Conker Lodge, School Lane, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8AN
Tel: 07931 914238
Newsletter – Autumn Term 1st half 2018
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year and a special welcome to our new starters Ariadne, Eloise, Toby, Effy, Emmeline, Darcie, Arthur and their families. The children have made a great start to the new term, settling back in brilliantly and making new friends. All staff would like to say thank you very much for the lovely cards and gifts which we received at the end of the summer term. At the end of this half term we have arranged a trip to Hillier’s Education Centre in Ampfield where we will be learning about animal homes and doing some pond dipping!
At our AGM in June this year’s committee were voted in as follows:
Chairperson: Daisy Rogers
Vice Chairperson:Emily Waller
Treasurer: Emily Palmer (as before)
Fundraiser:Amanda Ellis (as before)
Fundraiser:Lis Cummins
Also generously offering to help with fundraising events are Katherine Wilsey, Louise Silk, Emma Mackenzie and Victoria Barrett.
We are extremely grateful to these parents for volunteering their valuable time and services to help ensure that our pre-school continues to develop and move forward.
Fundraising Events – The fundraisers and their able helpers have been busily organising various fundraising events for this term. There will be a cake sale on Saturday 6th October, there’s a sheet by the register to add donations of baked goodies for that please. Bangers & Bingo on the evening of Tuesday 13th November at the Tally Ho! ticket price and more details to follow soon. The children will be designing Christmas Cards which you’ll be able to order, along with mugs, t-towels, coasters etc. There will be a Silent Auction at the Christmas Fayre – we would really appreciate any offers of ‘Lots’ for this, examples of some of the things offered in the past are; a Christmas cake, babysitting, jewellery, vouchers for a meal, a pony ride, theatre tickets, a portrait by a professional artist, catering for a dinner party, fishing trips, a helicopter tour of the local area and even a week in a holiday home! So please do get you thinking caps on for this, more info will follow. The fundraising team are also hoping to offer a Christmas Wreath making workshop which sounds like great fun!
School Lunches – Please be aware that these have increased in price to £2.90 per day.
Wow Cards -Don’t forget to use these! The children get very excited when they receive one. They are a way to celebrate your child’s achievements from home, we share them at circle time where we encourage children to tell us about their achievement, which helps to develop communication and language skills. Have they learnt a new skill e.g. riding a bike or using the loo? Have they visited somewhere special or been brave at the dr’s or dentist? Please help yourself to the Wow cards, they are outside in a wallet next to the door where you pick up.
Tapestry – Thank you to those who regularly contribute to your child’s online learning journals through Tapestry. Please add something at least every half term and if possible more often. It is extremely important to us that your child’s online Learning Journal is used as a way of working together with you as parents and in addition to viewing our contributions, we strongly encourage you to regularly add to it by uploading photos and achievements from home and by commenting on observations made by us. This is so we can gain a much more rounded picture of your child’s learning and development and it is also useful for planning suitable activities that are relevant and interesting for your child. If you need a reminder of how to do this there is a Help & Tutorials section available on the web browser version of Tapestry (not the app), when you have logged in just click on your name in the top right-hand corner and a drop-down list will appear. If you have need any help please just ask a member of staff, we are very happy to talk you through it!
Progress Sharing - This is your opportunity to come in and speak to your child’s keyperson to share information about your child’s progress. Before your appointment your child’s Progress Report (or 2 year old check if appropriate) will appear on their Tapestry profile for you to view. You will need to sign in through the website to access it as it is not visible in the app. There is, as always, the opportunity to speak to your child’s keyperson in a more private space if you wish, just ask. Please allow at least 30 minutes as we will be asking all parents to add their comments to their child’s report immediately following the meeting.
Thenext dates for meeting with parents of younger children (those who do not start school next September) will be in the week commencing 15th October.
Older children will be in the week commencing 12th November.
Your child’s keyperson will speak to you to arrange a suitable day/time to come in, this must be during one of your child’s usual sessions.
Applying for a school place - If your child is due to start primary school in September 2019 (4 years old between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019) you will need to apply for a place by 15th January 2019. You can apply from 1st November 2018 either onlineor you can collect a paper application form from the primary school. On time applicants will be notified on 16th April 2019.
More information, including how to apply, is available at:
Dates for your diary:
Autumn Term 20183rd Sept– 20th Dec
(Half term 22nd – 26thOct) / Spring Term 2019
7th Jan – 5th April
(Half term 18th – 22nd Feb) / Summer Term 2019
23rd April – 17th July
(Half term 27th – 31stMay)
Other dates:
Saturday 6th October – Cake Sale
Wednesday 10th October – Committee Meeting at Pre-school 7.30pm
Wednesday 17th October – Trip to Hillier’s Education Centre in Ampfielda.m (letter to follow)
Tuesday 13th November – Bangers & Bingo at The Tally Ho! in Broughton (details to follow)
Thursday 6th December – Trip to ‘The Lights’ theatre in Andover (letter to follow)
Thursday 20th December – Christmas Party at Pre-school 1.30pm -3.30pm (all children)
Thursday 17th January 2019 – Closed for staff training
Thank you for your continuing support - Paula, Tracy, Sam and Katie
Registered Charity No: 1031324 EYE No: 517579 Ofsted No: 109890