SESSION 2015/2016
Section 1 – Welcome
General Information about the School and Staffing
Daily Attendance and Absence,
Practical information, school meals transport and emergency closure
Section 2 – School Ethos
What the Pupils Say About Our School
Positive Behaviour
Section 3 – Communication and Parental Involvement
Section 4 – The Curriculum
Section 5 – Assessment and Reporting
Section 6 – Support for Pupils
Section 7 – Transitions
Section 8 – School Improvement
Section 9 – School Policies
Appendix 1 – Religious Observance in the Catholic School
Appendix 2 – ELC Handbook
Welcome to Loretto RC primary School. The aim of this handbook is to let parents and carers know about our school. It will help you and your child prepare for starting school and also be a reference point for parents seeking information or reminders as your child progresses through the school. It will tell you about our values, our aims, our aspirations and expectations for the children and how parents can support and contribute to our children’s learning. It also outlines information about the curriculum, assessment and reporting, as well as, lots of information about the wider support and agencies who contribute to our community. We are also required to include great deal of legislative information so that parents can see why and how we operate in such a way.
Our school was first founded as a small Mission School on 11 September 1899. We moved into the present accommodation on the 18 August 1935, when it became known as Loretto Roman Catholic Primary School.
We are proud to carry on the tradition of over one hundred years in education. Today our challenge is to deliver a ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ which is designed to provide children and young people with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need for learning, life and work in the 21st century. Its main aims are to enable our pupils to become Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Effective Contributors and Responsible Citizens. These are known nationally as the Four Capacities.
Our mission as a Roman Catholic Primary School is to continue to develop as a community of faith and learning, providing the highest quality of education. We try to live and learn through the promotion of our Gospel values. We celebrate and worship together as God’s family. Our Responsible Citizenship, eco and charitable activities are part of our life as Christians and part of our Learning for Sustainability. We invite you, as parents and carers, to continue to support us in our mission. We recognise that you are always the most important influence on your child’s life and we rely on your support, to ensure that your child reaches their full potential.
Loretto serves the communities of Musselburgh, Wallyford and Whitecraig.
Our school
We are fortunate to have spacious accommodation and outdoor grounds. Our building has a Victorian charm whilst equipped with computers and interactive whiteboards. The school has twenty place nursery both morning and afternoon and eight classrooms. Additionally we have a resource room, one general purpose room /music room, one SFL classroom and a school library. The Head teacher’s office is upstairs although I like to be out and about around the school and my door is almost always open. We have a staff working base and a meeting room. We also have a newly refurbished relaxing room for pupil use, for quiet chats and small group activities. There is also the school office, janitor’s office, staffroom, dining hall and separate gym hall. We also have extensive grounds, which includes the playground, playing field and the school woods. The school provides access for pupils with disabilities. We also have a lift and toilet facilities for pupils with disabilities.
Section 1 - Information about the School and Staffing
School Address and Contact Details:
Loretto RC Primary School
20 Newbigging
East Lothian
EH21 7AH
Telephone: 0131-665-2572
Website: www.http://edubuzz.org/lorettoprimary
Parents wishing to contact the school should contact the school office in the first instance.
Your first point of contact is usually our office team.
Admin Assistant - Mrs Maureen Ward
School Auxiliary – Mrs Yvonne Ross
Teaching and Support Team
Head Teacher – Mrs Margaret Anne McBean
Principal Teacher – Miss Kate O’Regan
Primary 1 – Mrs Karen Hill
Primary 1/2 – Miss Siobhan Kinsella
Primary 2/3 – Miss Francesca Carroll
Primary 3 – Mrs Kathryn Clark
Primary 4 – Mrs Susan Dalglish
Primary 4/5 – Miss Hannah Rose/ Mrs Marion Warren
Primary 5/6 – Mrs Fiona Henderson
Primary 7 – Miss Kate O’Regan
Support for Learning
Class Teacher - Mrs Frances Ramage
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Amara Muhammad
Classroom Assistant - Mrs Bernadette Johnston
Classroom Assistant - Mrs Shirley Swanston
ASN Auxiliary – Miss Rebekah Hay
Nursery Staff
Nursery Teacher - Mrs Catherine McCabe
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Janette Gaunt
Nursery Nurse – Miss Elspeth Pandit
The nursery caters for a maximum of 20 children in the morning and 20 children in the afternoon.
