The Worship of God

March 13, 2011

10:15 AM

Prelude Wynette Wilson

Call to Worship Baloche/Brown

“Because of Your Love”

Hymn No. 335 Carter

“Standing on the Promises”

Welcome Pastor Mickey Cogdill

Offertory Hymn No. 547 Gabriel

“I Stand Amazed in the Presence”

Offertory Prayer Deacon

Offertory Adult Choir

“In the Garden Medley” Bolks

Message Pastor Jeremy Evans

“Men At Work”

Ecclesiastes 5: 8-20

Worship Medley Anderson/Altrogge

“Amazed/I Stand in Awe”

Invitation Hymn No. 307 Elliott/Cottrell

“Just As I Am”

Church Family News Martha Cogdill

Closing Prayer Deacon

Postlude Wynette Wilson

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pastor Jeremy Evans preaching

“Hand Over Fist”

Ecclesiastes 6

Sunday School 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:15 AM

A donation of three sets of commentaries has been donated to our Church Library in memory of Frances Brame Dew by a friend of Elizabeth Henry and her sister, Helen.

THE CROSS, BIBLE AND CANDLES are placed in the Sanctuary today in Honor of Annie Sue Faison’s 86th birthday. A donation has been given to Funding the Future by her daughter and son-in-law Marian and Mike James to commemorate this special occasion.

DEACON OF THE WEEK: Jerry Pace – 553-3649.

SHUT-IN OF THE WEEK: Peggy Moss, Wellington Nursing Center, 1000 Tandal Place, Knightdale, NC 27545.

ANNIE ARMSTRONG EASTER OFFERING: Contribution Goal: $3,000.00. Offerings to date: $89.00.

GLOBAL MISSIONS OFFERING: Contribution Goal: $3000.00. Offerings to date: $197.00.



Clarice Evans, Grandmother of Pastor Jeremy Evans – broken hip – TX

Anthony Mitchell – recovering from surgery – Rex

Newborn of Chase Anderson – friend of Ed and Vickie Curtis


Tyler Perry


Suzanne Ridgill, daughter of Pete and Kathy Montague –migraine headaches – Monday, March 14th - Ohio

Vickie Curtis – knee - Thursday, March 17 – Duke Raleigh

Ann Pippin –Monday, March 21 – Duke, Durham


Gerald Adams, nephew of Tommy Jordan


Letha Yancey Irma Utley, mother of Mark Utley, Sr. Peggy Moss


Avery and Maggie Evans – recovering from adenoid & tube surgery

Fonda Boyd Algie Raybon Joe Pippin

Linda Conoley – recovering from sinus surgery

Suzanna Symonds, sister of Mike Burkhart – complications with diabetes - tests – Arkansas

Naomi Frazier, aunt of Susan Cornett - cancer

Scott King, husband of Fallen Yeager King – recovering from surgery

Dover Hinton and Garnet Harper

Faye Pridgen – chemo treatments


Randy Mallard, son of Pat Mallard – Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

Ian Townsend, son of Sandy Townsend – Afghanistan;

Birthday – April 4th; returning home by the end of April

Address: Ian Townsend


APO AE 09354

Greg McGough, friend of Pastor Jeremy Evans - Afghanistan


Church Leaders Spiritual Protection over the Church

Finances of WBC Members, relatives & friends without jobs

Funding the Future Hispanic Sunday School & Worship

The Passage Church


SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

9:00 a.m. -Sunday School

9:00 a.m. -Hispanic Sunday School, large Fellowship Hall

10:15 a.m. -Worship Service, Sanctuary

10:15 a.m. -Hispanic Worship Service, large Fellowship Hall

4:30 p.m. -Handbell Rehearsal, Crusaders Classroom

5:00 p.m. -Children’s Drama Rehearsal, large Fellowship Hall

5:00 p.m. -OperationInAsMuch Planning Meeting, Eureka Classrm

5:45 p.m. -Youth, 3rd Floor

5:45 p.m. -Preschool & Children’s Choirs

5:45 p.m. -Women’s Bible Study, Beth Moore The Inheritance, lg FH

7:00 p.m. -Deacons Meeting, Eureka Friends Classroom

MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2011

9:30 a.m. -Women’s Bible Study – Ephesians, small Fellowship Hall

6:30 p.m. -Women’s Bible Study – Ruth, in homes

7:30 p.m. -Triangle East Fellowship of Churches, Wendell UMC


6:30 p.m. -Tentative ACE Toastmasters Dinner, small Fellowship H.


12:15 p.m. -Lenten Service, Wendell United Methodist Church

5:00 p.m. -ENCORE Preschool & Children’s Choirs

A repeat of Sunday’s rehearsal; bring a bag lunch.

6:00 p.m. -A.W.A.N.A.

6:00 p.m. -Middle School, Class 102, down short hall from elevator

6:00 p.m. -Youth, 3rd Floor

6:15 p.m. -Prayer Meeting & Annie Armstrong Emphasis, large FH

6:15 p.m. -Hispanic Bible Study, Gleaners Classroom

7:00 p.m. -Adult Choir Rehearsal


11:00 a.m. -Prayer Shawl ministry, small Fellowship Hall

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011

6:30 a.m. -Men’s Bible Study, 10 Questions that Trouble Every Man,

small Fellowship Hall


4:00 p.m. -Hamburger & Hot Dog Dinner to Welcome Pastor Evans

and Family, large Fellowship Hall

6:00 p.m. -The Taylors in Concert, Sanctuary

Upcoming Events:

OperationInAsMuch Planning Meeting - 5:00 PM today, March 13, in the Eureka Classroom, ALL OAIM Team leaders please attend.

