Hiring Faculty in the College of Medicine:
A Resource Guide
(find this online: http://medicine.osu.edu/faculty/resources/admins/pages/hiring-faculty-guide.aspx)
This is intended as a supplement to three University policies:
- OAA Policy on Faculty Recruitment and Selection: http://oaa.osu.edu/assets/files/documents/facultyrecruitment.pdf
- OAA Policy on Faculty Appointments: http://oaa.osu.edu/assets/files/documents/facultyappointments.pdf
- The Office of Human Resources’ Guide to Effective Searches: https://hr.osu.edu/private/talent/guide-to-effective-searches.pdf
Key search and hire points (for further explanation, please consult the Policy on Faculty Recruitment and Selection and the Policy on Faculty Appointments):
- All non-FGP faculty positions have to be approved via the Faculty Position/Posting Request Process (see below for more specific information).
- All tenure-track, clinical and research faculty positions must result from a national search.
- The requirement to advertise in a journal(30-day online posting will qualify)is a US Department of Labor requirement to ensure that a non-citizen was hired only after a search for a citizen was thoroughly conducted. If a non-citizen is hired they will not be able to obtain permanent residency without this evidence.
- The advertising and posting requirements are separate.
- Exemptions may be requested from the advertising requirement with appropriate justification.
- All paid positions must be posted on the medical center’s online job board.
- If a search committee is formed, departments should provide the College Office of Academic Affairs (Kendra Kay) with the members of the search committee, including the committee member who is identified as the diversity advocate.
- Departments should seek a diverse pool of applicants.
- The College requires that information about the applicant pool be submitted with the request for approval of the letter of offer
- The final candidate has to submit an application on the OSUWMC career page. http://medicalcenter.osu.edu/careers/Pages/index.aspx
- All letters of offer (LOO) must be reviewed and approved prior to the letter being sent to the candidate for signature, including non-salaried offers.
- Candidates may review draft LOOs if necessary (include draft watermark, and ensure recruit knows it has not been fully approved yet).
- For non-FGP faculty, email a draft for Dr. Bornstein’s approval to Kendra Kay. Refer to APT Required Documentswebsite for all documents that need to be sent.
- For FGP faculty, follow Meditract process.
Faculty Position/Posting Request Process:
All Non-FGP faculty positions are reviewed by Dr. Bornstein via the Faculty Position/Posting Request form:
- Faculty position/posting requests should be approved prior to candidates visiting.
- Faculty Position/Posting Request form is initiated when:
- Department/Division anticipates staffing needs and recruitment plans for the coming fiscal years.
- Faculty resigns and replacement will be needed.
- Unplanned opportunity to recruit.
- Department/Division completes Faculty Position/Posting Request Form.Form is located on the Faculty Affairs Formswebsite.
- Email completed form to Kendra Kay. New requests will be reviewed and returned within a week.
- After request is approved, department continues with established process of submitting an HRA to create/update position and requesting to post position. Please reference Faculty Position/Posting Request # in comments section when creating position.
Interviewing Candidates:
- Interviews with a COM Leadership member should be scheduled on the second visit (except in cases for which the candidate is being offered a position on the first visit). If neither Drs. Bornstein or Binkley are available, please schedule with either Dr. Dan Clinchot, Vice Dean of Education (Sid LaFramboise) or Dr. Peter Mohler, Vice Dean of Research (Lora Cuckler).
- Interviews with a COM Leadership member are not required for associated faculty candidates or fellows.
Documents to be sent to OAA for a Non-FGP Faculty new hire (also refer to the APT Required Documents website):
- OAA Checklist (there is a different checklist for Research Faculty)
- LOO on appropriate current template: https://onesource.osumc.edu/sites/forms/Pages/COM%20Faculty%20Affairs%20Forms.aspx
- P&T documentation for senior rank hires
Hiring Retired Faculty Members:
Please review the guide for hiring return retirees and note that approval is required every year that a returning retiree continues paid employment. There are two return retiree job codes, one for faculty members who also have emeritus status (7284), and one for faculty members who do not have emeritus status (7286).
If a physician faculty member is being rehired and only paid on the physician appointment, a Retiree-Faculty position (or Retiree-Faculty Emeritus) no sal should be entered.
Return retirees are coded temp or term.
Requesting Emeritus Status:
Faculty who retire from the university with a distinguished record of service are eligible to request emeritus status. This provides limited perquisites, such as a parking pass, library and computer access. Key points to remember:
- Emeritus status is always a non-salaried position.