Visiting Specialists
Brass Instructor - Mr Simon Reeves (Monday mornings)
PE - Mrs Fiona Sellwood (Wednesday all day)
Music – Mrs Emily Peebles (Thursday all day)
Janitorial, Catering and Cleaning Staff
Janitor – Mr Colin Bonner
Dining staff – Mr Alex Cosgrove
Dining staff – Ms Kerry Ann French
Head Cleaner – Mr Alex Cosgrove
Cleaner – Mrs Iris Wallace
Cleaner – Mrs Louise Wood
School Crossings
Newbigging – Mr Dougie Blyth
Musselburgh High Street – Mrs Susan Wilson
Inveresk Road – Mr McGeary
The school roll is currently 180 pupils and this year there are eight classes from Primary 1 to Primary 7. Staffing and classes may vary from year to year. Changes are advised through school newsletters and notes to parents.
Composite Classes
The school is allocated a staffing budget based on the total school roll. Classes are organised in relation to the total school roll and the number of pupils at each stage. As in many East Lothian schools where necessary composite classes are formed based on pupil age, according to East Lothian Council Guidelines. All classes whether composite or not, contain pupils of different abilities and levels of development. Teachers are very experienced in meeting the needs of individual pupils and differentiate the teaching for pupils in all classes. Parents play an important role in maintaining social friendships outwith school too if and when classes may change. We are mindful of this and children are not restricted in the dining hall and playground and so continue to be able to play and socialise with lots of children.
School Day
Nursery Class
A.M. Session
Monday - Thursday: 8.32am – 12.30pm
P.M. Session
Monday - Thursday: 1.15pm – 4.15pm
Fridays: 8.30am – 12.20pm
Primary 1 - Primary 2
Monday - Thursday: 8.50 am - 3.00 pm School Breaks
Friday: 8.50 am - 12.15 pm Monday – Friday 10.30am – 10.45am
Monday – Thursday 12.30pm – 1.15pm
Primary 3 – Primary 7
Monday - Thursday: 8.50am - 3.15pm
Friday: 8.50am - 12.25pm
Enrolment of New Primary 1 Pupils
Parents of eligible children will be invited to enrol their child for P1 in November. Parents will be contacted or provided with information at nursery or locally through East Lothian Council press release.
Parents of children who live outside the catchment area should request a non district application. Parents who live outside the catchment area for this school must apply in writing to the Council, before enrolling here.
As we are a Roman Catholic School, at enrolment, we request a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate as well as all other standard documentation; Birth certificate, Council Tax letter and a utility bill (dated within 6 months). Should there be pressure on places children baptised in the RC church children and district children would take precedence and parents would be advised if a waiting list was envisaged.
Other Stages
Parents will be given information about the school. Parents must see the Head Teacher before a non-district pupil can be enrolled.
We will endeavour to have new children visit the school before they begin.
Pupil Placement at Secondary School
Normally children attend the catchment area school known as the district school. If you wish your child to attend a non-district secondary school, information will be sent to your home address when your child is in P7. It should be noted that attendance at an associated primary does not mean automatic transfer to the attached secondary school. Traditionally our P7 children transition to St. David’s RC High School in Dalkeith and this historical arrangement is supported by East Lothian and Mid Lothian Council.
To apply for a place in an East Lothian Council nursery you should complete a nursery application form, around the time your child turns two years old. The nursery application form is also available from any East Lothian nursery school/class. You will be asked to list, in order of priority, up to three nursery choices. The completed form should be submitted to your first choice nursery. Please note that an allocated nursery place does not guarantee your child a P1 place if this is not your catchment school. Thereafter applications are handled centrally but once places are allocated we will be in touch with starting arrangements.
