2004 Canon Envirothon
Forestry Test (100 points)
Objective 1 – Identify common trees without a key and identify specific or unusual species of trees and shrubs through the use of a key.
1.(3 pt) Match the following tree species with the appropriate characteristic.
______Eastern white pineA.Opposite branching; simple leaves
______Flowering dogwoodB.Coniferous; five needles per fascicle
______White ashC.Opposite branching; compound leaves
2.(1 pt) Using the key provided, give the common name of Tree A.
3.(1 pt) Using the key provided, give the common name of Tree B.
4.(2 pt) Trees can be divided into two major groups. These are:
A.Springwood and summerwood
B.Broadleaf and conifer
C.Hardwood and broadleaf
D.Conifer and softwood
Objective 2 – Understand forest ecology concepts and factors affecting them, including the relationship between soil and forest types, tree communities, regeneration, competition, and succession.
5.(2 pt) Mr. Smith has not harvested hay from his fields for ten years and the grasses are beginning to convert to an early successional forest. Which pioneer tree species would you expect to find growing in these fields?
A.Douglas-fir, sugar maple, hemlock
B.Virginia pine, black locust, sassafras
C.Sassafras, red oak, yellow-poplar
D.American beech, Virginia pine, pignut hickory
E.White oak, red maple, shagbark hickory
6.(4 pt) Trees are commonly classified as to the relative position of their crowns within the forest canopy. Match the tree classifications with the correct description.
______DominantA.Crowns level with crown canopy and receive full light above and relatively little from the sides.
______Co-dominantB.Small crowns that receive some light from above but none from the sides.
______IntermediateC.Small crowns that receive no direct light from above or from the sides.
______SuppressedD.Large crowns that receive full light from above and partial light from the sides.
7.(2 pt) The soil moisture content of the soil plays a large role in determining which tree species will succeed on any given site. Which of the following is an example of a tree species that you would expect to find growing on a wet hydric site?
A.American beech
C.White oak
D.Black willow
8.(6 pt) Before deciding what silvicultural practices to use, the forester must consider how tolerant the tree species in the forest stand are to shade. Beside each tree species, state if it is shade tolerant.
Red oak ______
Yellow poplar ______
Black cherry ______
Sugar maple ______
American beech ______
Pignut hickory ______
Objective 3 – Understand the cause and effect relationship of factors affecting tree growth and forest development (climate, insects, microorganisms, wildlife, etc.)
9.(2 pt) West Virginia is known for its beautiful fall foliage. Many tourists visit this area during the autumn months to see the display of color. Why do the leaves change colors in autumn?
A.Chlorophyll production increases as night length increases
B.Chlorophyll production decreases as night length decreases
C.Chlorophyll production decreases as night length increases
D.Anthocyanins and caretenoids become the dominant pigments in the leaves.
E.a and d
F.b and d
G.c and d
10.(2 pt) You and your friend Julie visit your nearest StateForest in May. While hiking, you notice that there are mature trees, but no seedlings on the forest floor, and there are no wildflowers around either. Instead, the forest floor is covered with a thick blanket of ferns and some grasses. Obviously, the mature trees are limiting the amount of sunlight that can penetrate to the forest floor, thus reducing the number of tree seedlings and wildflowers. What other cause is likely to be contributing to this situation?
11. (5 points) Certain diseases have had a profound effect on the Appalachian region. For instance, the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) has all but disappeared from the Appalachian region because of the Chestnut blight. Name five other diseases that have impacted the Appalachians.
2. ______
Objective 4 -Understand how wildlife habitat relates to forest communities, forest species, forest age and structure, snags and den trees, availability of food, and riparian zones.
12. (2 pt) Den trees are a critical habitat component for many species of wildlife. Which of the following wildlife species would be most impacted by a lack of den trees in a forest?
A. Eastern Wild Turkey
B.White-tailed deer
D. Black bear
13. (2 pt) Which of the following is true?