- Request to rehire a retired faculty member may be submitted for a faculty member who has requested emeritus status or not. These are independent actions.
- Emeritus Status requires Board of Trustees approval. Board deadlines may be found here: http://www.trustees.osu.edu/meeting-schedules/ (please note that documents should be submitted to Heather Brod/Kendra Kay approximately 2 weeks prior to this deadline to ensure enough time for College and University review and approval)
- Emeritus status is only requested once.
Please enter the emeritus position on record 0 as term. There are new title codes in PeopleSoft for Emeritus faculty: Assistant Professor-Emeritus; and Associate Professor-Emeritus. There is also a code for Professor-Emeritus and Faculty Emeritus. The preferred job title code to use is 4612 Faculty Emeritus, for all emeritus positions.
Associated Faculty (formerly known as Auxiliary)
The University made changes to the nomenclature for the faculty formerly called auxiliary. These faculty are now called Associated. This affected the titles. Please see the Policy on Faculty Appointments for additional information.
Additionally, the Board of Trustees approved an increase to the permissible length of associated faculty titles. They may now be 1-3 years (previously it was limited to one year).
How to use these titles:
The job codes 3180, 3160, 3170, 3210 used to be: Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, and Clinical Professor – respectively. An automatic update was made in PeopleSoft to change these titles to: Instructor-Practice, Assistant Professor-Practice, Associate Professor-Practice, Professor-Practice, per the revised BOT guidelines.
There is also a series of titles in the Associated Faculty beginning with Adjunct. The COM uses both title series. Here are the guidelines on how to use both title series.
-Practice series
- For paid appointments, both new and continuing, use this series and use the working titles: Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Prof, Clinical Associate Prof, Clinical Professor
- For unpaid faculty who have a paid clinical appointment or appointment at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, both new and continuing, use this series and use the working titles: Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant Prof, Clinical Associate Prof, Clinical Professor
- Appointments up to 1 year in length should be coded temp, appointments longer than 1 year and those with a presumption of renewal should be coded term
Adjunct series(always unpaid)
- For unpaid community-based faculty, use the titles Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor and Adjunct Professor
- For non-clinical staff at OSU/NCH where an unpaid faculty appointment is appropriate,(e. g. teaching & evaluating a medical student),use the titles Adjunct Instructor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor and Adjunct Professor.
- *Important* If a paid OSU staff is given a non-salaried faculty appointment, it will translate as STRS eligible and their retirement will switch to STRS (reference OHR 4.20 Policy).
LOO templates for new adjunct appointments and conversion to adjunct titles may be found on OneSourcehere
- Appointments up to 1 year in length should be coded temp, appointments longer than 1 year and those with a presumption of renewal should be coded term
Courtesy appointment: A non-salaried appointment given to a faculty member who has a primary appointment in another OSU department. For example, a faculty member is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and the department chair of Radiology offers the faculty member a courtesy appointment. The faculty member keeps the title of Assistant Professor in Radiology with a .1 FTE non-salaried record coded temp.
Additional Resources:
- Rules of the University Faculty: https://trustees.osu.edu/index.php?q=university/facultyrules
- OAA Policies and Procedures Handbook (POA and APT Guidelines): http://oaa.osu.edu/policiesprocedureshandbook.html
- Policy on Faculty Annual Review: http://oaa.osu.edu/assets/files/documents/annualreview.pdf
- Policy on Faculty Paid External Consulting: http://oaa.osu.edu/assets/files/documents/paidexternalconsulting.pdf
- Policy on Faculty Compensation: http://oaa.osu.edu/assets/files/documents/facultycompensation.pdf
- Departmental P&T Documents: https://oaa.osu.edu/appointments-reappointments-promotion-and-tenure
- COM APT Document: https://oaa.osu.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/governance-documents/college-of-medicine/COM_APT_2012-09-19.pdf
- COM Pattern of Administration: https://oaa.osu.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/governance-documents/college-of-medicine/COM_POA_2017-09-07.pdf
- Faculty Workload: http://medicine.osu.edu/faculty/policies/pages/workload.aspx
- Faculty Effort on Grants: http://medicine.osu.edu/faculty/policies/pages/effort-on-grants.aspx
- OSU Board of Trustees: http://trustees.osu.edu/
Kendra Kay, Manager, Office of Academic Affairs
Updated September 2018