Colorado State University — Pueblo
iviath 12s Calculus and Analyti¢ Geometry I,Call Number 4175
section 1— 8:00-8:55 M-F
Instructor: Pat Mall ()
Text: calculus for Scientists and Engineers by Briggs, Cochran, Gillett 2013
Spring 2016
PM 106
Office: PM 203
Hours 7:30-9:30
Prerequisite: Strong algebra and trigonofTiet/ Skills. Ability to work on calculus 15 hours per week.
Grading: We will have five hour exams (500 points) in class at times to be announced and a comprehensive final (200 points). We will have regular assignments that will be collected and graded. These will be worth approximately 300 points. Out of the total of 1000 points you will need to accumulate 90Po for and A, 80'Xo fof a B, 70'X« for a C, and 60'X» for a D. I will base your grade upon your individual written work. All Work sUbmitted must be your own. Any form of cheating will be grounds for an F in the course.
Attendance and Participation: Iexpect you to be in class on time and to pdrticipate and contribute in a manner which aids the learning of all class members. You may be dropped from the course for more that three absences if your work is not of passing quality.
Study Time• Mathematics is not a spectator sport and calculus is not easy. In order to develop the necessary knowledge and skill you may need to spend up to 2 hours of study per day. My goal is for each and every one of you to enjoy and have success in this class. Ipledge to work as hard as I can to reach that goal, but ultimately it is not how much work I do, but how much work you do that will make a difference.
Accommodations: This University abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education "solely by reason of a h6fldicap." If you have a documented disability that may impact your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see the Disability Resource Coordinator as s‹›‹» as ssible to at-range accommodations. In order to receive
Colorado State University-Pueblo EXHP 110L Weight Training
Spring 2016
Instructor: Dax Charles
Office: PE 317
Office Phone: 549-2794
Office Hours: By Appointment
E-Hait i dax.charles ‹i
Course Description: (I credit)
This class is designed to educate the student in techniques and general program development of weightlifting. Students will follow programs designed to improve muscular strength, endurance/hypertrophy during class training sessions.
Course Evaluation(100 possible points) Attendance: 70 points
Daily Exercise Log: 15 points Effort/Technique/Participation: 15 points
Attendance Policv:
90 points or higher — A 80 points or higher - B 70 points or higher — C 60 points or higher — D
You are expected to attend and participate in every class. If you have a legitimate reason for missing a class, please notify me prior to that class meeting or it will be considered an unexcused absence. Two absences will be allowed without impact on your final grade. For each unexcused absence over two, you final grade will drop 5 points. Each time you come late or leave early your final grade will drop 5 points. NO MAKE-UP CLASSES WILL BE ALLOWED!
Exercise Program and Daily Exercise Log:
Following class lectures each student will be responsible for designing and performing their own exercise program. Programs should include at least two goals you would like to accomplish via your exercise program. Every workout session you perform during class will be kept track of in a daily exercise log. Logs will be turned in at the end of each week for my evaluation, and returned to you at the next class session.
* Students are expected to wear the appropriate attire during workouts (gym shorts, warm- ups, sweats, athletic shoes). Individuals not properly dressed will not be allowed to participate and will receive an unexcused absence.
Students will be graded on both the effort they provide during class and the technique they demonstrate while training. Showing up on time, performing the assigned workout with quality intensity, and the demonstration of correct technique will all be evaluated as a part of the grading process.
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