CPD and Teaching and Learning action plan 2017-18
Overarching objective:-
To improve the quality of teaching and learning throughout the school ensuring that all teachers continue to meet the teaching standards and if a note for concern has been raised it is addressed and not repeated.
Aims / Actions / Milestones / Progress commentTo have all staff showing ‘met’ in all areas of ‘appraisal teaching standards’ by the end of the year. /
- Establish standards and implement support if needed,
- A one page document containing:- learning walks, pupil progress, planning and learning environment will be used to assess staff against the teaching standards. If staff have been monitored, the YGL or SLT member will add if the staff member has met or not met the criteria. If they have a cause for concern, this is shared with that member of staff and SLT and a target is set with planned support.
Book looks SLT &YGL.
Learning walks environment
NQT observations
Initial Appraisal
Autumn 2, Spring 2 & Summer 2
SEN and PPG meetings.
Lesson observations/ learning walks all staff
Appraisal meetings
Pupil Assessments
Book looks SLT
To plan CDP for succession in YGL and SLT roles.
To plan CPD to all staff based on continuous appraisal. /
- SK to complete NationalSenco Qualification.
- RR, SK & LC to complete Deputy Head programme 6 days.
- New subject leaders to complete Stepping up to leadership course.
- EH completing NPQHL
- Level C TA in each year group to have a lead roll over support staff.
- YD to complete level 4 TA.
- AC, DS, AT & CJ to complete Early professional development programme.
- Set out training for the year during appraisal 1.
Targeted CPD based on last year’s data.
Link CDP to appraisal targets.
Autumn 2
Team teach linked to individual needs.
To deliver the regular teaching and learning staff meetings to ensure there is consistency throughout the school. /
- Staff will be paired and trained on coaching.
- They will work together and take part in training on:-
- Mastery in Maths and English
- Focusing on the bottom 15%
- Gender participation.
Programme will begin. 2 team teach sessions will be taught.
To plan CDP for succession in YGL and SLT roles.
To plan CPD to all staff based on continuous appraisal. /
- Analyse data and look at monitoring for last year and provide CPD for individual staff.
- Provide leadership training.
Targeted CPD based on last year’s data.
Link CDP to appraisal targets.
Autumn 2
Team teach linked to individual needs.