Harassment, Stalking, Cyber-Stalking and Familial Homicide Conference
Organised by Civil and Criminal Justice Working Group: domestic violence - CCJWG
Date: 27th April 2015:
Time: 9.00 a.m. –4.00 p.m.
Venue: City Hall, Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ (accessible venue)
Guest Speakers: Elizabeth Yardley, Birmingham University (Familial Homicide)
Jennifer Perry – Safer-Settings.Com (Cyber Stalking)
Terri Harman – Solicitor – Nelsons Solicitors (Legal Framework)
Jan Flawith – Mediator – Aim Mediation Limited (The Role of Mediation)
Topics: (i) Stalking and harassment, including cyber-stalking
(ii)Family annihilators
(iii)Legislation in civil and criminal courts around stalking and harassment
This is open to all professionals working around the Court system in relation to domestic violence, includingPolice, Social Workers, Probation Services, Support Agencies – domestic violence, drugs and alcohol, mental health, Judges, Magistrates, Legal Advisors, Mediators, Barristers, Solicitors, and Health Services.
Places are limited. Please complete the form below and return by emailto:
There is no charge for attending this conference. It is being supported in a variety of ways by members of CCJWG including Living Without Abuse, Cafcass, Leicestershire Police, Nelsons Solicitors, Johnson Astills Solicitors, and also Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Councils – our thanks to these agencies.
Conference Programme– timings may be subject to change
9 a.m. - Registration
9.30 a.m. – Welcome and Introduction, including Health & Safety
9.45 a.m. – Setting the Scene
10 a.m. – Elizabeth Yardley – Family Annihilators – Seminar and questions
Dr Elizabeth Yardley is a Reader inCriminology and Director of the Centre for Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University. Homicide is Elizabeth's general area of interest and within this, her work has encompassed female serial killers, homicide within healthcare settings, contract killing and media representations of homicide. Her current work focuses upon the role of digital communication technology in homicide and she is currently working on a book about this, entitled "Beyond the Touch-Screen", due for publication in September 2017.
11a.m. – Tea/Coffee Break
11.20 a.m. – Jennifer Perry – Cyber Stalking – Seminar and questions
Jennifer Perry, Director - CEOJennifer has been campaigning for the last nine years on e-victim issues. She has over 20 years in the tech industry. She wrote the UK Guidelines on Digital Risks for victims of domestic violence and stalking in 2012. She has trained hundreds of police officers, social workers, DV professionals and probation officers on stalking and digital abuse. She was special Cyberstalking advisor to the NSS (Network for Surviving Stalking) has been running Digital-Stalking.Com on a voluntary basis for the past four years.
11.55 a.m. – Terri Harman – Legal Framework; and Janet Flawith – The Role of Mediation
Terri Harmanand Janet Flawithare local practitioners. They both have a wealth of valuable experience in working with issues regarding domestic violence.
12.15 p.m. – Workshop One
1 p.m. – Lunch
1.45 p.m. – Workshop Two
2.30 p.m. – Feedback from workshops, plus Questions and Answers
Whole conference discussion – What needs to change to make this a safer place for victims? What can each of us do to bring this about?
4.00 p.m. – End of conference
Application form: CCJWG Harassment, Stalking, Cyber-Stalking and Familial Homicide Conference - Monday 27 April 2015
Contact details: email/phone number: …
Agency/organisation: …
Role: …
We hope to be able to provide a very light lunch, depending on finances – we will confirm whether or not this is available as soon as possible.
- Do you have any particular food needs/allergies? …
Please return this form to if you intend to attend this free event. We ask you to only request a place if you know you are free to attend because places are limited. We will confirm that you have a place as soon as possible.
A final programme will be provided electronically nearer the date. We ask participants to print off and bring any information they need.
Workshop Options
Please indicate which 2 workshops you would prefer to attend for each session:
Please detail your preferences numbered 1 to 4 for Workshop 1 and Workshop 2. Availability may be limited.
Workshop 1 – 12.15 to 1 p.m. / Workshop 2 – 1.45 to 2.30 p.m.Familial Homicide. / Familial Homicide.
Cyber Stalking / Cyber Stalking
Stalking / Stalking
Harassment / Harassment
Legal Framework / Legal Framework
The Role of Mediation / The Role of Mediation
The impact on Children / The impact on Children
Do you want to offer to co-facilitate a round table discussion on any of the above or a related issue?
CCJWG Harassment, Stalking, Cyber-Stalking and Familial Homicide Conference - Monday 27 April 2015