Starting School
Parents/carers of new P1 pupils starting school in August will be advised of the phased start times and arrangements but generally pupils attend for the morning only for the first two weeks.
Daily Attendance Procedures
Parents/carers are asked to phone the school office to report your child’s absence from school. There is a dedicated absence answering service for parents so you may leave a message. Parents/carers should give a clear reason for your child’s absence and if possible an indication of how long the sickness absence is likely to be. When your child returns to school, parents/carers should confirm the reason for absence in writing, to ensure that the child’s attendance record is accurate and up to date.
Class teachers mark the register every day, morning and afternoon. As a safety procedure, office staff will phone parents/carers if a child is absent from school and we have not received a phone call to explain why. If we are unable to make contact and have any concerns at all we may telephone East Lothian Council Duty Social Work Attendance team, who will try to make contact and may make a home visit. This is an important safety procedure so please keep your contacts up to date to avoid unnecessary work or anxiety. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea your child should not return to school until they are 48 hrs clear to avoid spreading children’s bugs.
If a child leaves the school premises without permission or without explanation, the head teacher will inform the parents/carers immediately and if necessary the police.
Attendance and Punctuality
Punctuality is a life skill. Lateness is recorded against your child and is monitored. Late arrival in to class can be upsetting for your child and disruptive to the lessons and instructions already started.
Regular attendance at school is expected. Excellent school attendance gives your child the best chance to learn and progress academically as well as form strong friendships and develop social skills. Holidays in term time are strongly discouraged and must be advised in writing to the school. In almost all cases these absences are recorded as unauthorised. Teachers will not provide school work for children going on holiday. Parents will receive a letter which will be retained in your child’s file and a copy of our most resent Musselburgh Attendance Matters Campaign which highlights the negative impact unsatisfactory attendance has on a child’s learning. In cases of unsatisfactory attendance, the Head Teacher will contact parents and if necessary call a Staged Assessment meeting to discuss the issue and seek to provide support.
Emergency Closures
In the unlikely event that the school is unable to open we will post an announcement on our school blog. East Lothian Council website www.eastlothian.gov.uk will also give details of school closures. You are also advised to listen to local radio. We may need to call you in the event of emergency closures e.g. very bad weather conditions during the winter months. Once again it is extremely important that parents and carers keep all contact and emergency numbers up to date.
School Transport
At present contract transport is provided for our pupils who live in Wallyford and Whitecraig. Parents can request an application form from the school office. Parents and pupils are required to sign a contract agreeing to good behaviour while travelling on the school bus. It is important to emphasise that parents are responsible for the behaviour of their child on the school bus. A high standard of behaviour is expected whilst travelling on the bus to ensure personal safety of all the children. Bus passes are issued to pupils and only children with a bus pass are allowed to travel on
the school bus. Parents may not ravel on the school bus. Children should always carry their bus pass since there are spot inspections by the Bus Company’s Inspectors. If the head teacher receives complaints about unruly behaviour, the incidents will be investigated and the parents will be informed. Possible sanctions are also detailed in the contract for unacceptable behaviour.
School Meals
Currently all P1-P3 children in Scotland are entitled to a free school lunch. Facilities Management have the contract for providing school meals in East Lothian. The meals are planned over a 4-week period and menus are sent out to parents at the start of session. Menus offer healthy and tasty meal options which are in keeping with the Scottish Government food and drink legal requirements for school lunches. Your child has the opportunity each day to choose his/her school meal which is then ordered. This way we try to avoid unnecessary food waste and each child is assured the lunch of choice. If your child has any medical condition or allergies please let us know and we can accommodate this working closely with parents and the school catering service. School meals are currently £1.90. Meals can be paid for at the cash till in the dining hall daily or paid for in advance. Cheques should be made out to East Lothian Council. Cheques or cash should be placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class clearly marked on it and the amount. Children who prefer to bring their own packed lunch may do so. We operate a staggered sitting for lunchtime. Please refer to the council’s guidelines for further information on free school meals beyond P3.