Save the date for OperationInAsMuch, Saturday, April 30, 2011.

Women’s Sunday Evening Bible Study, Beth Moore’s The Inheritance will begin on March 13th at 5:45 PM in the large Fellowship Hall. Books are still available. For more information, please contact Jessica Cochran.

Mid-day Lenten Services, sponsored by the Triangle East Fellowship of Churches, began on Ash Wednesday, March 9th and continue each Wednesday at 12:15 PM through April 13th. These Services, held in the Fellowship Hall of the Wendell United Methodist Church, begin with a devotional, followed by a light lunch. The Churches in the Fellowship rotate responsibility for the devotional and lunch. Our Church will be responsible on March 23rd. Anyone interested in helping with the lunch, please contact the Church Office at 365-4631 or Dot Riggins at 365-9161.

Following the Lenten Services will be Holy Week Services, Monday through Friday, April 18-22, held at 12:15 PM with devotional/lunch at the Wendell Christian Church. Our Church will be responsible for the devotional/lunch on Wednesday, April 20th. Again, anyone interested in helping with the lunch on that day, please contact the Church Office or Dot Riggins.

A Sunrise Service will be held on Sunday, April 24th at 6:30 AM at the J. Ashley Wall Towne Square.

Spring Senior Adult Rally, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Tuesday, March 22, at Fuquay-Varina Baptist Church. Cost per person - $10.50. Deadline to sign up is today, Sunday, March 13th. For more information, call Linda Conoley or the Church Office at 365-4631.

Let's celebrate the arrival of our new pastor, Dr. Jeremy Evans and his family with a cook-out and special evening of music by The Taylor's. Saturday, March 19th, beginning at 4 PM, in the large Fellowship Hall, we will enjoy Hot Dogs and Hamburgers, as well as a great time of fellowship. Sunday School classes will have assignments to round out the meal, as well as a sign up sheet for childcare if needed during the concert. At 5:45 we will adjourn to the Sanctuary to welcome our community for a 6:00 PM love offering concert by The Taylor's, a brother-sister quartet from Lillington, NC. To get a preview go online to

BAKE AND GROW FOR ANNIE ARMSTRONG! Please make plans to help with our second annual bake and plant sale which will be held on Saturday, May 7th beginning at 8 AM. This early notice will hopefully give you plenty of time to “bake ahead” and to “root” your plant cuttings. (Jane Keith will do the “rooting” for you if you prefer!) Let’s try to exceed our $1000 total proceeds from last year!

For more information, call Jane Keith at 365-3079 or 369-2146.

The Website Development and Management Team is looking for photos to be used on the new Website. If anyone has any photos from past events and activities that they would submit, please see Lester Boyd, Pete Montague or Sandy in the Church Office. They can be on a CD or Photos. The photos will be scanned and returned.

Calling all Cancer Survivors (anyone that has had cancer or is currently fighting the fight), we need you!! Join the Survivor team. It’s FREE!! For info call Sandy Wainwright at 704-500-6417 or see/call Sandy Townsend in the church office.

Luminaries: Buy a luminary In Honor of: or In Memory of: your cancer survivor. $10.00 for a luminary bag or $100.00 for a luminary torch. Call Sandy Wainwright at 704-500-6417 or see Sandy Townsend

Offering, March 6th:

Weekly Budget Need - 2011 $6,517.00

General Offering $12,204.58

Monthly FTF Need $8,850.00

FTF Month to date $2,540.50

FTF Minimum loan Payment thru February $17,700.00

FTF Receipts thru February $15,897.03

General Budget to Date $65,170.00

General Receipts to Date $65,772.50

General Expenses to Date $53,652.51

Hispanic Offering $387.00

Attendance, March 6th:

Sunday School 198

Hispanic Sunday School 10

Oliver House 14

Total 222

11:00 a.m. Worship Service 236

11:00 a.m. Hispanic Worship Service 15


March Ushers: Sam Ewell, Barney York, James Bullock, Bryan Duttman and Dana Duttman

March Offering Receivers: Jarrett Frazier & Ed Curtis

Extended Session

March 13: 10:15 A.M.

Janet Bullock, Michelle Foster, Apryl Frazier, Deanna Rogers, Kathy Poole, Erin Aston

March 20: 10:15 A.M.

Gretchen Edge, Rene Warren, Bobbie Sue Rudder, Laura Leonard, Wendy York, Jeanne Winegar

Extended session is for children 4 years and under.


Church Office Telephone: 919-365-4631 Fax: 919-365-4632

Church Email:

Church Web Site:

Pastor Jeremy Evans, Pastor Home Phone: 229-4573;

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 AM-12 PM

Pastor Mickey Cogdill, Associate Pastor

Home Phone: 830-8350; Cell Phone: 828-691-8820;

Office Hours: Monday 8 AM-1 PM and Friday 8 AM – 12 PM

Dr. Baxter Prevatte, Pastor Emeritus

Martha Cogdill, Director of Music and Children’s Ministries (K-6),

Office Phone: 366-1070; Home Phone: 830-8350;

Wynette Wilson, Instrumentalist

Sandy Townsend, Secretary - Home Phone: 365-4621