Matrix for the Country Profile of the Unreached
Country Name: VIETNAM
Priority (Please tick first three) / Unreached and Underserved Groups / A / B / C / D / E / F /Data/Information about the Group / Barrier(s) to Education in Terms of Access and Participation / OUR STRENGTHS: what we can share and give away to other Southeast Asian countries / OUR NEEDS: what we might take and learn from other Southeast Asian Countries /
Existing Programmes, Projects and Activities for the Target Unreached Group / Challenges to implementation of Existing Programmes / Planned strategies to improve existing Programmes / Areas, Programmes, Projects, Activities where the country would like to work with other Southeast Asian countries /
- 2006- 2007: The state budget for education made up 18%.
- 2008–2020: The target amount is increased more 20%, makes up 5.5% GDP
- National target program in providing textbooks, document, learning facilities for rural areas and ethnic minority children groups.
- Improve Cải thiện EMIS for purpose of plan making and education investment.
1. / Learners from remote and rural communities, including isolated areas (remote islands, mountainous areas, etc.) / - ECCE: Rate of aged-5 ethnic minority children who have not out-of-school is 37%. Quality of education facilities is still low. / - Awareness of level authorities & students’ parents is inadequate
- Lack of conditions to develop and enhance quality of 5 years old kindergarten is a direct reason to make low quality of 5 years old kindergarten.
+ Schools, classes and learning facilities.
+ Teachers in inadequacy and low capabilities.
+ Backward programs and methods. / - Decision No. 149/ 2006/TTg of the Prime Minister on approving the ECCE development project in period of 2006-2015 prioritize to develop ECCE in mountainous and ethnic minorities.
- Program “Viet language preparation for aged-5 children go to school”
- Program “Support kindergarten children from poor families to school according to the Decision No. 112/2006/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister. / - Low quality with 37.24% numbers of aged-5 kindergartens (445,200 children) have not been implemented programs adequately.
- Lack of class rooms to mobilize out-of-school children. There are 2,632 temporary classes, 789 bamboo classes and 5,761 depended class rooms.
- Most of teachers for early childhood education have not been trained basic and low quality.
- More than 11,000 teachers in ethnic and mountainous areas but most of them do not know ethnic languages.
- Teachers are ethnic minority people who teach 5 years children are very low rate of 5.1% (5,271 teachers). / PROJECT OF 1 YEAR UNIVERSAL EDUCATION WITH 5 YEARS OLD KINDERGARTEN 2009-2015
1. Objectives
1.1 Raise mobilization rate of universal children in difficult areas from 90% in 2008 to 92% in 2012 and 95% in 2015.
1.2 Class rooms have been built solidly with enough minimum requirements on facilities to prepare Viet language for children and implement new programs on education caring.
1.3 Enhance quality of aged-5 kindergarten; strive for children reached standards are at least 70% in 2009 up to 85% in 2015.
2. Missions and main solutions
2.1 Ensure enough current state budgets for learning activities of aged-5 kindergarten.
- Difficult and ethnic population areas: The State organizes public schools and kindergartens and ensures 100% budget norm for children.
2.2 Build enough class rooms for aged-5 kindergarten in communes from rural, and ethnic minority areas.
2.3 Build and provide minimum set of facilities for class rooms of aged-5 kindergarten.
2.4 Enhance quality of teacher training and supplement policies for teacher.
- Increase rate ethnic teachers; prioritize difficult areas with input recruitments at sites; implement teacher training courses regularly.
- Supplement policies for teachers in rural, mountainous areas who will be paid as per the payroll of state budget.
2.5 Implement new programs to enhance quality in mountainous, difficult and ethnic population areas prior to 2012.
- Supplement Viet language preparation program for aged-5 classes in mountainous and ethnic areas for full-day learning of children at schools.
2.6 Mobilize social resources to implement aged-5 kindergarten universal.
- Popularize models of organizing board-schooling meals or implement learning meals for children.
- Mobilize supports from international organizations to implement aged-5 kindergarten universal.
