The East Tennessee Episcopal Cursillo Welcomes You! Congratulations on your decision to attend a Cursillo weekend. It is a decision you will remember as an experience of a lifetime! The weekend begins Thursday at 6:30 P.M. and ends late Sunday afternoon.
The procedure is simple: There are three forms, one for you, one for your sponsor, and one for your Priest.Simply fill out your form below, give it to your sponsor, and you are on your way to a wonderful weekend of Cursillo! To read more about Cursillo weekends, please go to To read more about Cursillo in East Tennessee, go to and click on “formation” and then “Cursillo.”
We look forward to seeing you there!
Pam and Allen Douglass, Lay Directors ETEC
Weekend Location: Grace Point Retreat Center, Kingston, TN
Date of Weekend: October 4-7, 2018 Date of This Form:______
Sponsor’s Name & phone number______
Use back of form if needed. Please print clearly or type.
Candidate’s name ______Name preferred______
Phone numbers______E-mail______
Birth Date ______Marital Status______If married is your spouse’s application being submitted at this time? ______Or has your spouse attended a Cursillo weekend? ______If yes, when and where?______
Occupation ______
Church you now attend______
Name of Priest______
Have you talked with your Priest about Cursillo? ______
Have you talked with your sponsor about Cursillo? ______
Please give a brief statement about why you would like to attend a Cursillo weekend and what you hope to gain.
Each Cursillo Weekend at GracePoint begins on Thursday at 6:30 pm and ends late Sunday afternoon. During that time a short course in Christianity is presented through a series of talks, chapel services, and discussion sessions. There is ample time for fun, food and making new friends. A number of breaks are scheduled throughout the day, but it is a full, exciting and eventful weekend. A great deal is packed into the weekend. The schedule is full and the days are long! Each talk or activity prepares the way for what is to follow; therefore attendance at every session is required. Can you be present for all activities? ______if not, please elaborate. We ask that you leave computers, electronic devices, cameras, etc. at home. We will be asking you to put aside your cell phones for the weekend, so that you can participate more fully and enjoy the time away from these disturbances. We will keep track of time for things you need, such as your medicines and meals, so that you don’t need to worry about anything.
Do you require a special diet or medication? If so, please describe: ______
Non-smoker___ Smoker___
Do you have any special needs (hearing, visual, physical, CPAP, and etc.) that leaders need to be aware of? If yes, please advise: ______
Activities, Recreations and Hobbies: ______
Your total cost of $50 must accompany this application. Make check payable to:
East Tennessee Episcopal Cursillo. If you need assistance with your application fee, help is available. Please let your sponsor or your priest know. Ifthere is any question, please call:
Margaret Bickley 865.384.7422 or Pam & Allan Douglass 865.207.7503
Please return this application to your sponsor as soon as possible. If not possible, send it directly to:
Margaret Bickley, Registrar ETEC 50
5408 Pinecrest Road
Knoxville, TN37912