Scene 9

SOUND: Jazz music fades up then changes to Egyptian music.

LIGHTS: Reflective pool up.

KHARIS steps out of the sarcophagus and crosses to the reflecting pool. He stares down into the water then stands looking out into the audience. He looks to the right and then to the left. He sees the altar and crosses left. He looks at the ceremonial dress of Ankh-es-en-Amon. Next he looks at the Golden Book of the Living. He picks it up and turns to the audience. He thinks then places it back on its stand. Next he picks up the box of tana leaves. He tries to open it, but it does not open. He places it back on the altar. He crosses to his Armor. He touches it. He lifts it of the mannequin and holds it. He looks out into the audience and crosses to them. He shows the armor to the audience and gestures that the armor is him. He was the prince and the warrior. KHARIS crosses upstage of the reflective pool and shows the armor to the pool.

SOUND: Music fades out.

KHARIS stands motionless for a moment.

SOUND: JAZZ music slowly fades up.

KHARIS quickly crosses to the mannequin and replaces the armor.

VALERIE: Let’s go back into the tomb!

ZERO: Excellent idea.

KHARIS turns and quickly goes back to the sarcophagus.

LIGHTS: Reflective pool out. Generals up.

VALERIE enters HALL pulling LAWRENCE behind her.

VALERIE: Next song?

LAWRENCE: Next song!

VALERIE and LAWRENCE cross downstage of reflective pool on the floor.

SKYLER and EDITH carrying champagne bottle enter HALL and cross to altar.

HELEN holding FRANK’s arm pulls him into the room. Frank is somewhat reluctant.

FRANK: I don’t dance.

HELEN: Of course you do.

HELEN and FRANK cross left of reflective pool.

PARTY GIRL enters pulling JEFFREY by the hand. JEFFREY is still drinking milk.

PARTY: Put the milk down.

JEFFREY: I have an ulcer.


ZERO enters holding a champagne glass in one hand and two champagne bottles by the neck in the other.

ZERO: For my next trick I shall make two bottles of champagne disappear.

FRANK: I don’t understand you. Mostly you have ignored me and when you aren’t ignoring me your complaining.

HELEN: When I work, I work. When I don’t work… I’m not working.

FRANK: Too much champagne for you.

HELEN: Equals not enough for you.

SOUND: Music stops.

VALERIE: Here it comes. Here it comes!

SOUND: Sugar Foot Stomp

LAWRENCE and VALERIE dance the more complicated Charleston.

Midway through SKYLER, EDITH, JEFFREY, PARTY GIRL, HELEN, FRANK and ZERO dance the simple Charleston.

End of song ALL applaud.

PARTY GIRL: More magic!

ZERO: That would be me.

ZERO performs a few feats of magic. ALL “Ahh!” clap and applaud as needed.


JEFFREY: Still not happening.

PARTY sad, looks toward LAWRENCE.

LAWRENCE: Still thirteen.

HELEN: Still taken.

ALL laugh.

PARTY GIRL: More champagne?

ZERO: I can help with that.

VALERIE: Someone owes us a song.

EDITH: Yes, Lawrence a song.

ZERO: Croon something.

EDITH: Please.

JEFFREY: For this I need more milk.

ALL laugh.

LAWRENCE crosses to the mic.

SOUND: Ain’t She Sweet

LAWRENCE: (singing)

There she is
There she is
There’s what keeps me
Up all night
Oh gee whiz
Oh gee whiz
There’s why I can’t eat a bite

ZERO sneaks up on the altar and stands covering the Tana box. She removes the Tana leaves which are in a bag.

Those flaming eyes
That flaming youth
Oh mister, oh sister
Tell me the truth
Ain't she sweet?
See her walking down that street
Yes, I ask you very confidentially,
ain't she sweet?
Ain't she nice?
Look her over once or twice
Yes, I ask you very confidentially,
ain't she nice?

ZERO begins to rejoin the crowd but stops when she sees IMHOTEP.

IMHOTEP enters SL arch and stands watching.

Just cast an eye
in her direction
Oh me, oh my,
ain't that perfection?

ALL begin one at a time to notice IMHOTEP and stop dancing and sing and look at him.

Oh, I repeat, well,
don't you think that's kinda neat?
Yes, I ask you very confidentially,

LAWRENCE stops singing. After few more beats the music stops.

IMHOTEP: Very entertaining.

EDITH: Thank you Lawrence.

ALL applaud politely.

SKYLER crosses to the altar and brings LAWRENCE back to EDITH.

IMHOTEP: Dr. Marta.


IMHOTEP: The other one.

HELEN crosses to IMHOTEP. She is spellbound.


IMHOTEP: Dr. Pearson sends her regrets. She is not feeling well and has gone home.

VALERIE: Too much champagne.


IMHOTEP: I’m sure.

HELEN: I must go to her.

FRANK: I’ll take you.

IMHOTEP: I am going that way.

FRANK: No thanks.

SKYLER: Don’t put yourself out. Edith and I were going over to Dr. Pearson’s after the party anyway. Helen you can come with us.

IMHOTEP: Perhaps that is best. I will go.

SKYLER: Good evening.

IMHOTEP: Good evening.


ZERO follows, but stops behind FRANK placing the tana leaves in his pocket. ZERO exits.

FRANK: (to HELEN) I’ll go with you.

HELEN: (coming out of the stupor) I’m fine. You take care of the exhibit and close the museum.

SKYLER: We’ve got her.


VALERIE: Well that kills the party.

PARTY GIRL: I know where there is one more bottle of champagne.

VALERIE: I’m starting to like you.


JEFFREY: Frank you notice how it seems to be you and me always left alone?

FRANK: Stand guard will ya?


JEFFREY: More milk.LIGHTS: Fade to black.