Revised 9-30-2014
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Feed Mill Assessment
Feed Mill Name:
Feed Mill Address:
Associated PIC multiplication Herd(s):
HTV, HA veterinarian or SC representative conducting inspection:
Location of Nearest Pigs
- In sight?Yes No
- Distance?less than ½ mile1/2 to 1 mile greater than 1 mile
Ingredient Reception
- Is an ingredient reception protocol visible to inbound drivers? YesNo
- Separation of inbound and outbound trucks/equipment? Yes No
- Who unloads inbound bulk ingredients? Inbound driver Mill personnel
- When exiting their truck cabs, do inbound drivers observe biosecurity protocols by putting on disposable booties prior to exiting the tractor cab?
YesNo Not required
- Is there equipment in place to prevent overflow of the bulk ingredients to areas around the dump grate at the unloading pit? YesNo
- If bulk ingredients are allowed to unload on the floor around the inbound grate, how is material on the concrete deck handled?
Swept into the unloading pit Swept up and discarded into dumpster
- Are inbound trucks and trailers required to remove snow and ice from the under carriage prior to unloading at the mill?YesNo
- Are Vitamin and Trace Minerals (VTMs) and other micro ingredients, stored in a heated area for more than 2 weeks? YesNo
- Does mill have written biosecurity protocols in place?YesNo
- Does mill allow non-employees in the production area? Yes No
- Does mill have defined clean/dirty lines to control foot traffic? Yes No
- Does mill have separate pathways for incoming ingredients and outgoing completed feed to minimize vehicle traffic crossover? Yes No
- Does mill supply boots/coverall to outside visitors while on site? Yes No
- Do any mill personnel work routinely with pigs?YesNo
- Does mill prepare feed for other pigs?YesNo
- If yes, are they PIC owned or contract multiplication units?YesNo
- Do they prepare feed for other livestock?YesNo
- If yes, what species?CattlePoultrySheepFishOther:
- Does mill offer pelleting?YesNo
- Does mill have a standard operating procedure to protect the feed from becoming contaminated during the milling process?YesNo
- Does mill have a designedrodent and bird control protocol?YesNo
- How are feed spills at the mill handled?
Spills removed immediately
Spills removed at the end of the day
Spills removed at the end of the week
Spills not removed
- Is feed delivery based on a dynamic biosecurity pyramid? YesNo
- Is feed delivered to PIC multiplier pigs before non-PIC units?YesNo
- Are deliveries to PIC units made in dedicated trucks? YesNo
- Is feed delivered in trucks used only for hauling feed? YesNo
- What other vehicles enter the feed mill?Personnel vehiclesFeed trucks from other farmsGrain trucksLivestock trucksWaste removal trucksUtility trucksOther:
- What is the traffic pattern at the mill?Please describe:
- Is there an inbound driveway and outbound driveway?YesNo
- Are the trucks/tractors (specifically undercarriage/tires) cleaned?YesNo
- If yes, how?
- Detergent used: Yes NoIf yes, what kind:
- Are the trucks (specifically undercarriage/tires) disinfected?YesNo
- How often:At the completion of the delivery route Between farms
At the end of the dayAs needed
- Are inside of truck cabs cleaned?YesNo
- If yes, how?
- How often:Daily Weekly MonthlyAs needed
- Does the tractor cab have floor mats?Yes No
- If yes, how often are they washed, disinfected and dried?
Daily Weekly Monthly As needed
- What plan exists if there is a disease concern on any of the farms served by the mill? (For instance, does the mill have enough trucks or a washing and disinfecting plan in place that ensures that a truck that has been to a diseased farm will never go on to other farms OR it will not visit another farm without a wash and disinfect?)
- Does feed truck enter the compound fence of PIC farms?YesNo
- Does feed truck enter the compound fence of non-PIC farms?YesNo
- Is there a plan in place to control feed spills at the farms? YesNo
- How are feed spills at the farm handled?
Farm is notified and farm staff picks upDriver picks up the spill
- Where is the spilled feed disposed? In a waste bin in a garbage bag
Swept onto groundPlaced back in feed binOther:
- Is feed from a farm ever returned to the mill? YesNo
- If yes, please explain:
Grain Commodities
- Which grains are used in the feed?
cornsoybeanswheat milobarley DDGS Other
- From whom is the grain purchased?
selfgrain elevatorfeed millunknownother swine producerfrom grain producer
- Is the grain stored?YesNo
If yes, how long is the grain stored?
Where?On the groundIn covered binIn uncovered bin
- Are bird and rodent control protocols in place for grain storage? Yes No
- Are the vehicles that haul grain used for hauling livestock?Yes No
Animal Proteins and by-products
Type / Used in multiplier feed / Usedin mill / Main
Source / Risk of cross-contamination
(High or Low)
Porcine Plasma
Bovine Plasma
Non-porcine source blood meal
Spray dried egg protein
Meat and bone meal
Poultry meal
Fish Meal
Bakery meal
Pet food
Minor Ingredients
- How are smaller quantity ingredients supplied to this mill?
Bags Totes liquid Other:
- For minor ingredients that are added to rations, how are the products physically placed into the ration?
Hand add Micro table Other: describe
Fats and Oils
- What type of fats are utilized in rations in this mill?
Bovine tallowPorcineAnimal/Vegetable BlendVegetable Oil
Other explain:
- Is there a risk of cross-contamination with swine products? Yes No
Approved?If not, use corrected action plan form