Name: ______
GCSE Spanish Listening (H)
Out and about


Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Total marks available: 64
Total marks achieved: ______



At the tourist office

Antonio wants to visit his friend.

Complete the form in English.

Example: Destination ...... Bilbao ......
(a) Day ......
(b) Departure time ......
(c) Location of bus station ......
(d) Main tourist attraction ......

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


At the train station

Alicia is talking to the ticket seller.

Listen to the recording and put a cross next to the four correct statements.


(Total for Question = 4 marks)


Pastora's holiday

What did Pastora like and dislike about her holiday?

Listen to the recording and write the four correct letters in the boxes below.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


At the tourist office

You are working at the tourist office in Barcelona.
Three tourists are asking for some information.
Put a cross in the appropriate boxes on the grid. Put two crosses in column A and two crosses in column B.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)



Daniela talks to Raúl about camping.

What do you learn about their trips?

Put a cross in the correct box.

Example: Daniela went camping...

/ A at the end of June
/ B at Easter
/ C towards the end of summer

(i) Raúl's experience of camping was...

/ A positive
/ B negative
/ C positive and negative

(ii) Daniela appreciated...

/ A the fresh food
/ B the weather
/ C the outdoor life

(iii) Raúl complains about…

/ A the facilities
/ B the noise
/ C the location

(iv) Daniela refers to...

/ A the cost
/ B the local people
/ C the activities

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


At the airport

You are waiting for your flight.

You hear an announcement. What are you told?

Put a cross in the correct box.

Example: The flight is going to …

(i) …Barcelona /
(ii) …Málaga /
(iii) …Seville /

(a) The flight…

(i) …is boarding /
(ii) …is cancelled /
(iii) …is delayed /

(b) This is due to…

(i) …bad weather /
(ii) …a strike /
(iii) …a late plane /

(c) Passengers should…

(i) …stay in the departure lounge /
(ii) …go to the information desk /
(iii) …check in immediately /

(d) There will be a change to …

(i) …your flight number /
(ii) …your gate number /
(iii) …your seat number /

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


Problems at the airport

What problems did these friends experience at the airport?

Listen to the recording and write the four correct letters in the boxes below.

(Total for question = 4 marks)


At the hotel reception

Francisco is talking to the hotel receptionist.
Put a cross in the four correct boxes.
Example: Francisco wants to stay for a week. /
(a) Francisco is paying by credit card. /
(b) Francisco's room has a balcony. /
(c) Francisco's son likes swimming. /
(d) Francisco's daughter needs access to the internet. /
(e) Francisco will go to the shops. /
(f) Francisco's wife is a vegetarian. /
(g) Francisco needs to hire a car. /
(h) Francisco wants a newspaper every morning. /

(Total for Question = 4 marks)


Backpacking in Mexico

Belen has been backpacking in Mexico.
Answer the following questions inEnglish.

(a) (i) When did she go to Mexico?


(ii) Why did she choose this time to travel?



(b) What does she tell you about Mexico City?
Give three details (3)




(c) (i) What does Belen say about travelling alone?


(ii) What advice does she have for would be backpackers?
Give two details (2)



(Total for Question = 8 marks)


Gap Year in Ecuador

Maribel talks about her gap year in Ecuador.

Answer the following questions in English.

(a) When did Maribel go to Ecuador?



(b) Where did Maribel stay?



(c) Why did she go to Ecuador? Give two details.




(d) What did Maribel learn about life in Ecuador? Give two details.




(e) To whom does she recommend a trip to Ecuador? Give two details.




(Total for Question = 8 marks)


Working in a hotel

You are working at the reception desk of a busy hotel in Madrid.
Three clients give their requirements.
Put a cross in the appropriate boxes on the grid. Put two crosses in column A and
two crosses in column B.

(Total for Question = 4 marks)

Q12. At the travel agency

Listen to Marisa talking to the travel agent. Answer the following questions in English.

(a) When is she planning to go on her trip?



(b) What does she find out about the hotel?




(c) Why does she ask about the weather?



(d) What activities are included in the trip?




(e) What extra activities are available?




(Total for question = 8 marks)

Q13. Spanish festival (Part 1)

Pablo has been at a festival. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions in English.

(a) (i) When did Pablo return from the festival? (1)


(ii) Which activity did he enjoy the most, and why? (2)



(iii) How long did the festival last? (1)


A Spanish festival (Part 2)

(b) The conversation continues.

(i) In what way can some fiestas be dangerous? Give one detail. (1)


(ii) What advice does Pablo give? Give two details. (2)



(iii) What are Pablo's plans for next year? (1)


(Total for question = 8 marks)