A. As habitat diversity increases, wildlife diversity decreases
B.As habitat diversity decreases, wildlife diversity increases
C.As habitat diversity increases, wildlife diversity increases
D.None of the above
14. (2 points) Wildlife habitat is an important part of any ecosystem -especially regarding Threatened and Endangered species. West Virginia is home to a threatened species of reptilethat is found nowhere else in the world. What is this species? 15. (2 pt) Invasive species are often introduced or first become established in urban environments. Which one of the following is considered an invasive tree species in the United States?
A.Northern red oak
C. Yellow-poplar
D. Port-Orford-cedar
16. (6 pt) Urban trees provide many important benefits to the communities in which they exist. Unfortunately, urban trees must deal with a wide variety of stresses. Name three (3) of them.
1. ______
Objective 6 -Understand how the following issues are affected by forest health and management: biological diversity, forest fragmentation, air and water quality and fire.
17. (4 pt) Wildfires that occur in West Virginia on an annual basis cause significant damage to the timber resource. Name two other negative results of wildfires.
18.(4 pt) Fragmentation can be defined as the process by which a landscape is broken into small islands of forest within a mosaic of other forms of land use or ownership.@ Give two possible causes of forest fragmentation.
Objective 7 -Understand basic forest management concepts and tools such as: how various silvicultural practices are utilized, the use of tree measuring devices, and best management practices.
19. (3 points) Match the following forestry tools with their respective use.
______Biltmore stickA. used to wrap around tree and determine tree diameter
______Diameter tape B. used to measure tree height and slope
______Clinometer C. used to measure tree diameter and height
20. (2 pt) As a consulting forester, you are asked to determine the volume of Tree C which is being removed from Camp Mahonagon to provide lumber for additional seating at the Council Circle.
A.Using the diameter tape, you determine the diameter of Tree C to be ______.(Round answers to the nearest. 10)
1. 22.0 inches (55.88 cm) )
2. 22.1 inches (56.13 cm)
3. 22.2 inches (56.39 cm)
4. 22.3 inches (56.64 cm)
B. (2 pt) Next, using a Biltmore stick, you measure the merchantable height of Tree C determining the number of 16-foot (4.8 m) logs to an 8-inch (20.3 cm) top. This height is found to be ______logs.
1. 2-1/2 logs
2. 3 logs
3. 3 ½ logs
4. 4 logs
C. (2 pt) Using the International 1/4" Rule volume table (CANADIAN: Using the Hardwood Merchantable Volume Table), it is determined that the volume of Tree C is ______. 2 points
1. 430 board feet (4.8 m3/ha)
2. 494 board feet (5.5 m3/ha)
3. 555 board feet (6.2 m3/ha)
4. 613 board feet (7.5 m3/ha)
21. (2 points) What is this instrument called? It can be used to determine slope percentages and tree heights.
1. compass
2. clinometer
3. relaskop
4. none of the above
Objective 8 -Identify complex factors which influence forest management decisions (economic, social and ecological)
22. (5 pt) Match the following trees with their uses.
1. ______White Ash A. Bows
2. ______Osage-Orange B. Barrels
3. ______Black walnut C. Toothpicks
4. ______Birch D. Baseball bats
5. ______White oak E. Gun stocks
23. (2 pt) Surface mining for coal is common in West Virginia. Usually, when mining is done, the site is reclaimed to grasses instead of trees. List one reason why trees may not be used in mine reclamation?
24.(2 pt) The Monongahela National Forest located in east central West Virginia was the backdrop for the Monongahela Decision concerning the silvicultural practice called clearcutting. Although clearcutting is a valuable silvicultural system that can be used to maintain a balance in landscape diversity and regenerate valuable forest stands, it often has a bad reputation because it ______.
A.is detrimental to ruffled grouse habitat
B.leaves a significant residual stand behind
C.has a dramatic visual effect
D.a and c
E.all of the above
D.none of the above
25.(6 pt) Trees provide a wide range of environmental benefits. Name three of them.
Objective 9 – Apply silvicultural concepts and methods to develop general management recommendations for a particular situation and management goal.
26.(2 pt) The landowner would like to create more habitat for ruffed grouse. From the following, select an option(s) that you, as a forester, would not recommend. (Circle all that apply).