2.7 Popularize Project to show that aged-5 kindergarten universal with quality is due to their juniors as well as aspiration and benefit of the community to receive the support and help from parents and economic organizations.
3. Resources
- Expenditure is mobilized from annual current state budget for education and school fee as the regulations.
- From the target national program for education; the project “school, class consolidation” for period of 2008-2012 and the project “The development of Teacher staffs and education managers”
- From enterprises, people and other legal resources.
4. Inadequacies: 40% will be mobilized from people and local and foreign resources. / 1. Build and supplement the program “Viet language preparation for aged-5 children in mountainous and ethnic areas so that children can go to school full day.
2. Build and propagandize models of distributed mobilization from people to build schools, classes and implement learning meals for aged-5 children.
3. Technical support on current training form teacher staff to implement new early childhood education programs.
2. / Learners from religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities/indigenous peoples / PRIMARY:
- Lowest learning results with: 30.5% of students are under level of “near-standard” with 16.3% in rural areas and 9.4% in urban areas. / + By lacking of resources, primary education at school sites therefore has not been ensured on quality.
+ Infrastructure is temporary there; lack of textbooks or teaching facilities.
+ Low rate of teachers reached standard, less experience and can not speak ethnic languages (NIESAC & Mekong Economics/Intrec)
- Teaching language uses in school is not mother tongue of children.
- Difference in customs and culture. / Many programs with large scale funded by the State and other foreign sponsors.
- School soliditization program;
- PTDP, PEDC projects have been built many school sites.
- Nearly 23% primary students go to school at school sites and most of them are students from ethnic minority groups.
- Pilot programs to support teachers are people who know both of Kinh and ethnic languages.
- Pilot bilingual programs for ethnic minority children.
- Viet language teaching program based on mother tongue in the bilingual program Jrai Viet.
- Enhance Viet language for ethnic minority students at grade 1 (PEDC project) follows document of Centre of technology and education. / - Resource to upgrade primary schools; temporary and bamboo school elimination.
- Migration in the country from rural to urban related to population problems, it is necessary to rationalize primary school system and ensure quality at some necessary schools.
- Implement full-day learning programs and ensure quality of learning at school sites.
- Various levels education till low levels at local to enhance education management.
- Big gap on learning results between students in regions especially with children groups of remote areas and ethnic minority communities.
-Fairly rate of teachers under national standards. Teachers still are not positive in research of content, program and teaching method renovations. / B. PRIMARY EDUCATION: REACHING THE UNREACHED
- Many efforts from Ministry of Education and training and other related Ministries, industries toward on underperforming boys, boys at risk of dropping out, male dropouts. Boys and girls should be provided the same education services.
- More research on gender to change current situation of boy learning results. Most of mentioned boys are working and street boys. Currently, Ministry of Education and Training has not enough resources. The new school models whose instead of popular schools has not been provided effectively. Currently, Vietnam is paying attention to children groups who are inadequate education access.
- In Northwest areas where 82% students of lower education are ethnic minority people, school girls make up less than 44%. / - Children students must go far to school or must board at boarding-school areas.
- Limited schools and a lot of people have prejudice girl students who stay at boarding-school areas.
- Lack of day-board schools for students in rural, mountainous, ethnic areas.
- Children must to help their families, must work to increase income.
- Students from ethnic minority groups are not fluent with Viet language.
- There is unequal gender in education has not much improved. / - Lack of day-board schools for students in rural, mountainous, ethnic areas and for girl students.
- Children must to help their families, must work to increase income.
- Students from ethnic minority groups are not fluent with Viet language.
- Households must bear expenses for education directly and indirectly including school fee, textbooks, learning document, uniform, food and transfer. The working time to contribute income in all ethnic and ethnic minority groups of girl students is much more 20-50% in comparison with boy students. / C. LOWER SECONDARY EDUCATION IN THE MOST DIFFICULT REGIONS PROJECT (LSEMDRP)
1. Objectives
- This project with the hope of pioneer in lower secondary education universal and relying on that, difficult groups will get more integration on economic and society.
