Welcome to worship this winter morning! As brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather to praise his name, hear his Word and be strengthened to share his love with others.
UBC Mission Statement
To bring people to Jesus Christ and into the fellowship of His family, teaching and equipping them to serve in the church and be a living witness to the world for the purpose of glorifying God.
Morning Worship 9:00 & 11:00 AM
“I have called you by name,” says the Lord to each of us.
“You are mine” (Isaiah 43:1). Thank you, God, for claiming and loving me. Amen.
Call to Worship
Hymn of Praise “Everyday”
Welcome / Announcements / Greeting
Children Dismissed for Children’s Church:
Time of Praise “Jesus Saves”
“Holy, Holy, Holy”
Time of Tithing and Sacrificial Offering
Special Music “Beautiful Things” Praise Team & Praise Band
Bible Message – Dr. Kevin Milburn “A Clean Slate: Embracing Our Mission”
Joshua 1:1-11; Matthew 28:18-20
Invitation “Give Us Clean Hands”
Evening Worship 6:00 PM
Call to Worship “Love is the Theme”
Welcome / Prayer
Songs of Praise “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
“In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came”
Time of Offering
Bible Message – Dr. Kevin Milburn “Demonstrating God’s Love”
I John 4:7-12
Closing Prayer
~Child Care~
TODAY 9AM: Babies in 2’s & 3’s class 11AM: Soucy Family
PM: Cath Willis
Wed., Jan 16: Jessica Milburn
Jan 20 9AM: Babies in 2’s & 3’s class 11AM: Donaldson Family
PM: Ty Van Dusen
~Children’s Church Workers~
Today 2–3 Yrs 9 AM: John & Mechelle Wolfe 11 AM: Patrice B. & Abby G.
Age 4 – grade 2 (only) 11 AM: Steve & Heather Main
Jan 13 2–3 Yrs 9 AM: Belinda T. & Mollie W. 11 AM: Laura & Peyton McCabe
Age 4 – grade 2 (only) 11 AM: Steve & Heather Main
Greeters Today: Bob & Sue Fossett Jan 20: Larry & Denise Davidson
Welcome Center: Ken & Mandy Soucy Jan 20: Don & Jean McClurg
Sound Booth: 9 AM: Jason & Allisa 11 AM: Mike & Dave PM: Mike
Upper Room Prayer: Mary Belle Noe & Ruth Maynard
Deacons on Call: Jeff Smith, 384-0781 & Don Tanner, 384-3189
UBC Youth are going to Mission Fuge at Williamsburg, KY in June. A $75 deposit is DUE TODAY to hold your youth’s spot. See Bro Allen to make your deposit or with any other questions about M-Fuge.
CENTRI-KID For 3rd - 5th graders at Campbellsville University. You have a choice of two trips. Our 4th and 5th graders are scheduled for June 9h - 13th at a cost of $270.00 with a $100.00 deposit due on February 10th. Our 3rd graders can go June 13th - 15th at a cost of $139.00 with a $50.00 deposit due on February 10th . If you did not receive the information that was mailed, please see Miss Pat.
Are you a part of “Pastor’s Prayer Team”? The team consists of those who commit to daily prayer for church and community. Members receive a daily prayer guide, along with biweekly emails with scripture and quotes on prayer along with ways they can specifically pray for the work and ministries of UBC. There is nothing more important than prayer. If you would like to join the team and commit to daily prayer for God to be magnified and lives to be changed in our midst, fill out the perforated part of bulletin with note “Pastor’s Prayer Team” and your email address –or- just email Pastor Kevin with Prayer Team in your subject line and you will be added. Already on the team? No need to contact pastor unless you wish to be removed.
January is Sanctity of Human Life Month and our annual collection for CARE NET Pregnancy Services of Northern KY. CARE NET is a Christian ministry and since founded, they have recognized that mentoring and counseling clients in an unplanned pregnancy is vital in strengthening the mother/baby bond, and the overall family relationship along with that family’s involvement in the Christian community.
Please pick up a baby bottle from the display in the narthex, fill with spare change, cash, or checks payable to CARE NET. Bottles will be due back January 27th.
The UBC Women’s Ministry invites you to
Breakfast and Blankets
Saturday, January 26th, 9:30 am in the Legacy Center.
Bring your favorite breakfast food and join us for a special outreach event. We will make baby blankets which will be donated to Care Net. You will also learn more about Care Net and about supporting this very important Ministry. CareNet is a Christ centered organization existing to educate, support and empower people with the truth before, during and after an unplanned pregnancy, while uplifting the sanctity of life. Signup sheet is at the Care Net baby bottle table.