A.Plant aspen trees
B.Clear cut
C.Cut all grapevines
D.Prescribed burn
E.Single tree selection
27.(6 pt) CampMahonagon would like to develop a forest management plan to direct their management activities on their forest. As their consulting foresters looking at this site, which tree/shrub species would you recommend they retain if their primary management objective was (list two for each objective).
A.Timber production?
B.Wildlife management
C.Aesthetic purposes
28. (10 pt) Mr. Sandberg would like to harvest timber on his 200-acre forest and he hires you, a professional forester to mark those trees to be cut and to develop a timber harvest management plan, which would protect his property and trout in the stream. His property contains a high value stream that is used by reproducing native brook trout. Most of his forest is on slopes of 10 to 12 percent. Name five Best Management Practices (BMPs) that should be used to protect the water quality of the stream before, during and after the timber harvest.
29. (4 pt) Foresters use many techniques and practices to manage forest resources. Two of these include insect and disease control and forest regeneration/reforestation. Name two others.
Composite Sawtimber Volume Table
International ¼ inch Log Rule
Tree d.b.h(inches) / Number of 16-foot logs per tree
1 / 1 ½ / 2 / 2 ½ / 3 / 3 ½ / 4 / 4 ½
Volume in Board Feet
12 / 57 / 80 / 100 / 115
14 / 79 / 110 / 140 / 163 / 181 / 205
16 / 105 / 147 / 180 / 213 / 247 / 278 / 309
18 / 135 / 188 / 235 / 278 / 320 / 360 / 400 / 445
20 / 170 / 236 / 295 / 350 / 402 / 450 / 499 / 552
22 / 209 / 290 / 362 / 430 / 494 / 555 / 613 / 676
24 / 252 / 346 / 431 / 512 / 594 / 665 / 742 / 821
26 / 300 / 409 / 508 / 604 / 698 / 786 / 880 / 980
28 / 348 / 478 / 597 / 705 / 812 / 918 / 1025 / 1137
30 / 408 / 552 / 687 / 811 / 934 / 1061 / 1180 / 1315
Utilization Standards: stump height is one foot, or 12 inches.
Factors for Calculating Hardwood Merchantable Volume (m3/ha)
Average Merchantable Height *(m)
Diameter* (cm) / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 / 22
10 / 2.1 / 2.6 / 3.1 / 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.4 / 4.8 / 5.2
12 / 2.7 / 3.3 / 3.9 / 4.5 / 5.1 / 5.6 / 6.2 / 6.7
14 / 3.0 / 3.7 / 4.3 / 5.0 / 5.6 / 6.2 / 6.8 / 7.4
16 / 3.1 / 3.9 / 4.6 / 5.2 / 5.9 / 6.5 / 7.1 / 7.7
18 / 3.2 / 4.0 / 4.7 / 5.4 / 6.0 / 6.7 / 7.3 / 7.9
20 / 3.3 / 4.0 / 4.8 / 5.5 / 6.1 / 6.8 / 7.4 / 8.1
22 / 3.3 / 4.1 / 4.8 / 5.5 / 6.2 / 6.9 / 7.5 / 8.2
24 / 3.3 / 4.1 / 4.8 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 6.9 / 7.6 / 8.2
26 / 3.4 / 4.1 / 4.9 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 7.0 / 7.6 / 8.3
28 / 3.4 / 4.1 / 4.9 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 7.0 / 7.6 / 8.3
30 / 3.4 / 4.1 / 4.9 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 7.0 / 7.7 / 8.3
32 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 7.0 / 7.7 / 8.3
34 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.6 / 6.3 / 7.0 / 7.7 / 8.4
36 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.0 / 7.7 / 8.4
38 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
40 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
42 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
44 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
46 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
48 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
50 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
52 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 4.9 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.7 / 8.4
54 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 5.0 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.8 / 8.4
56 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 5.0 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.8 / 8.4
58 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 5.0 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.8 / 8.4
60 / 3.4 / 4.2 / 5.0 / 5.7 / 6.4 / 7.1 / 7.8 / 8.4
*Based on merchantable trees> or = 9cm DBH
To obtain Merchantable Volume (m3/ha), multiply factor by Merchantable Basal Area (m2/ha)