Extractive industry

39. Farm crisis

40. Farming

41. Feedlot

42. First agricultural revolution

43. Fishing

44. Food chain

45. Forestry

46. Globalized agriculture

47. Green revolution

48. Growing season

49. Hunting and gathering

50. Intensive subsistence agriculture

51. Intertillage

52. Livestock ranching

53. Market gardening

54. Mediterranean agriculture

55. Mineral fuels

56. Mining

57. Planned economy

58. Plant domestication

59. Plantation agriculture

60. Renewable/nonrenewable

61. Rural settlement

62. Dispersed settlement

63. Nucleated settlement

64. Building material

65. Village form settlement

66. Sauer, Carl O.

67. Second agricultural revolution

68. Specialization

69. Staple grains

70. Suitcase farm

71. Survey patterns

72. Long lots

73. Metes

74. Bounds

75. Township-and-range

76. Sustainable yield

77. Third agricultural revolution

78. Mechanization

79. chemical farming

80. Food manufacturing

81. “Tragedy of the commons”

82. Transhumance

83. Truck farm

84. Von Thünen, Johann Heinrich

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit VI. Industrialization and Development—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts


1. Agricultural labor force

2. Calorie consumption

3. Core-periphery model

4. Cultural convergence

5. Dependency theory

6. Development

7. Energy consumption

8. Foreign direct investment

9. Gender

10. Gross domestic product (GDP)

11. Gross national product (GNP)

12. Human Development Index

13. Levels of development

14. Measures of development

15. Neocolonialism

16. Physical Quality of Life Index

17. Purchasing power parity

18. Rostow, W. W.

19. “Stages of Growth” model

20. Technology gap

21. Technology transfer

22. Third World

23. World Systems Theory

24. Industrialization

25. Acid rain

26. Agglomeration

27. Agglomeration economies

28. Air pollution

29. Aluminum industry (factors of production, location)

30. Assembly line production/Fordism

31. Bid rent theory

32. Break-of-bulk point

33. Canadian industrial heartland

34. Carrier efficiency

35. Comparative advantage

36. Cumulative causation

37. Deglomeration

38. Deindustrialization

39. Economic sectors

40. Economies of scale

41. Ecotourism

42. Energy resources

43. Entrepôt

44. Export processing zone

45. Fixed costs

46. Footloose industry

47. Four Tigers

48. Greenhouse effect

49. Growth poles

50. Heartland/rimland

51. Industrial location theory

52. Industrial regions (place, fuel source, characteristics)

53. Industrial Revolution

54. Industry (receding, growing)

55. Infrastructure

56. International division of labor

57. labor-intensive

58. Least-cost location

59. Major manufacturing regions

60. Manufacturing exports

61. Manufacturing/warehouse location

62. Industrial parks

63. Agglomeration

64. Shared services

65. Zoning

66. Transportation

67. Taxes

68. environmental considerations

69. Maquiladora

70. Market orientation

71. Multiplier effect


73. Outsourcing

74. Ozone depletion

75. Plant location (supplies, “just in time” delivery)

76. Postindustrial

77. Refrigeration

78. Resource crisis

79. Resource orientation

80. Special economic zones (China)

81. Specialized economic zones

82. Substitution principle

83. Threshold/range

84. Time-space compression

85. Topocide

86. Trade (complementarity)

87. Transnational corporation

88. Ubiquitous

89. Variable costs

90. Weber, Alfred

91. Weight-gaining

92. Weight-losing

93. World cities

A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography

Martha Sharma

Retired teacher

Hilton Head, South Carolina

Unit VII. Cities and Urban Land Use—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts

1. Agglomeration

2. Barriadas

3. Bid-rent theory

4. Blockbusting

5. CBD (central business district)

6. Census tract

7. Centrality

8. Centralization

9. Central-place theory

10. Christaller, Walter

11. City

12. Cityscapes

13. Colonial city

14. Commercialization

15. Commuter zone

16. Concentric zone model

17. Counterurbanization

18. Decentralization

19. Deindustrialization

20. Early cities

21. Basic Economic base

22. Nonbasic Economic Base

23. Edge city

24. Emerging cities

25. Employment structure

26. Entrepôt

27. Ethnic neighborhood

28. Favela

29. Female-headed household

30. Festival landscape

31. Gateway city

32. Gender

33. Gentrification

34. Ghetto

35. Globalization

36. Great cities

37. High-tech corridors

38. Hinterland

39. Hydraulic civilization

40. Indigenous city

41. In-filling

42. Informal sector

43. Infrastructure

44. Inner city

45. Invasion and succession

46. Lateral commuting

47. Medieval cities

48. Megacities

49. Megalopolis

50. conurbation

51. Metropolitan area

52. Multiple nuclei model

53. Multiplier effect

54. Neighborhood

55. Office park

56. Peak land value intersection

57. Planned communities

58. Postindustrial city

59. Postmodern urban landscape

60. Primate city

61. Racial steering

62. Rank-size rule

63. Redlining

64. Restrictive covenants

65. Sector model

66. Segregation

67. Nucleated Settlement form

68. Dispersed settlement form

69. Elongated settlement Form

70. Shopping mall

71. Site/situation

72. Slum

73. Social structure

74. Specialization

75. Squatter settlement

76. Street pattern

77. Grid

78. Dendritic

79. Access

80. control

81. Suburb

82. Suburbanization

83. Symbolic landscape

84. Tenement

85. threshold/range

86. Town

87. Underclass

88. Underemployment

89. Urban growth rate

90. Urban function

91. Urban hearth area

92. Urban heat island

93. Urban hierarchy

94. Urban hydrology

95. Urban morphology

96. Urbanization

97. Urbanized population

98. World city

99. Zone in transition

100. Zoning