Environmental Science Course Syllabus


Mrs. Meggin Van Hook Nix

Mrs. Ashley Cochran


Required Textbook: Karen Arms. (2008). Environmental Science.

Required Course Materials (must be brought to every class meeting):

3 Ring Binder#2 pencils

Loose-leaf notebook paperBlue or black pen

Course Description: Environmental Science is designed as an integrated and global approach to science and technology. The concepts in this course focus on the links between living things, their surroundings, and the total environment of the planet. The scientific principles and related technology will assist the student in understanding the relationships between local, national, and global environmental issues. The intent of the course is to help individuals become informed, get involved, and care for one’s self and the environment.

Attendance: Attendance is essential for maintaining successful progress in this course. Refer to the Pelham High School Handbook for specific attendance policies.

Tardiness: Refer to the Pelham High School Handbook for tardy policies.

Course Grade Composition:

Each student will be graded according to their ability to execute the objectives of course components. The components of this course will be weighed in the following manner:

Course ComponentPercent Grade

Tests/Major Projects40%

Quizzes and Labs25%



  1. Tests – Items may be in a format consisting of multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, and essay covering material covered in lectures, videos, and reading assignments.
  2. Class Exercises – Exercises from various resources will be assigned and must be completed during the class time allotted. Also, participation in activities using models, experimentation, and computer activities is required during class sessions.
  3. LAB Reports – Correct procedures for lab reports will be assigned with each lab.
  4. Cumulative Final Exam – A comprehensive final will be given over al material covered through the entire semester
  5. Homework: Students will be assigned homework as deemed necessary; however, students should review notes from class daily
  6. Make-Up Work: Students are responsible for making up all work missed when absent. Work should be made up within 1-2 days upon returning to school.
  7. Notebook: Organization is an essential part of successful academic progress. Students are expected to retain all notes and handouts. Notes, handouts, graded papers, and all assignments should be dated and kept in chronological order.

Grading Scalea;

The grading scale of this course, as shown below, complies with the grading scale of Pelham City Schools.

90-100……………..A80-89…………B 70-79…………C 69 or below………..F

Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to amend the requirements of this course at any time to enhance the teaching-learning process to meet the needs of all students

Class Rule: Be in the right place, at the right time, with the right attitude, and the right equipment, ready to work.

I, ______, (student’s name) have read and understand the policies, procedures, and expectations set forth in the physical science syllabus.

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I feel that you should be aware of the policies, procedures, and expectations of your child’s physical science class. Your signature on this agreement indicates that you have read the physical science syllabus and will encourage your child to strive to perform at their best level throughout the semester. I am looking forward to working jointly with you so that your child may have an enjoyable and successful experience in my class.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______