- Expected result of this project is increasing of enrolment at lower secondary education level, especially for ethnic minority children and girls of 103 difficult districts in the 17 provinces under the project
- Support directly for Action Plan on upper secondary education 2006-2010 funded by ADB which is implementing in Vietnam.
2. Effectuations
- Encourage upper secondary education by Vietnam difficult group will take part in socio-economic development.
3. Expected results
3.1 Enhance access chance with lower secondary education
a. Build class rooms and day-board facilities.
b. Build class rooms for centres of continuing educations
3.2 Enhance quality and appropriation of secondary education
a. Enhance to cultivate teachers at schools.
b. Enhance to train pedagogy students prior to graduating
c. Continue to enhance specialist knowledge
d. Document on guidance and support
e. New public houses for teachers
f. New laboratories and libraries
g. Apply IT in education for girls and ethnic minority students.
h. Scholarship program on teacher training for ethnic minority students.
3.3 Testing of renovation method to enhance equality and education access chance for girls and ethnic minority students.
a. Pilot scholarship program for ethnic minority students.
b. Propagandize food support program for day-board schools.
c. Implement researches on pilot ideas
4. Enhance capabilities of plan making and education management for the most difficult groups
4.1 Build capabilities of plan making and education management.
4.2 Education management information system at schools for ethnic minority students.
4.3 Support project management and implementation
5. Risks
5.1 Low demand in education.5.2 Inadequate teachers work in stability. Teacher will leave there as soon as possible.
5.3 Steadiness: The provinces with high rate of ethnic minority people in difficult economic condition will not be able to afford for education.
- Number of illiterate people from aged 15 up in 3 regions of mountainous northern, central highlands and Mekong river delta of Vietnam are of 1,348,866 people.
- Mountainous northern: 641,333 people.
- Central highlands: 160,227 people.
- Mekong river delta: 547,306 people. / - Areas to live of people have been divided by mountains;
- People live dispersedly; lack of land to cultivate;
- Many ethnic minority groups are with many ways of living, customs, unequal awareness.
- Most of people who need to literate universal are old and are main work resource in their families.
- Their awareness in benefit of learning is still limited. / - Having implementing Decision No. 112/2005/QD-TTg dated 18/5/2005 of the Prime Minister on approval project “Building learning society, period from 2005-2010” with objectives till 2010 on elimination of illiteracy with:
- Project “Elimination of illiteracy for adults in the mountainous northern”
- Project LIFERSS funded by UNESCO. / - Insufficient of teacher staffs, programs and document for class rooms of elimination of illiteracy
+ Non- professional from border soldiers, members of Women associations, Youth union etc
+ Programs and its document are both in inadequacy and incomprehensive.
- The directions of authorities at levels and education industry at the above mentioned locals to perform elimination of illiteracy have not really peremptory
- The regulations and policies for teachers and staffs whose perform elimination of illiteracy are insufficient.
- The regulations on approval individuals, units reached standards need to be re-considered in accordance with socio-economic conditions in the new stages. / NON-FORMAL EDUCATION
1. Proposal the project “Develop elimination of illiteracy, create learning chance for adults in Mountainous northern, Central Highlands and Mekong river regions”
- Expenditure is more 1 million US Dollars in period from 1-3 years.
2. Subjects :
- Organize training and cultivating programs for education managers and teachers who are doing elimination of illiteracy to enhance quality of elimination of illiteracy.
- Exchange experience in bilingual document compiling for some of ethnic groups where their own ethnic language and writing in using such as Kh’mer, Cham, H’mong, Jarai, Bana etc.
- Enhance audiovisual learning programs, the media, means of IT-communications to implement elimination of illiteracy to learners from remote areas effectively.
- Pilot building some of centres of learning community in difficult areas to implement elimination of illiteracy for ethnic minority people. / - Trao đổi kinh nghiệm hoạt động xóa mù chữ tại các trung tâm học tập cộng đồng.
- Trao đổi kinh nghiệm biên soạn tài liệu xóa mù chữ song ngữ cho người dân tộc.
Matrix for the Country Profile of the Unreached – Vietnam Page 6 of 6