Cllr Glen Nicholas – in the Chair, Cllr David Rowlands; Cllr Roger Parkin, Cllr Ian S Jones,
Cllr P Blackman; Cllr Bartley, Cllr J Woods
Mr Derek Bowker – Parish Clerk.
Item 01/01 - Members of the Public:
No members of the public in attendance
Cllr Harrison in attendance
Item 02/01 To accept apologies
No apologies - all Cllrs present
Item 03/01 - Declaration of Interest Personal/Prejudicial:
Cllr Jones advised that he had a Prejudicial Interest in Application 11/05128/FUL
Item 04/01 - To accept the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7 Nov 2011
RESOLVED – Minutes Approved. Proposed: Cllr Blackman, Seconded: Cllr Parkin. All agreed
Item 05/01 – To consider the latest Planning Applications
RESOLVED - Consideration of the latest Planning Applications
Reference: / Proposal: / Location: / Parish11/05020/FUL / Erection of front porch and single
Storey rear extension / 4, Plemstall Way
Mickle Trafford / MT
The Parish Council have no objections, providing the planning authority is satisfied that the proposal will not cause undue inconvenience to the neighbours and is in sympathy with the existing building. The Parish Council presume that where applicable the guidance of the Mickle Trafford & District Village Design statement will be followed in the planning authority’s decision making.
Reference: / Proposal: / Location: / Parish
11/5125/FUL / Detached Garage / Mill Farm
Warrington Road
Mickle Trafford / MT
The Parish Council have no objections, providing the planning authority is satisfied that the proposal will not cause undue inconvenience to the neighbours and is in sympathy with the existing building. The Parish Council presume that where applicable the guidance of the Mickle Trafford & District Village Design statement will be followed in the planning authority’s decision making.
Reference: / Proposal: / Location: / Parish
11/05048/FUL / Temp Access road, Temp Bridge
Link, Acoustic attenuation fence
& drainage realignment / Ince Resource Park / Ince
The Parish Council have no objections to the work that is proposed in the Planning Application but they are very concerned that restrictions must be put in place to stop any large vehicles from using the B5132, (between the A56 Warrington Road and the A5117) as a “rat run” as this road is not suitable in any way for vehicles of a certain size.
Reference: / Proposal: / Location: / Parish
11/05272/FUL / Conversion of farm building to form
single dwelling with home office (demolition of adjacent hay and implement store building) / Hoole Bank Farm
The Street
CH2 4EP / HV
This application had not been received until the 2nd December and it was agreed that as this was after the circulation of the Planning Committee agenda it would be necessary to ask for an extension on the comment date of the 12th December as it was felt that there would be a lot of local interest in this application
Reference: / Proposal: / Location: / Parish
11/05128/FUL / Extension to earthbank
slurry lagoon / Manor Farm
Picton Lane
Picton / PIC
The Parish Council are fully supportive of this application providing the planning authority is satisfied that full consultation has also taken place with neighbours/landowners. The Parish Council presume that where applicable the guidance of the Mickle Trafford & District Village Design statement will be followed in the planning authority’s decision making
Item 06/01 Applications – Consent granted
Date & Time of next meeting Monday January 2nd 2012 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Signed...... Dated......
Derek Bowker
08 December 2011
Meeting Ref: 2011/??